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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. thanks grimace i had not thought of that!
  2. thanks steve, spring cant come fast enough now wayne! hahah
  3. HAHAHAHA good report and nice cat!
  4. to start this story we'll go back to the day it started. i was just a wee gaffer of 11 years old. my dad and his buddies sandy and JJ and i went for a day of spuaretailin'. after fishing for a few hours and not gettting a bite i decided to walk across the lake to try there to get a hit having forgotten to bring some minnows with me to jig. lucky for me i found a bag of minnows still alive a black and yellow plastic scoop and some holes from people fishing the day prior. i began jigging and managed to catch 2 fish and ran back enthused to tell the guys meanwhile they had 5 on the ice and we decided to stay put. So over the past 10 years i have been using the same black and yellow plastic scoop. it has zip ties holding it together. after the plastic handle broke as they all do it was replaced with a wire coat hanger rigged up was used with no handle at all for a season and a copper pipe riveted on for a few seasons. at the beginning of this season i could not find it and bought a new scoop made of galvanized steel. so as i was moving around everything in my apartment today so i can redo the floors and lay ceramics i found an oddly bent piece of copper pipe and recognized my scoop handle immediatley but after the excitement of finding it i realized the yelllow scoop was only hanging by a thread and had been crushed! so after ten years of using my favorite scoop although it was a piece of CR AP it has been retired and now sits with all my other ice fishing gear! Matt
  5. i have made one and it is pretty good for pike but i also fish with a 3/0 wide gap hook with 4 inch minnows so they get the hook in their mouth 90% of the time as for wallies they are terrible it yanks the minnow away from them before they can swallow the entire minnow and u go through a pile of bait in a day in the long run they end up costing alot more than the initial cost!
  6. often when pulling lakers from the depths in the summer you can tell they are lakers and not something else by seeing the bubbles popping up on the surface this is the fish "burping " up the air with pressure its pretty neat to see especially when u see a unch of bubbles in your hole when ice fishing
  7. them are some nice lookin eyes for sure! glad a few good ones were caught too bad for the slot sometimes!
  8. thanks fer' sharing jaques some nice shots and some good lookin jumbos on mcbay this forum doesnt smell like peppy lepieu as much anymore congrats. guessin that one went home?
  9. hey! thanks for the report some beautiful scenery and a great story. what a nice looking dog in the one pic as well. border collie? as for your question on male female the male will normally not always have a slight hook in the jaw it may be very un-noticeable, a more dominent black and white line on the fin tips and a brighter more orange belly along with a strong and predominant blue halo on its spots this is for the most part not always and the difference becomes more noticeable in the larger fish. take a look at the gallery of pics on my profile and there are male and females there where u can see the difference quite well, sometimes the hook jaw will even leave a U shape in the top nose once again mainly in your 2.5+ lb fish! thanks again for the story and congrats on the 3 new species! Matt!
  10. love the old posts and pics! thanks for sharing ove the pic of him on the creek with what looks like a hand rolled smoke in his mouth!
  11. might have to go to class to figure that one out lol can somebody else help cram out? i'm not exactly sure as to how
  12. dont have a clue or know the first thing about simco, but i do know that white or a smoke grey tube works amazing for lakers just make sure u open the bail after the first hit u get they'll come back for it! let hit do the "flutter" down as if wounded just a personal experience may not work worth a darn on simcoe! Matt!
  13. great pics and report on the eyes, i notice the air sac blown on both of those 2 imagine there comin out of 40+ feet comin out of temagami! have pulled them form 60 near bear island fishing lakeers in the past!
  14. thats a beauty! congrats on ya for gettting him out! i think hes gonna be hooked on it now!
  15. just the one keeper size eye was dinner TJ. and as for learning jaques, my dad always told me that more gets learnt on a day in the great outdoors than any day in a classroom! haha
  16. if you split my name in 2 its Bass Assasin lipin is a habit i guess lol i even do it with pike up to about 4 pounds. i always seem to get my fingers caught and cut in the gill or gill plate so its easier to lip em'
  17. heres jeffs keeper not enough file size for it!
  18. so today i took a break from the courses and training and had a day on the lake with 2 friends jeff and rob(stylincatch) on lake nipissing. we were out targetting wallies. we started off with a quick bite and a pile of perch, which we let go 9 in total. jeff pulled a nice keeper of a walleye about an inch under the slot and i followed up with the first whitie of the season on a sweedish pimp. and finally a nice 19 incher at 2 lbs to end the night had to let it go and it didnt burp the stomach either! all said and done the day total was 1pike 2wallies 1whitefish 9perch rob caught 3 jeff 3 and myself 7 a great time was had by all with some laughs and impressive 40 yard dashes the NY giants would be proud of! and the area "sunset cove" speaks for itself in the last pic!
  19. hope ya get into a few beauties wayne! good to know if you hook one badly you can take it home if ya like jaques!
  20. ok so as for goin throught the ice it is property damage or environmental damage and if it is sticking out an 1/8" it now becomes a liability if somone hits it. and insurance does cover if your company says no call the insurance board. as for the MOL i just spent 16 hours in class on a rigging and hoisting course to exract trucks and have another 4 hours for on ice stuff i need a course for. our divers can only go down on a volunteer basis otherwise 2 certified divers have to be in the water and one above ice controlling a regulated air tank and and blah blah blah! and our rig now has to be steel and stamped certified engineered becasue wood is no longer strong enough now a days i guess! and as for cutting a hole all the way to shore i guess they werent a mile or more out and others must have just loved them after that putting a big hole in the lake for the rest of the folk maybe should have taken a smaller load! hahah have heard many stories to date as to why they went through and all are just as funny from one to the next unless there is a tragedy involving someones health or a death. and yes they are insurance jobs that get bid on and can hit the 60 000$ mark at times what people dont realize is there is a price on everything up to the "rental" of a pylon, they have to pay themselves off somehow over time! and pay rate is quite respectable becasue of all the MOL training we must attend makes us government qualified and it is now law.
  21. thanks solopadler and simon and jaques, i did get a quick read on your bass catch jaques just no time over holidays to comment good job and very healthy. are they closed all winter long in quebec as well?
  22. i've seen it a few times as well. very clever idea on their behalf just a different style of extracting, we also use the air bags, quite the rig they are.
  23. you can drive as fast as you like wether the wave is seen or not. all i know is that if u go through i make money to get it out its all a personal choice and i must say i pulled 3 half tons out that went through 18" of ice last year alone.
  24. they're there for show i pull them off my williams whitefish as soon as they come out of the box HAHA pain in the to pull all them out of a lakers mouth!
  25. what gets me about that picture is the sparkling snow from the setting sun.
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