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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. Did you smash the heck out of it or sell it? You could've had an OFC day where people could come by, pay their respects, and get a whack or two with a big sledgehammer . Or you could've used it in a demolition derby and put the OFC logo all over it . Either way, your boat looks good behind the pathfinder.
  2. I'm not jealous Yes I am. Congrats, looks like a wicked good time !
  3. Nice looking 'ski CH! Definately a great way to end the year , congrats!
  4. Whats the best fishing book you've read? I just started the Mike Iaocanelli book and its pretty captivating. Also have some older books by Gord Duval and Roderick Haig-Brown that have some good stories in them. Has anyone read Time on the Water? Where can I get a copy? I've always wanted to read this book. Take it easy.
  5. Open until December 15th.
  6. Don't tell my wife, but I think you may be right!
  7. Man what a day yesterday turned out to be. Left the house around 9AM with great visions of one last 'lunge to finish the year. But what happened was entirely different. The drive was great until I got north of Manila. Then the snow came. Pretty much white out conditions limited me to between 60-70km/h and only got worse toward Coboconk. I didn't get to the fishing grounds until Noon. The road leading me to the ramp should've given me an idea of what to expect when I got there. I had come this far and brought a shovel and de-icer with me so I set to work. And I worked. Lesson 1) Don't just bring the big plastic shovel, bring the small spade to break the ice. I got half the ramp cleared and thought I'd give it a go. Lesson 2) FINISH THE JOB!!! Crept down the ramp a little, pull out. A little more, pull out. a little further....DANG! Stuck. Cleared around the tires and after another 10-15mins got out and proceeded to finish what I should've cleared in the first place. I really questioned myself at this point, but I had come this far and thought that the fishing gods would throw me a bone if I persevered. Finally, I got it clear all the way to the road. Elapsed time from the time I started to the time the ramp was clear, 1hr. But I got the boat in after that. At 1 o'clock. Now I was overjoyed that I was on the water and had to find fish, fast! I marked some good fish holding on fast breaks from 20-40fow. So I go to switch one of the rods I had rigged and I guess that I shouldn't have been surprised to find that my musky box was still in my garage at home . Brutal. Well, I had four rods in the boat and was forced to use what I had. There was also a few in the storage compartment so I wasn't totally up the creek. Did this for two hours with what I had and then had to pack it in not knowing what kind of driving conditions lay ahead. Turns out it wasn't too bad. I didn't catch anything, but even if the boat doesn't make another appearance this year it's still one week closer to opening day than if she had gone to bed already . That may be one of the most humbling?sp? trips I've made, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat! Take it easy.
  8. . Have a great day!
  9. Safety first, always! Good tips, GCD thanks.
  10. Picked up the new Musky Hunter yesterday and after reading a couple of articles the Sickness descended on me. So I'm heading up to Haliburton for some musky in about 1/2an hour. If it were you, what techniques would you try if you were the one going out today? I already have the shovel and salt loaded for the ramp and it looks like theres some good wind today. I'm thinking cranks and jigs may be the way to go. Thoughts?
  11. Thanks for the links guys, I could've swore it was what the article said. The pics in the original article were very grainy, and the only pic, I think, that was in it was the second one. I stand corrected.
  12. Nice report, Bill. Good to see the COs in force! BTW PM alert to you MBill.
  13. Thats a BC story from last year. My Dad scanned the original newsprint, but I've switched from Rogers to Bell and lost all my old emails. Definately in BC, definately a G.White shark.
  14. Nice looking fish outta there, for sure! Congrats on the 1sts!
  15. We used to hear "The Wizard" by Black Sabbath on the way up to many a fishing trip. Fish ON! Old Diamond Back Sturgeon and John the fisherman by Primus. The song at the beggining of the Cronzy show is Fishing Blues originally done by Taj Mahal. Thats the best fishing song ever IMO!
  16. Awesome job guys! I'm not going to ask where it was you were fishing. But in no way do I object to being invited to carry the bait bucket on your next excursion Congrats again!
  17. Congrats on the day. That second one is a beaut!
  18. I'd like to get into some good garpike. Sturgeon looks like an awesome time!
  19. These two go together... This is one of my favs...
  20. Headed up to Haliburton yesterday in hopes of some fat fall musky, but alas, it wasn't to be. Water was like glass all day. I got on the water and took a run around the lake trying to mark fish and set-up a trolling route. Fish started showing up on the finder from 18fow to 26fow. Most were at the base of drop-offs but they were belly to the dirt, all of them. Not one suspended fish. I trolled these areas with deep diving cranks, spinnerbaits and even threw a few jigs. Not even a tick. After awhile I got bored and tried for some schooled up fish I figured for Smallies. I put out a hair jig and suspended it right in their faces for a long time while I ate lunch before getting back out and trolling some more. It was a real nice day anyways and on one hand, I'm glad it wasn't windy because the comfort level was acceptable. But I think if it kicked up a bit the fish would've turned on and I'd have a better story for you. But it didn't and I don't . Water was stuck at 41deg and I couldn't find one area warmer or colder than that the whole day. Maybe ice isn't that far away? Oh well, theres no ice yet so I hope to get out at least one more time. Take it easy. I'll try some pics... Wishful thinking,I was trying out the self timer on the camera.
  21. Hughes was beat from the staredown. He gave GSP a little wink and then looked away when he saw the steel in GSPs eyes. Great fight on GSPs part. I just wish Monson would've done something more to take Sylvia down in the 4th and 5th rounds.
  22. I don't suppose anyone saw them putting in or they would've got a plate# from their vehicle? On a body the size of St.Clair that 30hp couldn't have launched far from the spot they were "fishing".
  23. I'm heading up to Haliburton for some 'skis and pike. Anyone care to join?
  24. They are both most definately Musky. Other than that... .
  25. Hey all, My name is Jarred. Formerly Jimmynorth and most recently Jiggernaut before settling on just Jigger. I fish up in Haliburton mostly for bass although had a great year focusing on musky. I recently relocated to Brooklin ON and hope to put the boat on as many lakes as possible next year. I like fishing and hope to hook up with some people that also like ! Take it easy. Great new look BTW!
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