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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. now just need to add a calais to that collection...
  2. pics indeed would help "splintered"????....if it's splintered and cracks running up and down the blank I'd say it's toast... if it's a clean break they can be fixed but once a blank is broken it will never have the same bend to it again...so it will affect the feel of the rod...whether it's enough to seriously affect the rod won't know until you try it can you try an exchange where you bought it from? otherwise sounds like you're best to just buy a new rod....good luck, always sucks to break a fav rod
  3. great deal assuming it's legit my only question is what type of sale is this? if it's kijiji or craigslist meet in person, don't send funds and wait for shipping...aka scam...tons of them out there, be careful if it's an internet deal...otherwise, jump on that already, one heck of a price and go catch some fish!
  4. I'm ON born and raised, fished all the waters you've mentioned, been in BC a year (and YES, things are a bit different out here, rivers are devoid of garbage, 99% of anglers respect the regs and there's certainly not many arguments how to keep a few extra fish by manipulating the regs)....and I seem to recall just a few yrs ago everybody whining about the state of the walleye fishery in kawartha lakes, where I lived for 4 yrs....MNR underfunded, over harvesting, crappies are eating the walleye fry, pike introduced, etc, etc... I love ON fishing, don't get me wrong....my original post was in regards to bashing a US angler and implying that he needed to come to ON to catch walleye, they don't need to....perhaps my post could be creatively perceived as bashing ON, not my intentions....just saying I certainly wouldn't be bashing a US angler for fishing ON waters...last time I checked kawartha tourism would be pretty happy to keep the US dollars coming their way
  5. my comment was in regards to this: how many stops does the walleye tour have in Canada? I was just saying that you can catch plenty of walleyes, quantity and trophies, outside of ON...as great as northern ON is, I wouldn't be bragging about the state of walleye/any fisheries elsewhere in ON and IMO the regs are far from clear cut and easy to understand for most people...I think it's been proven and argued too many times to start again here...just saying I thought buddy brought up a legit question...you'd rather somebody ask a good question proactively or just go out and catch and keep whatever they want...
  6. uh, oh....Symon's 9 posts vs 1854...ha...pretty sure most of us know the intention of his post isn't about cleaning out our lakes of walleye, it's a good question...and the state of ON fisheries isn't all that much to brag about bud....do some homework on that... possession until consumption store bought fish does not count towards possession....keep your receipt until consumed to play it safe - ie bringing store brought fish to the cabin if that species is found in the lake where your cabin is it's not that easy to enforce and I don't see it happening without reason....ie you're caught well over your limit, CO might ask to escort you to your cabin and inspect your freezer...we had our limit of eyes for two guys in the boat so we switched to smallies for the afternoon, backwoods lake where it's popular to camp, CO escorted us to our campsite and inspected our cooler...
  7. be careful what you "learn"....regardless of common practice or not, I'd double check the regs on that one with chicken livers I always thought the concept of drying it out was to help it stay on the hook better, not just for the stink factor stink bait is generally a good choice for all catfish but I've been told channel cats tend to be more selective that the flatheads down south and fresh bait is sometimes just as good a choice.
  8. i saw the ghosting, was wondering if just the one shot or no tripod for all of them.....i've had canon and samsung cams before and both had a lot of extra manual controls than most P&S cams...and I know photography is going to stick with me for a while...kinda wondering how long the d80 would keep me happy or if should dive into something more intermediate....any feedback would be great
  9. photomatix is the software i got too...and the d80 is one of teh camera's i'm considering right now...it would be my first dslr as well....how do you like it so far? are you taking those shots with a tripod?
