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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I have never been afraid of my daughter's encounters with boys as a teenager. Mind you, once the lads have been introduced to my fine collection of blades and axes, and some of the gun toting uncles, the lads become very, very afraid.

    Come to think on it, I've revoked and confiscated the man card of every fella Anna has ever dated.


    I find this form to be very handy. I know it has been posted before.






    NOTE: This application will be incomplete and rejected unless accompanied by a complete financial statement, job history, lineage, and current medical report from your doctor.


    NAME_______________________________________ ALIASES ______________

    DATE OF BIRTH_____________ HEIGHT___________ WEIGHT____________

    IQ__________ GPA______________ SOCIAL SECURITY#________________

    DRIVERS LICENSE #________________ IQ _________ BLOOD TYPE _____

    BOY SCOUT RANK AND BADGES________________________________________

    HOME ADDRESS_______________________ CITY/STATE___________ ZIP______

    Do you have parents? ___Yes ___No

    #of years they have been married ______

    If less than your age, explain why ______________________________________

    If not explain why ___________________________________________________



    A. Do you own or have access to a van? __Yes __No

    B. A truck with oversized tires? __Yes __No

    C. A waterbed? __Yes __No

    D. A pickup with a mattress in the back? __Yes __No

    E. A tattoo? __Yes __No

    F. Do you have an earring, nose ring, pierced tongue, pierced cheek or a belly button ring? __Yes __No





    In 50 words or less, what does 'LATE' mean to you ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

    In 50 words or less, what does 'DON'T TOUCH MY DAUGHTER' mean to you? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

    In 50 words or less, what does 'ABSTINENCE' mean to you? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________



    Church you attend _______________________________________________

    How often you attend ____________________________________________

    When would be the best time to interview your:

    father? __________ mother? _________ pastor? __________



    Answer by filling in the blank. Please answer freely, all answers are confidential.

    A. If I were shot, the last place I would want shot would be: ______________________________________________________________

    B. If I were beaten, the last bone I would want broken is my: ______________________________________________________________

    C. A woman's place is in the: ______________________________________

    D. The one thing I hope this application does not ask me about is: ______________________________________________________________

    E. What do you want to do IF you grow up?__________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

    F. When I meet a girl, the thing I always notice about her first is: ______________________________________________________________

    G. What is the current going rate of a hotel room? ______________________



    Initial each Rule after reading.


    Rule One: If you talk with foul words and dress like a bad ass, a punk or a wanna-be-gangster I will toss you right out on your tush.


    Rule Two: If you date my daughter you date only her. She has a kind heart and I will not have you make my her cry; if she does, I will make you cry. You may only date ONE of my daughters. EVER.


    Rule Three: You must know how to fish as well as I have taught my daughter(s) to fish. Frozen dinners do not count. My daughter ain't providing for you.


    Rule Four: Do not be hurt when my daughter chooses a day fishing with me over sports or gaming time with you. She was raised that family comes first and until there is a ring on her finger, I am her family, not you.


    Rule Five: Do not date my daughter for her money because I am her bank. Do not expect gifts, she has been taught to be a savvy shopper.


    Rule Six: Don't sleep with my daughter; the only rubber you should be concerned about is out in the driveway and has Goodyear stamped on it.


    Rule Seven: Do not lie to me. I may appear to be a pudgy, baggy-eyed, last-season, has-been. But on issues relating to my daughter, I am the king of her universe. If I ask you where you are going and with whom, you have one chance to tell me the truth. If you do not I will ask her. Do not trifle with me.


    Rule Eight: My daughter has been raised to respect herself, so keep your hands to yourself. Offending body parts will be removed by me with a dull spoon.


    Rule Nine: Do not be hurt when my daughter chooses spending time with me over spending time with you. She was raised that family comes first and until there is a ring on her finger, I am her family, not you. Yes, I know this is also Rule Four. It is an important one.


    Rule Ten: My daughter is not a toy. She does not have Hasbro, Mattel or any other toy company tattooed on her person. Hence, she is not an object for you to play with, manipulate, and discard at your leisure. I've spent many years raising and loving her , and will unleash an unimaginable amount of anger such that the movie 300 will look like an episode of the Little House on the Prairie should you cross me.






    Applicant's Signature (that means sign your name, moron!)



    Mother's Signature & Father's Signature



    Pastor/Priest/Rabbi State Representative/Congressman



    Please allow four to six years for processing.

  2. Lindner has as much right to express his opinion as you or I. We also have the choice of listening to his opinion or not.

