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Everything posted by moparhawk

  1. Your friend holding that rod . Here’s how you teach em.
  2. I sincerely hope that one day Limey & Sopaddler team up on a family vacation & share video/audio duties. It would be the most EPIC video of all time. That was fun Simon!
  3. Congrats on a great season! That was one drama filled game for sure. This series had it all.
  4. That singer was amazing!
  5. There's a formula to beat the Royals. Jump out to a 4 run lead and keep the closers off the mound . If we get hererra & Davis out there's little chance if beating us. By the way the Royals play on Kansas City Missouri. A sister city to Kansas City Kansas. FYI
  6. Wut ? It's so loud! Fun times in KC!
  7. Hello from Sunny Kansas City! Price has had our number in the past but the Royals and the city feel so amp'ed up. Let's get it on!!!
  8. For one not in the building trade you've done well. I was very impressed with the quality of the floor joist. The rafters appear to be 24" oc. Is this correct oh I spotted the notches on the end rafter. Nice way to shore up the overhang.
  9. I'll donate all my bandwith for the pictures alone. Can't wait!
  10. Thanks from Kansas City and home of the Kansas Jayhawks! Appreciate the loan of Andrew Wiggins for a year and now waits to be picked #1 in the NBA.
  11. You KNOW you're a fisherman when your roof has scuppers in it!
  12. Here you go Tim. How about some fish tacos! Here's my wife with a really nice Jack Crevell. Heck half the fun is identifying the fish you catch and a photo of the dock.
  13. Mike its perfect for couples. There's not a lot of distractions so the focus is on each other. The homes for rent run the gambit from cosy to outrageous. We rent the same home as its priced fair and has a private dock which becomes a snook haven at night when the lights draw in the shrimp. Seriously, the best ocean fishing of your life and no guide fees. There's a really nice lady who guides from shore and has acess to some private spots. Check her website. http://www.northcaptivafishinglady.com/
  14. Not at all. Its North Captiva Island. Basically its off the Ft Meyers area thru Pine Island. Its not a resort hotspot as there are no hotels. just a couple restaurants and some great sand trails to go golf carting on. There are no cars on the island. Fly in, pick up groceries, bait, and your favorite drink for a week and get lost in the sun, surf, and fishing. I could not exaggerate on how good the fishing is. Wish I could get the video to load. That grouper was a 100 lb fish. The Shark fishing is so crazy. Catch a rough fish, slit its belly for a good blood trail and hang on. Late one night I broke a 80 lb braided leader on one.
  15. Living in landlocked Kansas I rarely get to fish the ocean but when I do! Its pretty affordable too. Big bull Redfish, Black Drum, Snook, all 20 paces from our little beach home we rent. If I've done this right the last one is a quick video of a Golith Grouper that grabbed my bait I was catching for some Shark fishing. I was severely undergeared but fought him over 45 minutes. There was a random lady who was nice enough to take the rod for a spell while I pumped blood back into my fore arms. He eventually broke the 40 lb braid so I tipped my hat and wished him well. Nice thing about this vacation is wives never say no to a private home on a beach!
  16. One of a very rare contest worth entering. I'm not eligible but wish all of you good luck. Just imagine the fun and comradery.
  17. That first picture of you with that Mule should be on a magazine cover.
  18. Any chance it wasn't a previous lease but a service error at the dealer or maybe a tire shop. I'd feel better if I didn't feel it wan intentional. For a thief to go thru the trouble of mounting another wheel/tire is a lot for a thief. Just thought I'd throw this out there.
  19. Fun camers work with the finder. Was this Lac Suel?
  20. Way to go Solo!
  21. Awesome and way to catch your own bait too!
  22. I understand entirely I believe that her goal She is (gulp) somewhat raw. Glad you understand her I show this to her. Thanks She insists on coming with me to Canada next summer. It would be my joy if she met a Canadian young man. HaHa I rewatched it and agree!
  23. That's kind of you guys, thanks. She just lives to fish and she's been making these crazy videos. Awesome kid.
  24. Shes a good fisherman and just starting Walleye fishing but shes doing pretty well. This time of year in Kansas we're only fishing 7' deep. I laughed my butt off but her language is a little strong.
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