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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Nice it’s an hydrogen ice outboard and not a fuel cell for an electric outboard
  2. Because the guy posted right above my post in your amphicat posts , so i quoted and reply in the thread that the guy posted in
  3. I quoted and reported the post and admin deleted his post but my reply is still there so with his removed it is now confusing
  4. Why would you post that
  5. Here is a link to my trip with Cochrane Air. sorry many photo and videos can’t be seen now but you will get the idea https://ontariofishingcommunity.com/topic/46077-terrys-fly-in/#comment-492606
  6. Yeah even if it’s staged , I mean it’s not totally fake he did go in the water and it doesn’t hurt to watch and see
  7. This had to be staged , I could see exactly where is was going to fall in
  8. I have been out 13 times this year i am over a km out on kempenfelt bay and sitting on over 6” of ice. You test you chip and keep looking around
  9. Skunked, didn’t know what it means so i looked it up in the dictionary and it said see “Terry” I wonder what that’s means. lol
  10. Because it’s fake the USA propane lobby lost because only the one death is what they came up with yet that talked about all the carnage happening because if refilled 1lb tanks , that talked about how easy it is for them to explode but even shooting them they did not explode, they explode in a fire but so does non refillable tanks one dollar for propane tank filled or 9 bucks or more for a new 1 lb tank. Some winters I have used 30 one lb tanks its a lobby group wanting to corner the market and take your money . Period
  11. There has never been a death in Canada from refilling and there was one one death in the USA and they don’t know why but the guy had it in a vice there has never been a transportation accident with a refilled one they are illegal to refill Because the propane lobby spent lots of money convicting members of parliament that refilled 1 lb tanks would destroy the world if they are stopped
  12. Well that’s it then, a hovercraft is the only great way to go https://supportontariomade.ca/explore-products/ar45-ranger-hover-hut
  13. They are 28000 us and they must have got faster Ithr guy I was fishing with who had one couldn’t get more then 30km and couldn’t use it in deep snow
  14. They are very expensive and very slow
  15. Yes I have been filling them for more then 50 years
  16. They are made to be refilled regular one pounders are not they have a bleeder valve to let air out and let you know when they are full
  17. The flame king uses a recessed alan key, so no chance if it catching anything but at 60 bucks a bottle I just can’t justify it
  18. I checked and couldn’t find anywhere to buy them yet I do know they have to be approved for Canada they are much better price then the flame king ones in the US so hopefully they will be cheap enough to make them practical i don’t like the ring sticking out of it it looks like it could easily get bumped and release gas
  19. So if it’s a 6x6 and I’m sure there is more then a square foot of tire on the ground it is at most 200 pounds per square ft. A good sized man will have as he steps will put around the same weight per square foot im not going anywhere with this , just thought I would mention it. lol
  20. From what I see in the video, if you have to hop out of the safety of your Argo to get out of your Argo out Then the Argo is only safe if you stay in it and let rescuers save you and there is nothing wrong with that safe is safe but jumping onto the ice where you just broke through doesn’t inspire me
  21. Yeah my thoughts are if everyone pays for emergency services then they should pay but if not every emergency receives a bill then why should ice fishermen more skateboarders , skiers, boaters , hockey players off-road bikers hikers cars and fat people need emergency services then ice fishermen so why do people seem to jump all over ice fishermen
  22. People will never figure it out where the off road vehicle went through they should have known but many parts of the lake are more then safe for vehicles Where I fish I will not drive my UTV and a couple of spots I fish I don’t think I will walk out till we get colder or if we get colder weather just a nasty year for fishermen
  23. That is a great ending to the story I hope they get the book thrown at them
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