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Everything posted by Lunker777

  1. That IS an Angling outfitters " Preferred customer" price hahah
  2. Yea I have to be careful of weight. If I go higher then 55# , all of a sudden I add another 80# of battery ( 24V as opposed to 12V )
  3. I guess the other bonus to the Terrova is I can add Ipilot later on down the road. I was quoted $750 for a "reconditioned" 70# thrust power drive. Or a brand new 55# for $700 I was just looking and you can get a 55# Terrova for $730 ? I have a 17ft polar kraft boat... weighs 600# with out the motor... I have a 40HP E-Tec...... Would you want a 70# or a 55# ?
  4. Hey everyone I have to purchase a bow mount for my boat and for weight and space issues.... Im thinking about a Power Drive minnkota. Any reviews ? What have the owners who have used them for a good amount of time have to say ? Thanks
  5. Erieau has cottages on beach front that you can rent. Thats the extent of the info I have tho...
  6. yes they did.... when there was SIX teams in the league ! haha

  7. 6'6 or 7' medium heavy with 7.1 ratio Bait caster. Exact combo I would suggest that wont break the bank. Shimano Curado 200E7 ( Can be found online for $130 ) and a MOJO bass rod. I would think the 7ft "spinnerbait" rod would work well. I know its slated as a spinnerbait specific rod, but thats a selling point, I have this rod and use it for MANY things. I would spool it with a 30LB braid. TO sum up.... Curado 200E7, St. Croix Mojo 7ft "spinnerbait", 30lbs power pro. Final set up should cost in the ball park of $250 plus tax. I would consider that combo a "mid range" cost and set up. EDIT*...... You can save a few bucks by going with a Shimano "citica" ..again you would have to find online. These shimano reels have been replaced in the new line up and I WOULD NOT suggest buying any new(2012), less then $200, reels from Shimano.
  8. So I have been trying to decide which brand , Lowrance or Humminbird, and I cant seem to come to a decision. I have been comparing the 700HD SI/DI Humminbirds vs the HDS5..... and the 800 series vs the HDS7 My first decision has to be screen size obviously. I really can't see my self staring at a 5 " screen trying to decipher Side scan and down scan images.... Is anyone running the 700 series SI/DI humminbirds or HDS5 w/ LSS and have any comments on the size of screen ? Is it taxing after a day of fishing to look at a screen that size ? I have found a close out sale on some HDS5 Gen 1 units.... and I can pick up a HDS5 F/F AND a HDS5 F/F../..Chartplotter for around the same price as ONE 700 humminbird with SI and DI. Essentially two for the price of one. I wont be able to read GPS at the bow... but I can always swap head units from the bow to the stern depending on where I will be fishing. My other option would be ONE 7" screen.... Its getting on the higher side of my budget. I know on a 7" screen its alot easier to read and understand what you are seeing. BUT... your starting at around $800 for a 7" unit. Would you rather have TWO 5" screens... or ONE 7" screen ? As far as structure scan goes. Lowrance.... it will cost you minimum... $1000 for a GPS, FF, SI/DI unit(HDS5 w LSS).... Humminbird you can get into for around... $800 I need to base my decision on how I will feel at the end of the day looking at SI/DI images on a 5" or 7" screen. Let the conversation start
  9. I don't know how an imaginary line can decide the different between pre spawn fishing and post spawn fishing being good/bad.... the imaginary line I refer to is the Canada/US border on Lake St.Clair. Clearly LSC has a VERY healthy population of bass.... along with Lake Erie. I'm strictly catch and release ( I don't eat fish at ALL ) BUT I don't see how there could be any harm to fishing bass all year. PS... this isnt regarding zone 17... just my .02 cents
  10. I need to know the same info.... I got the same letter... but I never had to pay tax on my boat because it was scrap. So I called and they told me to mail a letter back explaining that ???? pretty slack terms if you ask me. I think they were just sending every registered used boat this letter and see how much money they can get back !
  11. I posted this message last year sometime... and I think it was a little to soon. So... how are these reels and rods holding up ? I don't like to read online reviews because I don't fully trust them !
  12. yea i forgot about the modem purchase !
  13. X2 for teksavvy ! I've had them for the last year and NEVER had a "out of line" bill. NEVER went over band width and watch netflix pretty well daily. I have a tablet and you tube and net flix are the main uses.... so I do use enough bandwidth ! AND... I pay I think $45 a month for 300gb !
