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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016



    I'm gonna say it before he does


    no provincial income tax in the territories




    + travel deductions for holidays, + Northern Living Allowance, + much larger basic tax allowances.


    But you're wrong, we do have territorial income tax, federal income tax but only GST. No sales taxes like HST, PST etc.




    :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease:

  2. winnipeg is starting to look mighty attractive. only time i'd have to come into ontario is to fish... all within a 3 hr drive. Hmm.


    Just get your gas in Manitoba as the price jumps 20 cents as soon as you pass that imaginary line.

    Come January it'll jump 25 cents now!!! :jerry::jerry::jerry:

  3. I know this really has nothing to do with fishing but I couldn't resist sharing this with my fellow OFC members

    There looks to be a good show on tomorrow night (Thursday) on cbc at 8:00 pm called Wolverine : Ghost of the Northern

    Forest (Nature of Things) I seen a preview on it this evening and it looked pretty good and definitely worth an hour of my

    time . Thought a few of you might enjoy something like this and I know from past posts some members have actually had

    encounters with these elusive animals . Enjoy :canadian:


    They are pretty cool critters.

    The last one I saw was in the middle of winter as it walked past the end of my driveway. :)

  4. When did you say spring was again? :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:


    Right after ice fishing season.

    Ontarian's don't know what that is because of all the carbon in the air that keeps ice from forming. :jerry: :jerry: :jerry:

  5. I have no issues with Mercs at all.

    I replaced my 1991 90hp 2 stroke with a brand new injected 115hp 4 stroke in 2013 and am as happy as a clam.

    My old 2 stroke I purchased new with my boat and it had been great but it was time for a new fuel efficient 4 stroke on the boat.

    Coupled with my smart gauges it's really an awesome power plant.




    I'm sure you'll be happy with any engine you end up with. ;)

  6. You'd be surprised. I had to run down the shore to catch a canoe with waders full of water, it was comical.


    If you end up in the water swimming with your waders on, take the straps off your shoulders and swim normally and the waders fall off. Getting sucked down is a myth.


    And wear a belt!!!

    Water has a hard time filling you up with one on. ;)

  7. My deepest condolences the family, friends and the community.


    Is it just me but it seems every week this winter in Ontario someone dies on the water. My impression is that people are taking bigger and bigger risks today. These were not 2 stupid people. Why no PFD's, rule #1, and why would someone wear chestwaders in a Kayak that will fill full of water if you capsize and take you down like a rock? I am guilty of having a PFD in a canoe went it capsized a mile offshore on Erie and didn't have it on, that was stupid and lazy, I got lucky. I just don't understand. What a waste. If they were friends of mine I would be very upset with them.


    I wear my PFD always when in my kayak or one man pontoon boat.

    I also usually have my waders on. Believe it or not when submerged waders do not fill up like a balloon and drag you to the bottom.

    Water pressure presses the waders against your body restricting water intrusion.

    I once slipped while crossing some tricky water and ended up taking a sleigh ride through a class I shute and at the end of it all had very little water in my waders and at no time was I sucked to the bottom.


    I have been in water deeper than my waders (not on purpose) at the lake and you can actually swim pretty good, especially in breathable waders. ;)

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