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Everything posted by gogu392

  1. After I use PowerPro I decided to drop FireLine. PowerPro is better.
  2. I always leave from Berg with a bag of garbage which is not mine (beer can, nylon line, glass bottles). I encourage all of you to do the same. It is a nice reservoir, too bad that is over fished. Probably need at least one year of closure. The place is too close to GTA. The thick weeds I think is a good factor in keeping the fish in the lake. The harder to get the fish out, the better for the fish to survive there. On the other hand I wonder where that $10 fee goes. How is that fund managed in Berg?
  3. The fish is indeed: Crucian Carp (Carassius carassius) - aka KARAS. It is found in Europe and Asia.
  4. Check this: http://www.porta-bote.com/
  5. I have same reel, Curado 207E lefty. It is a good reel. Just chose a line like PowerPro 30Lb and use the thumb to avoid bird-nest. Try the cast in your backyard with a sinker. Will help. Before to cast adjust the break. The spool should stop when sinker hit the ground in a free fall.
  6. My personal favorite is this yak: http://www.wavewalk.com/ A yak with stability of cataraman, and plenty of storage space inside. See customers reviews on website. I hope to have one next year.
  7. On Internet, see: http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/catpage-RDCDAIWA.html
  8. I have been there few years ago. Nice scenery. Clear water. I did not have a boat at that time neither now. But I have seen lakers caught from the shore. A worm in a small hook, a big slip float, cast and forget. Let the float drif the worm far away into the lake. When the float is gone, not visible anymore, reel in. The lakers will give you a nice fight. Best time: early morning and evening.
  9. Can you guys share how are you hooking these berkley plastics? What jig, hook is good for Berkely Alive Gulp? What technique: troling, jiging, cast and recover/reel in? Regards.
  10. Hi There, I am looking to buy a PFD for fishing from kayak. It should be comfortable and have some pockets. Any idea for some good deals? Regards.
  11. The Cadilac of handled GPS, geocaching for land was Garmin 60CSX in last years. This is not my opinion, GPS experts opinions, Google for that and you will find it. For Water and Land handled you have to check Garmin Colorado or Oregon series. These series already surpass the performances of 60CSX. These toys are GOOOOOODDD. Worth the extra money. See: http://www.garmin.com/garmin/cms/site/us/onthetrail
  12. Same story 2 days ago on DVP - Toronto - racing. 2 young guys in their 20's, gone for few minutes of fun. Just one mistake and the live is gone forever.
  13. You can feed them with dead minow, sneels but the leeches will lay eggs and die. Ribon leeches (best for fishing) eat decayed met, sneels, small crustaceus. If you feed them you have to clean the water more often. It is not recomended to feed them. They get into hibernation mode (like winter time). Jut replace the water with un-clorinated one. Do not replace the cool water with warm sudenly. Keep un-clorinated reserve water in fridge also. Leeches can die easly when changing the water if the new temperature diference is biger than 10 degrees. I hope this help.
  14. Thank you guys. Regards.
  15. Is there a bait shop with leeches near or in GTA/Toronto? Thanks.
  16. Thanks again for usefull info. Regards.
  17. Thank you guys. Real good information here. Thx again. Kind Regards.
  18. Hi Folks, Are the waders from Canadian tire worth the money? ($119 - Chest waders - Woods) Are these good or there are better ones out there. I am looking for a pair with chest to be able to wear them in sunny days without to get boiled and not get frozen in cold days. Is there a pair who can handle that? Which one? Regards.
  19. It is a swallow. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swallow for more details. These birds are masters of acrobatcis in air. They fly very fast and with short turns. The diet is mostly flying insects. They show up in Spring time from south and disaper in fall. The nest is made from mud and hay.
  20. If the float does not work just release the minow without the float, but in this case you have to watch the line. You have to feel it with you fingers. Usualy the minow try to hide into vegetation or go for the botom. If vegetation is abundand and you are on shore I will not recomend the aproach. If the minow is dead you have to do the presentation (jiging) or cast and recover. I like to use both tehnniques depending on the structure. Works for me for: PK, LM, SM.
  21. I am a newbie, I don't know too much about polarized glasses. I never had a pair over $30. What is the diffrence between a pair of Oakley's ($300) and a pair of Berkley ($30)? Can you see further with the more expensive one? How much?
  22. Shimano Curado 200E - right handle 201E - left handle
  23. Take a look here: http://www.wavewalk.com/
  24. 20LB fluoro for PK, 6-8Lb for SM, LM Seaguar, Sugoi - best quality. Use fluoro leader only if water is clear, if murky don't bother.
  25. Thank you for your fast answer. I like the fight with SM. My Regards.
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