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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. is that a bit of slime on the lens? just kiddin' that a nice laker by any standards! very clean lookin congrats on the beauty laker, figure somewhere around 12-14 lbs? Matt!
  2. excellent, thanks
  3. only gonna need a couple replies on this question, i dont know how to "multi quote" and feel bad quoting 5 or six times one after another Matt!
  4. keeps ya busy when ur alone, having a fire almost keeps ya sane and feel like your with somebody, and i mean a FIRE not a couple sticks hahah
  5. hahaha i'm glad to be on team 6 too, come summer you guys will start to post some monsters i'm sure still trying to up that NGL trout and pike
  6. yea thats me i was all alone i carry a small tripod all the time, i love the pic from the to of the hill we could see the smoke from the mill in town 22km away as the crow flies!
  7. felt good being able to help him out, I know i would have been upset if somebody just squeeze around me and drove on by. can fish any day
  8. just like vimy ridge, the americans wanted glory for what the canadians did, american/candian war is just like hockey, we're bigger stronger smarter wiser and kick not to mention our women are better lookin!
  9. ok, i know the area well i have a cottage on constant lake and hunt the scotch bush area, my dad's from renfrew its kinda my third home hahah
  10. i think not!
  11. Thanks Johnny, I'll try to keep em comin until april then they may fade to once or twice every couple weeks, once work starts
  12. I'm from the bay and fish it fairly often and there is a decline since the netting become more apparent, the best thing for the lake, not the outfiters and guides and economy would be to shut the lake down completly or a couple years. and tear up that treaty from a few hundred years back at the same time! my grandfather caught as many fish as required to feed his mother and brothers and so did his neighbours yet i have a limit to follow! better not start a rant hahah Matt!
  13. 6lbs 10 oz
  14. it's actually my Buddy but yes it is a good shot, i took a lot of video documenting the day and have to edit it yet
  15. thats a gorgeous photo, where abouts in the valley is this in peticular?
  16. fire pic
  17. so it's been a about a week since i've posted a report and figured i'd better get to it, i've been fishing everyday since saturday pretty much, a buddy of mine and i walked into a speckle trout lake where we (my dad , james, and myself) have caught specks in the 1-7lb range many from 3-6. not wanting to leave a skidoo trail into the lake we decided to sled an extra 9 kms around to the base of a mountain we would have to climb to get to the lake. 2km through alder and dead ash down a dried up creek bed 12km down a hydro line and 11km across lakes swamps and down small trails, not to mention the 1km hike to the lake. so 26 km's later we never got a bite, and called it a day after 4 hours of fishing all we got was a beauty shot from the top of the mountain, it's 120feet above the small swamp at the base of the hill. sunday i made my way into my little pickeral lake and hooked into five fish, keeping 4 of them 3 about 16-17 inches and the smaller one at 14. went all alone and had no camera so i took some photos before cleaning them. 2 came from 12 FOW and the other 3 and the one that followed my minnow up the hole were in 6 FOW, Quite a suprise to me but learning more and more about this lake everytime. Monday was another walk into a small speck lake it was a late day not getting away until almost 1 pm, fished from 2-5 not a fish one bite but it was gone before i ever got to the line. the plan was originally a laker and whitefish day but the starter on my truck was loose so we drove to the small speck lake and walked in. Tuesday i made my way back into my small pickeral hole and managed to MISS 4. not something i am used to, the bite was very very light. All 4 hits came within half hour from 545-615. just about pitch black, had a nice fire goin and some instant coffee to calm the nerves after missing my limit. wednesday was supposed to be a day fishing for big pike, a lake where my buddy and i have caught several in the 5-15lb range on a regular basis. BUT.... half way down the backroad to the lake we came across a pontiac montana van hung up on the road. the road has been washed out/flooded for a few weeks now and he broke through the ice and was hung up to the frame, 45-50 tugs later with my poor old 92 dakota 2wheel drive and he was out thank god i carry some good rope, saved the older gentleman what would have been a 125$ tow call. I guess the unwritten rule of towing someone out of a ditch kicked in and i missed a day of fishing. lots of cutting with the chainsaw and chisel lots of tugging and getting soaking wet, it all paid off becasue when i got home i came across a 26 er of fireball in the black tool box of my truck with the letters thx written on it with pen! i didnt even know he had snuck it in there. thursday i got away late and got into my pickeral hole again i was waiting for a friend to get out of school at 2 50 and he never showed so i left at 3 30 raced to my lake and had two lines set, a couple dry cedars bucked, split and a fire goin by 430. about 5bells and one lines goin i pulled a beauty 20 inch eye out and had one more quick hit about 5 30 by 8 30 he was joined by some rice some garlic bread and veggies. MMMM MMMM MMMM! the plan is to get out to catch a few more this afternoon becasue i'll be back home on sunday and back to fishing pike wich is pretty well all C&R made a nice shot of my fire and got it edited it's gonna have to get attached as a second post enjoy, Matt!
  18. good point, its alos good to play with, withe and red baits together for a night will leave red "blood" colour on the white baits and so on and so on, play with it a bit Matt!
  19. thats true i know, like you said it is "recommended" thats is also for human ingestion were just trying to prevent it from spreading in water its a suggestion is all try boiling them for 5 minutes then G in salty water trying not to turn them into mush of course, but it is just and idea
  20. If its that much of a concern G try boiling them quickly and then salting them boiling is your best bet to kill any bacteria
  21. thats a beauty lookin shed , any luck on the other side? on crutches! your nuts! wish i could have found the other side to this one!
  22. i'm sure you mean sad becasue he blew it all but ya gotta think of the fact that maybe that makes him happier than the moey
  23. i can drag and do dishes, and clean fish if i get a room!
  24. i'm plannin on catchin some specks tomorrow numbers are no big deal but lookin for one over 5 pounds and as for the flu sorry to hear but dont pass it on! hahaha
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