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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Acer platanoides

    About sums it up. Young Norway Maples or sucker growth will produce a few extremely large leaves until they mature a little. My kids always had one extremely large specimen in the middle of their annual fall leaf collections for school.

  2. I was in Sea Cadets before becoming a reservist. Was in a rival corps to Lew's, the old Illustrious. A a teen, cadets opened the door to several exciting opportunities. If your son is doing the leadership course out of Quadra he will have a great and rewarding experience.

  3. My Unle Bob was with the RHA in WWI. He was at the first gas attack at Ypres. When the French Zouaves ran, his battery drove their gun teams in to plug the gap til the Canadians and British could close the gap. They had to shoot the horses. They survived and kept firing the guns despite the gas. They peed on the hankies and tied them round their face to partly neutralize the effects of the gas. He lived to be 90. Rarely spoke of the war, would not go to the legion and never mustered on the 11th. He did not want the reminders.

    My uncle was an RCN lifer with the carriers. Some of the prangs he witnessed and photographed were horrifying. I was amazed he never got caught with his camera.

    My cousin was another RCN lifer as a comm. specialist. Got to be aboard the Ottawa on her last flag waving tour before being consigned to the knacker's yard. He spent 4 years living out of his kit bag while attached to NDHQ. Every time our peacekeepers set up a new post or go on another peacekeeping mission, he was there to set up the comm network.

    The father in-law was a field surgeon attached to the GGFG through the war.

    I now have a nephew who recently completed his training as an aviation tech. I wish for him a long and exciting career.

    As a reservist I was fortunate to never be directly in harm's way. Sadly I have known far too many who were not so fortunate in peacetime. Even in peace, service is an hazardous profession.

  4. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family, Wayne. It's a good thing your daughter is strong willed and stubborn. It will help to carry her through.


    I still get to experience that gut wrenching feeling from time to time, and would wish it on no one.

    From one loving father to another, continue to be strong and try to take care of yourself while you focus on your daughter. You do need to be well for her sake.

  5. No matter how much hunter ed and training is given the :asshat: will always be there putting you and others at risk. My nephew had a close call last year during bow season. He had a stand on his buddy's property and was targetting an approaching buck. Out of nowhere an :asshat: pops up and pours 4 rounds into the buck,firing in the direction of his stand. Then he threatens the nephew not realizing there are 5 other legal hunters coming on like the cavalry. The police answered the call and gave the little greaseball a verbal warning.

    Truth be, there is little respect for any of the laws in this nation any more. Why else do you think poaching is rampant.

  6. Yep another fine day telling fishing stories. With just enough interruptions from the perch to call it a fishing trip :)

    You scared me good when you almost went swimming. I was having a hard time figuring out how we would get you out of the water and still be able to fish for the rest of the afternoon :whistling:

    Can't believe I actually let go of the fishing rod.

  7. Thanks to CPH for another very successful perch expedition. Despite dark skies and snow showers the bite was definitely on. Here is Rockfish with a nice one.


    A satisfying end result of quality keepers. Enough for 4 or 5 meals.


    Even learned a few new tricks today despite almost falling out of the boat :blush:

  8. Nothing like a little Red Skelton to put a smile on my face. They're even older than the "knock knock" jokes.


    The best one.......


    For our anniversary, the Mrs asked to go to some place different for our anniversary... I took her to the kitchen! And that's when the fight started. :devil:

  9. Well. it was a great evening. Not the biggest crowd, but a great group of folks. Nice to finally put some faces to names. I couldn't stay later, else I might have fallen asleep at the table. Great to finally meet Loonietoon, Gerritt, and the Fish Farmer. Always happy to see HTHM and Vinnimon.

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