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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I'm sorry, but I would recommend anywhere but Casey's.

    Last year I went out on a foursome. We had a hut loaded with garbage, and excrement in a bucket. It had not been cleaned after the previous occupant. The argo used to run us out barely got us out or back as it continually tried to stall out and the one drive kept failing leaving us going in a circle until it re-engaged. The driver was tanked on the trip back in. At the very least, one has to keep facilities clean and maintained.

  2. Despite being offline for a week, we did manage some ice expeditions. Admittedly some ice was sketchy so we plunked holes beside the docks at a couple of marinas to engage our quarry. We had lots of perch to keep us busy. Many in the 12"+ size. This morning the son hit the jackpot with a 27" brown and a nice little bow to go along with the regular fare of perch. All but the bow going back to fight another day.

    It's been a great fishing week for the son and I.

  3. The swedes do a similar style thing…forgotten the name of it, used to eat loads when i lived there as a kid. looks great even without the marzipan…now all you need is my address to send a parcel :whistling::whistling:

    My Gram would also do the Swede braid for Grampa, Jonni and some of the other swedes. Their spice of choice is cardamom or nutmeg in the dough.

    The other bread would be vetebrod, something I have not seen made in near 40 years

    With any of these braids, nothing beats fresh from the oven with a big dollop of fresh churned spread on top.

  4. Back in the early 70's, the stepfather had me ride along in the cruiser while he ran speed traps. He could easily write a ticket every 5 minutes. Of course they were half filled out minus time, speed, and direction of travel. Yes Toronto had ticket quotas way back then.

    If a speeder came by while he was writing one ticket, I just had to yell out the cruiser window and Gord would flag the next fool over. I just wrote out the indicated speed for him.

  5. Its not just you Lew, I don't think i've watched TV in years. The only way i even know about this show is everyone keeps talking about it saying I'm 'crazy' or 'weird' for not seeing or wanting to watch it. Reality TV is on the most part just cheap TV making, not very interesting if you ask me.


    I am just waiting for Duck Dynasty's 'Chick-Fil-A' moment now.

    I figure one full Leaf hockey game is my TV quota for the week. Comedy, drama and soap opera all in one. The son has had it on a few times For the most its not for me, but... the focus on the importance of family is refreshing to see.
  6. Nothing better than getting your child involved in everything you do. You will be amazed many years from now when you realize just how much the lad learnt from you. Not just by teaching and example, but by a kind of "absorption" by exposure (for lack of a better phrase).

    Then there are those special ties you are creating tween the two of you.


    I see it more and more between my son and myself.

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