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Everything posted by Lunker777

  1. I read that summer trout fishing is fairly simple aswell.... they stack up in the cool water spots so they are more concentrated !! Whats a "gang troll" ??? Thanks for the reply
  2. Hey everyone Heading up to the cottage again like we do every year. The cottage is located on Dark Lake (Wilberforce Area) and I'm told it stocked with lake trout and it is a DEEP lake, approx 100ft I have been to the cottage 2-3 times during the summer, I have fished Elephant lake and casted Dark Lake for some smallies, but I have NEVER targeted the lake trout in the lake and I think this year would be a great year to try it. I have done a little reading on deep water trout fishing with no down riggers. and I don't think its going to be that difficult. 2oz bottom bouncer with about 3-4 ft leader and a spoon coming off the back. Trolling speed " Fast enough to make the lure work, and no faster" We are going the week of July 13th to the 20th..... I have read this isn't great Lake Trout season, would it be ok on a lake this deep ? What color spoons and what size should I be picking up ? Is there any other pieces I should add to the presentation ? beads, blades, etc. Any help would be great ! Thanks
  3. Good morning everyone Just curious if anyone knows the hours of operation ??? I'm sitting in the parking lot and thy are closed right now ... Just wondering if I should wait around or are they closed for the day ! Thanks
  4. ...droooool
  5. Make me want to trade the P.Kraft ! NICE NICE rig...
  6. Thanks for the info !!
  7. hmm.... I ordered my boat around the end of March... I wasn't PROMISED a delivery date at that time, but was told.." sometime around mid April, end of April at the latest" Well.... like yourself... that time came and went.... I NEVER had a phone call to follow up. I went in the dealer and they told me the BUILD DATE wasn't until beginning of may. ....hmmm , Ok. SO again... may 5th had come..." you boats on a truck " ... FINALLY !!! I'm expecting it to be here by the end of the week...well TWO weeks later and a couple of phone calls to the dealership ( I always thought the salesman should follow up, not the customer ? ) My boat finally arrived. My compensation for the headache..... 2 gals. of oil, an anchor(no rope) , transom saver, and a safety kit. I would be asking for the boat YOU WANT plus some other form of compensation. perhaps a F/F ?
  8. So the wife, our new baby, and myself PLUS another couple and their baby, want to take a little trip this summer. Megan is pretty set on Tobemory area.... BUT we are open to suggestions. Anyone familiar with the area to make any suggestions of cottages to rent or a nice place to stay ??? The girls want pretty nice accommodation.... they aren't really the "outdoorsy" kind of girls ! haha It would probably be the end of July/early august Time frame. Any suggestions would be great.
  9. Dennis just added another NEW polar kraft to the fleet. Nice ride if you can get your hands on it !
  10. Thanks everyone !!!! I was talkin with Jos @ angling outfitters and he has talked me out of the 80# and into a 55# thrust. Im going to try it for a couple weeks and if I dont like it, I can swap it for the difference. Im really leary of a 55# thrust.... but my boat only weighs approx 1000lbs... plus my gear and two people... so around 1500lbs. I think a 55# should handle that all day long.... also, Ill be running a dual battery 12V system.
  11. Thanks guys !!!
  12. second pic looks like it should be in a magazine !
  13. Looks like fun !!! JP's basscat is unreal !
  14. I believe its a 13 pitch ? I want to see what it'll do with just myself and flat water.
  15. Optical illusion.... the hull of the boat is on the angle.... ducer is level both ways !
  16. The "pontoons" are filled with foam and the idea of it is to get the boat planed out faster. They ARE NOT water tight though... :/
  17. Thank you !!! Probably over kill... but go big or go home! haha I have two seat mounts... and ONE seat at the moment. I didnt have it in when I took the pics ! haha
  18. Hey everyone I just mounted the ducer for my HDS ..... I think we got it dialed in properly. but I just wanted to the expert advice of the folks on this forum. I'm sorry the photo is a little blurry... but its tough to hold a straight-edge and snap a pic with an Iphone ! I have the straight-edge coming directly off the bottom of the boat and it lines up pretty well with the center line of the transducer. According to the install directions.... that's how she should be. It is level as-well. what do ya think ? Thanks for looking.
  19. Thanks.... already got some slime on her, but I didnt take any pics... haha
  20. Thanks !!! I went in and asked the dealer yesterday and he told me either 90HP or 115HP and up ONLY I wish I could though
  21. Hey everyone ... FINALLY got to pick up the new boat last Friday night, (after about 2 1/2 months ) I spent all day Saturday installing the F/F and adjusting a few things. I took her out Sunday morning bright and early for the maiden voyage. I was able to reach 32mph with myself and my FIL & gear in the boat. It handles very well and is nice and stable in the rough water we had Sunday. Im awaiting a 80# Terrova w/ I pilot. & another HDS7. now on to the pics... Out with the old !!!!! 14.5ft Springbok, 18HP merc. The whole package was about 30+ years old... dings, dents, cracks, you name it. But it last 3 seasons... and it was my gateway to fishing and getting on the water. There was no more shore fishing for me once this little beast came around. It will be missed............. NOT !!!!!! And in with the NEW !!! 2012 Polar Kraft 1778WT w/ 40HP E-tec. Two HDS7's, 80# Terrova ( on back order ) Leaving the launch after the maiden voyage There is still some setup I need to do, Install the second HDS7, and mount the trolling motor/ batteries, I would like to possibly come up with a second floor to drop in over the factory floor so I can mount some seat bases for a casting seat. The factory floor isn'y really think enough for mounting pedestal seats. Thanks for looking.... any questions.. ask !!
  22. I havent looked at the article.... but I HIGHLY doubt it was an "alligator" ... most likely a "caymen" which can be purchased @ local pet shops. ( usually have to be ordered in) They belong to the Iguana family, but are very often linked to gators and Crocs because they look like them & will grow to be 6-14 ft long. But like iguanas.... people will buy them because they look "cool" when they are babies... but as time goes on... all of a sudden it gets to big and has to find a new home.
  23. I think I have decided to go with an 80# Terrova w/ I pilot ! Thanks for the help guys.
  24. Well that's the problem I have .... I want to fish rondeau bay and my gut is telling me I won't be happy with a 55# !! If your familiar with rondeau , 100 hp motors can't get through the weeds come summer ! I have been told that with the weed less prop, that a 55 would be fine but I have high doubts ! You didn't find the extra batteries to be to much weight on the boat ?
  25. The problem with a cable steer is, when you want to adjust the height of the motor ( going into shallow water) the foot pedal only has SO MUCH cable . When you raise the motor head... the foot pedal needs to go higher and higher.... Im not in a raised deck boat like a bass boat, so I wouldn't be able to adjust the height of the motor at all... I would always have to leave it in the lowest position. Hopefully you understand what im saying :/ ?? I ran into this situation with my old boat.... If I raised the trolling motor up at all... I would have to move the foot pedal " closer " to the front of the boat to compensate.
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