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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. I couldn't agree more on that statement I for myself only use the Walmart reel / rod combo special at $22.99..... Good enough for me Leechman
  2. Awesome gator Rich Great way to spend your 25th!!! Happy birthday Leechman
  3. Awesome Dude Rob, just an observation, next time make sure you have the spool pointing down ward.... meaning the top should be flipped Just like in the next pic
  4. 30# Dacron, roughly 60' of line on the spool with wire leader and 4/0 Octopus hook. Just above the leader, about a couple of inches, a 1/4oz bell sinker. Pike, walleye and perch don't seem too shy about coming to have a lunch on the salty ( salted frozen minnow ) Only allowed dead minnows up here in Quebec in the zone I fish in
  5. They sure do GoodMan.... all depends how hard the knob on the reel is set after dropping the bait into the hole..... also I have 10 adjustable holes into the top for sensitivity
  6. I'd ask you to send them to me Geoff but I have a couple of dozens in the freezer
  7. Well I must say that I make my own tipups / tipdowns which ever you want to call them and they are the very best Always satisfied with their functionality and performance and well balanced Leechman
  8. Yeah.... add a little pepper
  9. Try to clean the plug as best you can and fire it up again.... if it behave the same, than you have other issues that's beyond my knowledge.... may be Big Cliff or Bernie of this site can help you with this. Leechman
  10. Try another spark plug and see.
  11. Put them on a wax sheet paper and cover them in corse / pickling salt, into a ziplock freezer type bag and into the deep freeze. Salties
  12. Did you have full choke on?? Mine will die if I don't take the choke off after it ran for a couple of minutes???
  13. Kewl.... No.... fascinating Live long and prosper!!!
  14. Never been to an event of this magnitude before Dan but looks like you guys had red hot action from start to finish Thanks for sharing the pics!!! Leechman
  15. 111 that's really intriguing..... good one dude!!!

  16. Welcome to OFC Jr Looking forward to reading your soft / hard water adventures!!! Leechman
  17. UNBELIEVABLE That's really freaky dude I'm stunned Leechman
  18. I'm puzzled now It's -23 outside
  19. Great report, fish and pics Rob I thought I had recognized that set line Great to see that you are putting it to good use Very nice walleye on the last pic Thanks for sharing Jacques
  20. Well feed sow Thanks for sharing Leechman
  21. Got to love being able to limit out on them in 10 min Great job walleyemaster
  22. OK let me have it Geoff
  23. You're cursed now Paul You got to change to Thumper Now that was close eh Vinni
  24. This is my favorite one... daughters 14" perch Jacques
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