    Whether you like it or not, he is merely trying to live by the tenets of his faith. Evangelism/ spreading the "Good News", is a fundamental pillar of Christianity. Good for him in professing his faith and practicing what he preaches. A lot more sincere than the millions who are "Christians" only at Christmas, baptisms and weddings.

  3. Thanks, now that's information that I never knew. So Okumas pal could have asked for the patient ombudsman to intervene in this situation. As could have I for my father.

    Most hospitals are not big on letting patients know about that resource. After my heart attack, in 2000, the advocate actually stopped by my room to introduce himself at Hamilton General. Other hospitals have brochures in the patient room. Others again, you need to read a hospital directory.
  4. And that means? Not trying to be funny just trying to learn. Remember your not talking to piers in hospital administration.

    Every hospital is required to have an ombudsman/advocate to represent a patient's interests, or take a patient's concerns to the appropriate management. A person who essentially knows who to go to when you have a problem that hospital staff do not want to address
  5. Can anyone confirm if patients have any says on being discharged from hospitals considering each individual has different recovery rate?

    Have been out of that public sector loop for some time, but hospitals were required to allow/ recognize/ fund a patient advocate or ombudsman. From what I understand that still remains in effect.
  6. Hey Folks,


    After the initial ice storm that caused mayhem we didn't have power, heat, hot water till today. Finally the work got done on our condo much to the relief of over 200 Unit Owners at our condo.


    To think it would take this long to regain basic utilities in such a developed country with so many resources.




    Just until yesterday, folks were using water from the swimming pool to flush their toilets - felt like it was a 3rd world country.


    Its finally over, or so i hope :/



    The bigger and more complex our world becomes, the more difficult it becomes to return to normal after a weather event. In a major city, close to half the infrastructure is outdated or beyond capacity.

    After the Quebec ice storm, hydro crews were still busy repairing the damage 6 weeks later. 2 and 3 years after Katrina they were still rebuilding.


    Sadly, living in a low rise or high rise leaves you with very few options for emergency preparations.

  7. Apparently, he was told by nurses/docs the decision making is solely dependent on the doctor as long as the doc goes by the 'standards'


    Any doctors to provide insights?

    As said before, those standards differ from hospital to hospital, department to department, school to school. That as clear an answer as you will get. MD's do not discuss policy or standards outside the fold. I spent 9 years in Hospital administration during the amalgamations in the 1980's. TO quote a line from M.A.S.H., "There are no saints in surgical garb".
  8. Although medical science is advancing considerably, patient care has declined. As to the c=section:

    30 years back a primip (first birth) C-section had a standard 3 day hospitalization.

    Non complicated vaginal births could be discharged after 24 hours. These norms have all changed


    It is not only the ministry that sets these standards. Each hospital sets its standards of care depending on the schools of thought prevalent within the OB/Gyn department. Advocates for natural birthing, aggressive intervention, on demand inducement and C-sections, traditional midwifery, research medicine, all having differing methodologies and agendas, all wanting the "best interest" of the patient.


    In the current medical climate it is important to be familiar with the MD you choose, and just as important to make yourself familiar, and comfortable, with the hospital at which your physician practices. When doctors and hospital staff are on differing pages, the patient, all too often, is caught in the middle, and suffers accordingly.

    Politics in hospitals are just as dirty as the politics found on parliament hill. I am so glad to have gotten away from it some 20 years ago.

  9. Unless Public policy has recently changed, MOH frowns upon the establishment of private hospitals in Ontario, or the establishment of preferential private plans. The Toronto Hospital tried to sign on with Amex's preferred care program some years back and the province shut that deal down.



    The exception being for longstanding establishments already under practice for some time. Shouldice clinic is one that comes to mind

  10. Quite frankly celebrities boor me as they are mostly shallow people who have done nothing but ACT and look PRETTY.I would rather spend my time with a VICTORIA CROSS winner or a MEDAL of HONOR winner any time or any other military medal for heroism.



    Living VC's are a rare individual to find in this age. There are fewer than 10. Like many survivors, they probably don't like to talk much about how they earned their "gong"
  11. Non fishing would be a really tough choice.


    In my impressionable and idealistic years I have had the privilege of meeting and/or speaking with the likes of Robertson Davies, Farley Mowat, the Dalai Lama, and McLuhan just before his stroke. All individuals of considerable intellect and insight. Pretty hard to find better intellectual company. Very much the opposite of some of my classmates now sitting in Parliament. They're not worth wasting lead or ink to acknowledge them.

    I'm not so much of an idealist any more, and there are few in this world that impress me any longer.

    Musically I would love to talk with Ian Anderson

    Only others that would interest me would be the likes of Tom Hanks or Robin Williams. Fellas who can put me in stitches.

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