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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. You're looking hale and sound Bruce. Nice little pike. Did you have to make the young lad swim for it though?


    You know what they say about boys. If there is a crick or a mud puddle nearby, a boy will find his way into it :lol:

  2. With all the erie tribs I hit saturday being chocolate milk I'm sure the big river will dirty for a couple days hoping they clear by the weekend only a couple weeks left till season closes I need some chromers.


    If you look at the NOAA satellite images they show solid brown from L St Clair on down through tothe beginning of the Big O.

  3. Throughout Niagara everything is a sea of brown. Found one spot where the water wasn't chocolate, but the fish weren't biting there either. One snotter for my troubles in the freezing rain.


    Still beats sitting indoors.


    Rob D. caught another goose egg. Seems that when his woman is out with us, she catches fish and he,... Does not. :P

  4. I kind of enjoy watching the faces of semi-famous people having a good time.


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    Some bluegrass legend amongst them ruck and bobtail pickers. Can't believe he's still around.

  5. there's nothing neutral about paying more on purchases, and I don't give big business much faith in "passing" the savings down to us...most aren't known for being generous or fair.


    trickle down economics only look good in textbooks.


    For those of us old enough to remember.


    Remember "metrification". the government promised that things would be simplified, and any change in volumes would be reflected in new pricing. We went from buying a quart, to a litre, which is .14 less, but paid the same.

    Next lie. Wage and price controls in the 70's. During that recession, and runaway inflation, the government was going to apply the brakes evenly to stop the economy from stalling. The only controls were on wages. Prices kept on rising regardless of the consumers complaints.


    Face it folks. Politicians were bought and paid for decades back, and don't care for the general public's best interest. Their interest is the best interest of those that bought them.

  6. this thread is full of anger of this, yet why is it that the natives and the ndp are the only ones actually doing something about it...(and I know for a fact very few of your are native or ndp)...


    i even saw someone first complain about hst, then in the next breath complain that the natives had blocked the highway over it!




    and I say thing in every political thread but "remember this come election time and vote responsibly"


    Support your local underground economy and save yourself some money. Deprive the government of those dollars whenever possible.

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