  14. Hey eveyrone Just looking for some extra eyes.... I need to find the best deals on HDS 5 GEN 1 units. Im looking for a f/f GPS unit and a F/F unit. BPS has the straight HDS unit for $399 with a transducer. Thanks
  15. thanks for the input so far everyone. Im aware that the elite 5 is DSI only, but will I miss 2D sonar THAT much ? I think I will go with the biggest motor I can on the bow, and get a couple f/f units. one for the back and one for the front. It would be nice to find a couple cheap Gen1 HDS5 units. I have budgeted approx $1500 for rigging the new boat. I think I can get 2 HDS5 and a bow mount for that much.
  16. I have decided I am going to spend the money and invest in a quality suit for the future. I have been using a "make it work" suit for the last two years and its not 100% effective. I want to stay dry while fishing going forward haha I'm just starting my hunt so I was just looking for some opinions on some of the suits available. I'm looking at possibly Shimano, BPS, Cabelas, or Frabill... Gortex is a must and I want to add a liner for fall if possible. Is there anything in particular I should be looking for ?? TIA
  17. Hey everyone I just pulled the trigger and purchased a new Polar kraft 1778WT I have been mulling over ideas in my head of how I want to rig the boat up. I'm curious to see what you have come up with in your rig, if you have any pics , please post them !!! I want to go with a HDS5 unit, or an Elite 5DSI for a F/F but Im worried about battery usage. Would it be possible to mount a solar panel to assist with charging while out on the water ? Also, where would you put the f/f, Bow or Stern ? MY current boat is a 14ft'er so I put the fish finder on the middle bench and I can view it anywhere on the boat. @ 17ft.... I don't think that will be an option ? I could place is on the split bench, but it would get in the way of seats. Is there anyone running dual trolling motors ?? A transom & bow mount ??? I want to do this because come June, one of my fishing spots is CHOKED with weeds. It gets so bad some boats with 90+ horse power get caught up. So, for that reason, I want to put a heavy, 70-80# thrust, on the rear and a 55# on the bow. My thinking is that if I have to use a bigger trolling motor all the time, it would eat my battery up. I would say 75% of the year, I would only need 55# but there is those times where more would be better...also, I was thinking a transom mount would be nice for trolling. The price of fuel obviously isnt going down anytime soon... and trolling with a 40HP two stroke isn't the best of ideas. What do you think, should I just go with a big bow mount troller ?? Is there any other benefit to having a transom mount as well ? Better control ? Any input would be appreciated, Thanks !!!
  18. I could have cut mine 3 weeks ago... The lawn mower business has been INSANE this year due to the weather.... We cant keep up with servicing mowers and keeping the new ones delivered on time ! I still need to get on my lawn though... trying to go as long as possible ahhaha Im in Chatham
  19. Hey everyone ... I'm just looking at some opinions on the Honda pilot ? I'm looking at a 2005 with only 70000 kms ! I need a boat/mastiff/baby hauler and I really like the ride and looks . Any owners or past owners want to share any comments ? Thanks
  20. Hey everyone I want to pick up either a HDS 5 or 7 this year for my boat. Is it possible to run Structure scan with an aluminum hull boat ? Are any of you doing this ??? Whats the power consumption of a HDS unit ??? Thanks in advance !!!
  21. Ok so it will be an improvement over my current speed. ATM I get roughly 21 mph on THE BEST day ... average probably 18-19 If you have some time, would you mind sharing a few pictures ? oh ya, thanks for bringing the thread back on topic....
  22. What was the top speed , do you re-call ?
  23. Hey everyone ..... I posted a message a while back regarding a Crestliner boat I was looking at. I was doing the re-search for a friend. I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all that replied and helped with the decision. He DID end up with that boat and we are going to pick it up in about a week or so !!! But now, I have a question... I started getting hot over a new boat last year.... So I started looking at this model.... Polar kraft Dakota V 1778 WT..... Its paired with a 40 Etec, power trim, electric start....... Sticker is $11999 + tax out the door($13558 after tax ). E-tec comes with a 5 yrs warranty also. He tells me he has a used 2008 model coming in.... he will be asking $8500($9605 after tax )... It only has a 25 Merc though. So in 4 yrs.... the value of that boat has dropped $4000 If I were to finance the new boat over 5 yrs (length of motors warranty) .... would I be able to get $8000, even $9000 out of the package when it came time to sell ? Just tossing around some ideas.....
  24. I agree with you on the welded vs riveted argument. BUT.... If one boat out of 1000 made has issues.... thats a pretty good chance Ill be ok.... Riveted boats can have issues as well... Pros / Cons with everything.
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