  10. I just took a crash course on HDR as well...get some amazing shtos, still learning how to play with the software myself what SLR did you get? first brookie pic is great, nice red fins on him...good post man
  11. http://www.madriveroutfitters.com/l-p/gummy-minnows.html sili skin in a few colours, some lead wire, and i prefer a finesse hook over a saltwater hook....pretty easy to tie i think basspro in vaughan had them for 3.99 last summer
  12. i find nymphing usually hits the smaller, juvenile fish but it does get you good numbers....crayfish, leeches, streamers and poppers are my bread n butter for big smallies. for deep pools pickup a spare spool and either sink tip or full sink line and drag a crayfish pattern across bottom in the deepest part of the pool and along the edges and drop offs one of my fav flies and not too well known is the gummy minnow...essential fly fishing answer to soft plastics...easy to tie your own and get as creative as you want with colours and adding lead to the hook shank......find fast water and focus on the current seams or back eddies....get upstream and toss your line out directly downstream and hold your fly exactly where you want it, strip the minnow, let the current push it back, whatever....if there's a bass holding near by it's deadly, can't resist it for very long
  13. pp is like dental floss? no way, not any spool I've ever had....fireline is like dental floss IMO
  14. skipping docks?....no braid is invincible.....if you're skippin docks and making contact against anything metal/rusted that could be your answer as mentioned, check your guides and your reel to see if there is any damage I've tried nearly most braids and keep going back to power pro, it's good stuff
  15. some good info mentioned above IMO most legitimate method is float fishing bottom bouncing(esp sight fishing) generally = flossing the salmon
  16. doesnt' have to be goretex to be good but any one of the number of waterproof and breathable technologies out there, they're pretty much all similar in design and manufacturing..eVENT, HyVent,Conduit, etc are all different kinds of waterproof breathables ( laminates or coatingse) and they all have DWR(durable water repellent) on them, it doesn't have much to do with what is on the inside of the shell to make it a waterproof and breathable. The differences between all these and other fabrics has less to do with the DWR and more to do with the factory process/design of the laminate or coating measured in vapor porosity ( how many x amount of molecules transfer from inside to outside the material) and how well they repel water I have a hard mountain silk conduit jacket which I'm pretty happy with, but I hear eVENT is the crap these days....
  17. I find extreme tactics worked best for me this time of year....either finesse it or go big.....try lighter line and downsized baits, suspending cranks, carolina rigs or live bait...or burn a BIG spinnerbait below the surface or a BIG topwater like a zara spook
  18. JB weld maybe
  19. alexcba - sure thing buddy....i wasn't attacking ya...just asking why ya thought it was an illusion? it gets a bit annoying when everybody is a suddenly a photo critic online....if you can chirp you should be able to take it back....
  20. dont' like the pics don't look at them... personally when I catch a solid fish I want a quality photo and maximize the details of the fish...nothing wrong with those pics, no diff than any magazine on the shelves these days... how is that an illusion? explain?.....he's not exaggerating the size at all, quality pics in my books....holding a 12 inch bass close to the cam and calling it a 4lb'er is an illusion, not these pics keep the pics coming
  21. who would actually look at what's become of the Mississippi fishery and call that a welcomed outcome?.... I understand what you're saying about other outcomes but I look at this a little differently....this fight is absolutely justified in my books....
  22. I personally think every boat should have one....in prime conditions it's not a biggie but rough and/or cold water, fatigue and a few lawyers of clothing and it's a whole lot harder if you're by yourself.......i used 1x4, drill some holes, rope with a few knots...under 15 bucks
  23. i mostly know what i want before i hit up a store....but trying to see a few different reels before you buy one and you might as well be asking them to hacksaw their arm off....they also like to give "advice," tell you that you don't know what you're doing and if you don't fish "their way" then you're just wasting your time.....one store out of stock so i've asked them to call up another....no problem, we have it set aside for you.....drive to another store and nobody has a clue about it a bad first impression can be fixed but years of horrible service is another story
  24. I always thought vision played a minimal part in their feeding efficiency...always thought that scent and lateral line were the two dominant tools used for tracking down prey.....always cool catching the same fish and seeing how much they can grow in a year....cool story.
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