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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. hwy 9 (or 109 if you prefer) between orangeville and arthur has been a daily mess so far this winter. i think because of it's relative flatness and being a straight shot some people get lulled into a false sense of security and drive waaay to fast for the conditions. we get some big drifts because there's nothing to stop the wind from blowing across the fields and patches of ice are all too common.


    i wondered why my ins. rate actually went up when i moved here last summer and now i see why!!

    That flat stretch has been a mess as far back as I remember. They used to close it at least once a month in winter. I've spent enough winter nights in Arthur back when the town was still a "dry" Methodist community. The kid brother's in-laws were pastors at the United Church. Had to keep our beer hidden in the trunk of the car lest there be recriminations.

  2. I'm getting very good at spotting the accidents looking for a place to happen. Must have been a good dozen in the ditches lining the QEW from Grimsby to St Kitts Sunday morning, and a few more this morning.

    The ones doing 140k when they hit the grease patch. The guys riding the brakes in the snow. Braking while changing lanes on the highway. Especially love the fools playing chicken with a loaded rig.

  3. I have a yellow lab that I swear is one chromosome away from being a seagull. Opening our frig door is like throwing French fries in a McDonalds parking lot.


    That perch looks awesome!

    Casey is not much better. Crack open the jar of peanut butter and watch him charge into the kitchen
  4. Initially, I did the "harvesting" out of sight of my kids. My wife is also very squeamish on the subject. At an early age it's OK to let a child know, after dinner, the fish they caught were what they had for supper. Let them know they are going out to catch some supper. At 4 my son was having his first whacks on the fish's head. Kids have a natural curiosity to see what is going on. Gutting a fish becomes a science class in dissection

  5. Yup, a little bit of sulpher, charcoal, and saltpeter; put a big black spot on the celing in my bedroom and filled my bedroom with smoke LOL. Mom wasn't impressed!


    Learned how to make rockets, smoke bombs, a little canon that would fire a marble farther than you could see it not to mention a bunch of very nasty smelling things that I some how produced. Now I remember why I never gave my kids a chemestry set LOL.

    I lit off a concoction once in the bathroom. One blue flash and shattered the small sink. Boy was I in deep doodoo when mother got home. No more chemistry set. I had all but buried that awkward memory until I read this. :oops:

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