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Everything posted by Lunker777

  1. I just had a quote to have my reels tuned and upgrade the bearings. After seeing this, I might do what one of the other posters did and build a aluminum box to place inside the cardboard one !!! lol !! Really though..... I will be choosing shipping insurance !
  2. http://www.bbcboards.net/bbc-lounge/264066-what-f%25%24%2A-%25%2A%24-ck.html Hey guys.... just picked this link up from another forum The $10 insurance could have saved him about a $600 loss
  3. "afraid of the lures" ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?! ....REALLY ?!?!?!
  4. are the Rogers customer care centers located in Canada ?
  5. I dont think its the case.... according to one article, " An older couple were disrupted on there walk by a fisherman casting" and " a paddle boat got tangled up with a fishermans line" Unreal...
  6. sounds like a broken record but give Jos @ angling outfitters a call. Best price/service from my point of view.
  7. I took this from another forum.... The signs went up June 6. Fishing Prohibited. Local Anglers are fighting it through the media right now. Google it, lend a hand, who knows it could be your city next. http://www.thestar.com/news/article/1209731--toronto-anglers-baffled-by-sudden-fishing-ban-on-waterfront http://www.globaltoronto.com/Pages/MorningSegment.aspx?id=6442659112 http://nationalprostaff.com/report/2542/Petition++Say+No+to+the+City+of+Toronto+banning+Fishing+on+its+waterfronts
  8. I only need about 20ft of cable , so I'm willing to pay the premium to go with something that's durable. I'm sure the stuff I have on there now will work but I don't like it haha and like I said , it was just to get an idea of how much cable I would need so I wasn't buying more of the premium stuff than I needed ! Thanks for the replies so far guys
  9. Hey everyone Im looking for some 6 gauge wire to complete the install of the trolling motor. Im looking for something with a nice rubberized jacket and that is flexible. The stuff I have now was bought at the local electrical supply store. Not the best stuff, but it was cheap and easy to use for a "rough in" wiring job.
  10. I think I will leave them the way they are. If its a matter of the T being there.... well, its good enough for me ! Doesn't stop me from catching fish ! haha Thanks for looking everyone
  11. And its expensive as heck ! If I'm not mistaken... $10 to launch and $10 to pull ???
  12. I picked up the 6 gauge wire at a local electrical place for cheap. I used that wire to get an idea of placement. Now I want to find a nice marine grade wire thats a little more flexible and coated a little nicer. Are you wiring a switch to yours ?
  13. Yea I was worried I was going to lose some speed .... according to Jos at Angling outfitters... I was suppose to lose 5-6 MPH !! So I was pleasantly surprised with the results.
  14. Yea Roy.... Your talking about the ONT vs the ON right ? Another buddy of mine said the same thing. I will TRIPLE check my form but Im sure it says ONT... Unless the vinyl guy messed it up, I gave him the correct number.
  15. Thats my plan.... well the plan actually is to remove the stock floor and build my own up front that would incorporate the batteries. Thanks for the comments guys !
  16. Hey everyone It was a great weekend.... lots of sun, friends, fishing and work. Friday, I took the drive to see the guys at Angling outfitters and picked up the new Terrova. 80#, 60" shaft.... should work well on the Polar Kraft. Saturday morning I was up and at them early... I wanted to get the Terrova on and I knew it was going to turn into an ALL day affair. The biggest part of the install was deciding where I wanted to locate the batteries. I was going to put them in the rear of the boat with the other electronics... but weight and room were a factor. The ended up on the front deck... I lost a bit of deck space but they are pretty well out of the way . It was a ROUGH install of the wiring and battery boxes, I wanted to take it on the water and see how it worked before starting to run the wires. We did that yesterday and with the added weight of the motor and two group 27 batteries. PLUS three 200lbs plus guys. Top speed was 29.5 MPH. Im happy with the location... I will run the wires this week. Like I said, I was able to get it on the water yesterday for a good run with a couple buddies.... The day started out a little slow... but then quickly turned on. We picked up 3-4 NICE perch and two walleye in about 30 mins. We brought out two dozen worms ( should've had more ) any how... we finished the first dozen, opened the next.... ONE WORM !!!!!!! 10 miles out in the lake... and we are out of bait before 10AM. :wallbash: With the weather and fishing the way it was... there was no way we were calling it a day... so back to the launch for fuel and FOUR dozen worms this time ! haha Of course checking to make sure there is actually worms in the container. We trolled an area about the size of a football field all day. It was pretty well non stop action... countless rock bass & perch, 8 eyes, a BIG sheepshead, and a few smallies. A few pics of the harvest... I dont eat fish in particular.... BUT I did have some last night and I must admit it was good. So all and all it was a great weekend, The Terrova w/ I-pilot is unreal for trolling. The cruise control feature is great and made yesterday a WHOLE lot more fun. Pick a heading and set your speed and let the trolling motor do the work. If you needed to cool off... hit the spot lock and jump in for a swim. Its great and that was only my first trip out with it. I cant wait to see what else it can do. Have a great day folks... PS... where sun screen.....
