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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. plastic had been invented when you were a kid Wayne?
  2. i praise him even more then!
  3. I have troubles trying to make fun of him. its very clever, inexpensive, gets him off shore and shows he has a huge passion for fishing. Kudos to him.
  4. Managed to talk a buddy into a couple hours of last day nip wallie fishin last week. left town at 6 30 pm after work and went to deepwater for a bit more of a goodbye/thank you to the lake for the ice season. jigged up one little lad about 14 inches and never took a pic. but did get a pic of a beautiful goodbye to the season from ma nature. then this past friday hiked into a specky lake about 2 km and set up for sunrise. bite was more than slow. so i pulled my set line and started making swiss cheese of the ice walking the shoreline popping holes and jigging. about the 15th hole i pulled this gorgeous hen out. only 15 inches but hit and faught like a 4 pounder. sunday we made another treck into a splake lake about 3 km of easy walkin. sun was shining and the wind blew hard at about 1 km an hour. it was a splendid day. before i had the 4th hole set Bam! a nice one about 15 inches long. little did we know it was going to be the only bite of the day fished hard, moved lots jigged and looked down the holes and never saw a thing. but here he is. got out again tooday for pike hit the ice at about 4 30. i had 9 deccent minnows about 8 inches long and was out of them by 7 30.sun was bright buut the wind was nasty steady at about 25km and gusting about 35. one tiny slimer but most from 3-5lbs. missed one that snapped my 20lb black braid and sliced my finger open on the line while he ran. only snappped a pic of one. this guys about 24 inches but the reason for the photo was the growth inside his eyeball. does anyone know what it is? Matt!
  5. good work doc. both the vid n the squairtails. good choice on the tune for the vid too.
  6. No to lakers and about a 4lb salmon was indeeed caught a few yrs back, made the local paper. Wayne, north of the bay little snow. south ie trout creek still 3 feet. north east ie redbridge 3 feet as well. and 24 to 30 inches of ice. gettin tiring drillin holes. lol
  7. we dont have the Gobie problem up north here YET so i dont know, but do ya have a pic of that there trout ya caught?
  8. A fair chunk of eggs in them, but all of them had 2 or 3 full size 3 inch crayfish in them too
  9. cool pics paul. i still use a mitchell 300 on one of my rods the 301's seem to be much more rare.
  10. that hasn't changed much has it? maybe one decimal place is all. lol
  11. Had an awesome time Jaques. sunburned a little bit lines went steady and time well spent with great company. i would have had as good a time getting skunked to be honest.
  12. Hahah. nice looking pooch.
  13. Managed to get out on monday of last week for some pike with a few buddies, didnt ice any monsters but 3 that hovered just above and below the 5 pound mark. Had afew snap offs and bite offs but a great day none the less. Got out again saturday with the ole' man for some jumbos and did alright, the bite was slow but managed 5 between 1 lb 2oz-1 lb 5oz all 14-14.5 inches. and of course a few of the usual little culprits maybe a dozen between 8-12 inches
  14. we all live and learn and play around stuff we shouldnt its a part of growing up, those responses saying we grew up just fine should feel fortunate, i have personally lost a friend in moving water in the winter time and it has changed my ideas on live and learn. live and learn works only if your alive. kudos to you manitou i can see if you gave them crap for for something harmless but in this case i'm glad someones looking out for others youngens when a busy parent doesnt have the time.
  15. what's a good site to use? photobucket, flikr.... theres so many which is most user friendly?
  16. Thanks a bunch.
  17. Just wonderin how i attach a photo in a PM i'm not sure how to enter fish in the tourney seeings as i cant figure out how to send them to my cpt. Thanks in advance. Matt.
  18. sounds like a great time was had by all. Wish i could have made it, had to work 7 am to 11pm on a transport rollover on hwy 11 N regardless of being able to make it or not thank you kindly for the invite. Matt
  19. unless i get called into work i'll be in. i'll bring the good looks good humour and a few more dogs and buns.
  20. Is it not amazing how dry it is after the past two years Wayne? temagami is still down about 18" at the dock in town.
  21. Your 100% correct with the point you make that (we) the MNR Aviation Forest Fire Emergency Services section does our job too well and has completely disturbed natures way of cleaning it's bottom. Fires are mother natures toilet paper essentialy and clean small fuels and duff litter off the ground allowing more mature trees to grow. Our reasoning behind putting all theses fires out is due to the fact that mankind has decided to build Houses, Cottages, Camps, Trapper cabins and other such structures in the areas which we call structured values. Also the lumber industy may rely on certain sections or areas to keep their industry going for the next 5 years possibly, known as timbered values. In one way or another we are doing our best to protect these values for the public's and the industry's interests. This being said, we also do our part in the farther Northern regions of Ontario (as does Manitoba, Alberta, Quebec and other agancies across the country) in the manner that we will allow a fire to be a BOB fire. Being Observed, a fairly steady monitoring is done on these fires where there are no known values, either structure or timber to allow theses sections to burn off and do it's own thing. There have been several major sections of the Ontario forests that are being affected by bud worm kill and beatle kill, essentially turning theses ares of forest into 100' tall grass lands. They burn erradictly and uncontrolably for the most part. Along with blowdown and storm damaged ares our natural resources are ever changing due to invasive factors and weather phenomenoms daily. This has been my occupation for five years now,and it is an incredible experience and I enjoy doing it thouroughly. At the same time we are never to forget the forces of mother nature. Steadily I have been taking courses and furthering my knowledge on the factors that affect fire and it's behaviour. We all know that putting out theses small fires are allowing fuel load build up for the ability of a large fire to become possible, but just think that if you had a camp a mile away from a small fire, would you want it out? As for someone mentioning the size of this being the largest in a while there is currently a 5000+ ha. fire burning in the Red Lake district. Although it's not getting the same attention because the town may not be out of power and no immediate concerns of evacuation for life's sake is present, there are several people that really on those trees to make a pay cheque on thursday to feed their families and others that need some 2x4's. Remeber that every fire big or small start from one small ignition source!
  22. and the complaints are far too many.
  23. Thanks Bushart. guess with m y math skills i can keep ummmmm lots. i dont mean to stir the pot, but this is not southern ontario its northern ontario and the only 4 holes i found on the lake all year were mine, I supppose i didnt mention the 60 or 70 12-13 inchers i let go and i cant count how many 10 and 11's how many of thatsize are considered big and get kept on simcoe, i dont have thye patience to clean 14 10 inchers when i can clean 7 big pigs, and i dont thin k i'm going to be doin the harm on this lake when the proposal for 60 cottages gets approved, i'll have wished i kep[t every one of the buggers then, with 4 trips into the lake throughout the year the two of us who went in kept a total of 23 fish. seems fairly darn conservative to me, seeings how the government says its ok to keep 50.
  24. Thanks Roy, not a chance they came from there, they were caught in a northern ontario lake called Nunya lake.
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