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Everything posted by gogu392
Where are you located? I am located in GTA and with a LCD TV with ATSC tuner built in I am geting 13 HD channels (6 from Canada, 7 form US). I do have a high performamnce antenna. It is a Winegard (US made) omni directional antenna, broad band with amplifier build in. I have it on a pole at roof level. 13 HD channels for free with no monhtly fee. The signal is LEGAL FTA (free to air). and is not compresed as on cable or satelite, that means PRIME QUALITY PICTURE. I like to show the finger up to the big suckers (b e l l and r o g e r s). I will never be their client. More cash for my, less cash for the leaches of this society. The term HD antena is a myth. There si no such concept is jus a markenting brain wash to buy antennas. A god antenna as above mentioned cost $100. The RG6 cable anoter $20. And forget about fatty bills from from leaches. Strong signal to you.
I have eat fried gobies 35 years ago, somewhere in eastern Europe. I was a child at that time. They are indeed very tasty. Actualy the gobie was the first fish that I fish/catch in my life. They are a pest for Great Lakes but are not considerate so in their native habitat (Caspian & Black Sea). It is very easy to catch them, just a piece of meat (worm, mussel, salami, s.o.) in a small hook and fish on. The fish is realy agresive, the fight is good for the relative size of the fish. Enjoy.
Dodge Journey.
Hi There, Is someone using this map for Ontario lakes? Is this map usefull? It shows the Simcoe depths or not? On what Garmin unit are you using this? Regards
Canadian and US have a multi layer society. The top one (politicians, CEO, bankers, a.s.o, doctors) always persuade the economic system to create their on services. They don't like to get mixed with losers from middle or low class. I am not talking about poor class, that one is already condemned. When you have chash you cand buy almost everthing. They already have their own services, not available for the ordinary losers (read slaves). The politicians are elected by masses to serve the masses interest but they serve mostly their own interst or the big companies who bribe them. Is just simple like that. This is why in US health system will never by available for Joe the Plumber. Obama does not have a chance to change the systems. The crocs will have his intentions buried in another year. Already he was put down by old dinosausrus from Washinton hill. With Kenedy they did it in a harhser way. In Canada the health system is not private yet, but the presure is constantly to move in that direction. Why? Because Insurance companies wants more money. And they can buy the loby and push it. The masses are too buyssy with the day to day chores. For more details watch movie like: Zeitgeist, Money as Debt and any neutral documentary about Corporations. Also avoid to watch Fox, CNN, NBC - the TV channels sponsored by big guy. These networks are just huge networks of brain wash for masses. The doctors also are some smiley guys who prescribe drugs from the farmaceutical companies who paid their tuition fees. The drugs witch taken on regular basis will do more damage to you than healing. One family doctor has only 15 minutes with the patient when you visit him. That is just enough time to smile, say Helo, write a prescription and say good bye. If you want to be healthy, read, take care yourself of you, eat good food, get inform and try to never meet the doctors, just only for very well and known vaccination. This topic has nothing to do with fishing. But we should not bury our head in mud, because maybe one day the rivers and the lake will be private porperty and fishing will be just a priviledge for upper class. All the best for everyone whatvever class you belong.
As I said many time the Fishing licence is the only fee/tax that I am happily paying. Allways 3 years in advance. I hope Ontario fisheries will be abundand in the future.
Left hand handle here too. If you use your right hand in all daily activities you should buy a LH baitcaster. Why? Simple. You need the right hand (the most strong one) to do the heavy lifting/work and the week one to do the small job (reel). In past the baitcast where RH only (the reel was always in gear), today with clutch/gear, more and more are produced in LH. It is a pain in the ass to switch the rod from one hand to another, one more useless step. Try before to buy. See what you are confortable with. If you are Right handed the Left Handle is for you, and viceversa. Have fun.
Thank you guys. March Classic Sale scheduled from: 12 March to 28 March. BassPro, Vaughn, GTA
Hi There, When is the sale event for fishing stuff at BassPro store? What dates? I am a tackle junk colector. Is time to broad my colection. Regards,
Excellent post, for sure is coming from a guru of fishing. A+++++ Regards,
Hi There, What model of Hummingbird is?
This is why I am asking now. I will hit the reservation web site, end of Feb.
Thank you for the info. I will have my GPS with me and I will stay out of Private area. I am planing to book the camp for Labour Day (1,2,3 Sept). Is that in hunting season or not?
Hi There, Is Long Point Park (Erie lake) a good place to lunch a kayak? If so, can you please drops some lines here? Are the marshes there good for fishing? Regards,
Go for a Hummingbird with dual beam. Wide for shalow, narrow for depth. You did not specify for what kind of boat are you planing to use the sonar. If is for a boat, canoe, kayak, or a tube. You can find a customized sonar for each mentioned craft. The trasducer also varies a lot based on craft type. If you have to mark tons of "honey holes" look for one with gps - waypoints.
I will go for: => LCD now is the best, in 5 years from now probably OLED => resolution 1080p => Brands: Samsung, Toshiba. Sony is expensive but best quality. => if you live in 70-80km range of GTA check to have a ATSC tuner built in. Just hook a regular antena and you have at leat 10 HD channels for free of charge (no need to have cable). (Canadians and US channels) => Best store with a lot of choices and good prices: Costco. Greate return policy also. => Check you room dimesions. You should not chose a big TV for a small room. Ideal the distance from screen to your eyes should be at least 5-6 diagonals of TV. Best position for TV is under or at eye level. You should not raise your eyes to see the TV. Enjoy.
Nice catch. Congrats. Can you be more specific of what fin tech jig did you use?
Not fair. The bird did not pay the Fishing License. The gov should tax those birds righ away.
This question is for Muskie guys. What specs should have a Muskie rod? How many Lb? What kind of action? How long? Regards.
I have an Okuma 13'6" used once. Paid $160+tax. See PM for more details. Give me $80 and is yours. I like baitcaster games, no steelhead. I am from Toronto.
As irishfield said. read.. and read.. Did that in last years and my favorite is: * Shimano Curado 207E (left hand) - forget the righ hand I have 2 of them and a Pfluger Supreme. After 1 years of using them I am OK. Bring an old one to BassPro in Feb-March (discount sale event). You cand get 20% off the price. The price is around $200. The BassPro in 70 reviews give a 4.9 score from 5.0 That is close to perfection. Shimano Curado was Voted 'Best of All' New Products at ICAST 2008 Ask Santa to chip in $100 in December and go for Curado in Spring.
heres another idea... Let them eat those fish from Ontario. The "no english" guy like the soup from salmon organs. That is one of the "best PCB soup". The PCB and other contaminats will do the job. The mother nature take care of everything, allways. Have fun.
Thank you.
Hi There, If you got a minute please share a line or two about your favorite hook for senkos. Tight lines.