  17. We are currently on the look out here in Chatham-Kent. Farmers are aloud up to 4 worms per/ square ft I believe before spraying is required. At the moment, they are walking fields 2-3 times a week checking for army worms. Two seasons ago, right around this time, we were hit with a HUGE army worm infestation. I have a couple friends that operate big Self propelled sprayers and were running 24 hours a day/7 days a week trying to stay ahead of the worms. They are called army worms because they work just like an army advancing on an enemy. Once they have cleared out one field, they move on to the next in FLOCKS. I was told a story once of an army worm outbreak out in the prairies. When they were moving from field to field across the road, cars were getting in accidents due to the slippery conditions. ( worms squished all over the road. )
  18. Seems the time has come on LSC..... the Mayfly hatch. I think it is a little early this year ? But I could be wrong .... A buddy of mine was out yesterday and I guess the fishing has slowed down now. Whats the best way to approach fish during a hatch ??? just go to a small profile bait ? like a small tube or would a hair jig be a good bait aswell ?
  19. LOL !!!! You'll really kick him where it hurts after that run-around ! *facepalm*
  20. If I were to call EVERY customer that came in and told me " I want that unit, but I have to sell mine first" or something along those lines. I would have a long day at the office. Like I said, the salesman didn't think you were to serious, and didn't bother to tell the rest of the staff about the deal. Another person came along and bought the package. Unless you were talking with the sales Manager, or the Dealer principle, there's not much a salesman can do. It has happened to me before. Recently actually.... Customer came down to look at a Baler we had here on a Saturday. Said he was very interested... even made an offer(which we accepted), BUT wouldn't leave a deposit. He said "I have a couple others I want to look at first"...what the hell?!?!.... the following Monday came and I called him. Said he hadn't been able to look at the other units but would let me know as soon as he did. Well.... the next day, someone came and bought the baler from the Sales Manager, CASH.... What was I suppose to do in that situation ? The customer called me back a couple days later and was upset @ the fact he drove down to look @ our baler and " wanted to think about it" and in the mean time it was sold. Sorry, sir.... but we were prepared to take your offer at the time, but you didn't want to commit.
  21. "buyers are liars" ...... that's a pretty accurate statement in the world of consumer sales, speaking from experience. If you would have left a $500 deposit... and THEN they sold the motor, you would have a leg to stand on. As it sits at the moment. The dealer just looked at it as another "tire kicker" and sold the motor to the next buyer...ORRR another salesmen in the dealership sold the boat/motor package and was unaware that the motor was promised to a customer by another salesman. The salesman who dropped the ball and didn't let anyone know he had a hold on the motor! I would think the latter is the reason why your motor was sold from under you. Go to another dealership... When your Spending $25-30000 on a new rig. Don't let the dealer tell you what you can have.
  22. 40 hp e-tec .....I have a transom saver
  23. you beat me to it Bill ! haha... Also, for what its worth.... It will cost me roughly $200 to connect my E-tec to have the "smart guages"
  24. http://www.lowrance.com/upload/Lowrance/Documents/Manuals/Mercury_Engine_NMEA2000_Connection.pdf NMEA Starter kit and the necessary connector from your dealer for your outboard. The link I posted listed the Part #'s for all the harness's you will need !
  25. Thanks for the info... I will be sending you a pm ! Hahaha Im way ahead of you... Im so pumped to get to use the electronics this trip ! Should be fun !
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