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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Flourocarbon Leader Material should do ya good.... lightest... maybe 12lb? I've caught pike on straight Flouro (Fishing Line) on 6lb test... :S (no leader or anything)
  2. Just out of curiousity - how deep are PERCH in the SUMMER seasons? GREAT CATCH BTW.... Massive!! :|
  3. LOL - Represent for the Technical Nerds in the house Bly! hahaha... looks like we have a few techno geeks in here!
  4. There are Lubricant and Grease specific oils out there for Baitcast/Spinning reels... HERE's BPS' Reel Grease.... HERE's BPS' Reel Oil.... There are a plethora of choices when it comes to GREASES and OILS.... I was looking at getting REEL OIL/GREASE not too long ago - I used BPS' "Review" as a cross-reference....I ended up getting the ones QUANTUM produces...
  5. LoL! You must be a Video-Gamer!
  6. Check the reviews on their site 1st before you make a final decision.... I would personally suggest a Daiwa Megaforce as your 1st... I had it for awhile and it served me great. No problems with it whatsoever!
  7. Ya dude, go for Crappie... on Ultralight tackle (5' to7' foot Ultralight Rod w/ 6lb ... even 4lb. test) That'd be fun on its own! I've heard there are some serious slabs in those waters!
  8. I'd be interested in some places - Anyone with some recommendations?
  9. LOL - Someone's looking to "off" their own kid! EDIT: Here Son... Remember the movie "Finding Nemo".... Lets put his friend on the hook and dangle him below - Nemo will find him. *power on camera & record kid fishing*
  10. The head on that fish is MASSIVE!! :|
  11. Yeah, he did an amazing job! I just hope its not going to leave a big scar by October (getting married). I used to be so self-conscious about this thing - thank god its gone now!
  12. Hey Everyone, Finally had my surgery this morning to get my "Hitch-Hiker" removed - man, does it feel good. After the surgery was done, he told me that he's never seen a 'bump' that was 'hard' like this before - he said he's used to seeing them soft.... this one was literally 'hard' on the inside.... Supposedly it was a CYST... but its being sent to a Pathologist to see what it was/is....and it it'll return! (I HOPE IT DOESN'T!) Here are the BEFORE and AFTER pics... BEFORE AFTER
  13. Get Well Soon. I remember back when my buddy had back surgery a few years ago - the amount of pain he was going through - I can only imagine how much the pain feels!
  14. LMAO!! Nice one John!
  15. I think its the look of having the hand on or near the belly to give relative size to fishes size/weight. Your fish looked pretty awesome to me! It looks pretty huge! (I'd say) EDIT: Congrats on that catch!
  16. WHOA!! THATS NUTS!! Were there any pictures? :|
  17. Wish I could make it - but the wife isn't into Baseball - she find's it to be EXTREMELY BORING next to CURLING! LOL - Maybe I should bring my other Girlfriend!
  18. Yeah... actually they just re-informed me its "G Lord Ross" that where we'll be going to this Saturday. Thanks for the input none the less RoB
  19. Hey Folks, Just wanted to ask a question about the park - Has anyone ever fished there? Are fish known to run through the area? Just curious if anyone's gone there before... Here's the map of the place. Thanks in Advance, Rob
  20. Nice catch! Its always nice to catch something else when targeting a different species...
  21. LMAO!! What a way to remember your PB! WAY TO GO BUD - KEEP 'EM COMING!!
  22. Hey OFC'ers, So I had a couple hours to kill today - So, thought I would head down to Lake O with my buddy to fish for pike and hopefully get him into his 1st one after hunting them down the last 2-3 weeks. Before this "hunting" began for the elusive "Esox" - he thought of going to get a "Victory Cigar". We've gone maybe a total of 3-4x together fishing. 2nd outing I managed to catch a pike - he didn't. Finally after the 3-4th outing he hooked into his 1st pike! He had such a rush!! I never felt so happy for another angler - especially since it was his "1st". Anyway... I'll let the pictures tell the story.... **You can clearly see him finally getting to smoke his "Victory Cigar" after finally catching his 1st Pike!** **2nd Picture** The lure of choice was a Rapala XRAP "Glass Ghost" in either 2 1/2" or 3 1/8". (not sure) I can't wait for the next outing - I love fishing for these fish!! They're amazing!! Well, that's my report. Happy Fishing & Tightlines!
  23. Nice Dude!! Great report!
  24. UPDATE: So, As you all know/read - I've been recently granted temp. access to fish Marie Lake (AKA: Mary Lake) at the Monastery. My apologies in advance, I don't have any pictures (cause my camera died! ) ARGH!!! Anyway, I was able to fish the lake for maybe a total of 2hours (on a small tinny). I have NEVER fished a lake with SOO MANY ACTIVE FISH! Mostly PIKE (hammerhandles) but MAN was the action intense... We were using 4" Yellow Tubes and basically just dragging it along the bottom w/ the occasional pop. Our lures would get a hit every 5min - SO MUCH ACTION!! My little cousin (13yrs) was having so much fun - but didn't like the teeth on the pike! LOL!! The best part of this whole experience - The guy that took us on the Tinny (works for the Monastery P/T) is a Tournament Fisherman. He's offered me the privilege to fish with him on his boat sometime - and maybe even in a tourny with him! :| (I'm not counting on the tourny - considering money is involved & I wouldn't wanna be the reason why he lost! ) Anyway, if you ever are granted temp. access to fish this lake - bring your PIKE gear. According to the 'guide' that took us out - there are some trophy sized pike and bass. From what I can recall - He's told me there are PERCH, PANFISH, PIKE and BASS in this lake. Well, that's my report - again, sorry I couldn't attach any pictures!
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