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Everything posted by Skud

  1. That would look awesome on my wall! HUGE!!!
  2. Great pics!
  3. I love the quality of your pics. Beautiful! Thanks for posting
  4. Good stuff. Working only two days a week sounds pretty sweet.
  5. What a bunch of fatties. The fish too.
  6. Cool pics. Cool report
  7. I don't know where that pic is from, but probably from the other side of the planet. My first thought when I seen it was the the guys that fish in Little lake on the south end with 5 plus lines each for pike.
  8. Already saw this on Little Lake in Barrie last year.
  9. Awesome!! Great report and pics. Thanks for posting
  10. I'll give you $200 for it
  11. Enjoying your reports Chris. Love those gators
  12. I have heard this story several times first hand. I can't help but picture your facial expressions while telling the story. Too funny!
  13. When you asked me about this trip I was actually thinking," yeah if I had free lap dances all week". Hookers will do too.
  14. Fun guys to watch. Looking forward to seeing the show.
  15. Pretty wild!
  16. You just can't stop slaying them can you. Sweet outing. Great report
  17. Great read. Thanks for taking the time
  18. Nice fatties
  19. The moose hunt was a lot less exciting then last year but we were blessed with good weather and spent some quality time in the bush. We worked a circuit of swamps hoping to catch something walking through the openings. I finally got to use my new ATV, breaking it in on trap line trails. Slow but exhausting, and also lots of fun. The Kodiak 450 performed well. I sat my Dad down in many different locations I think I exhausted him out. I spent lots of time in a tree stand over looking this swamp My gear ready to go. I gave my Pops the pretty swamp to stare at. Every swamp had a family of otters to watch and pass the time. I also snapped some pics as I traveled around of critters and scenery. We shot a few grouse while exploring the country side but seen no moose. It still was time well spent with my Father. I will sneak in a few days of deer hunting yet. My 16 year old daughter got her hunting license this year so I will have to get her feet wet too. Going to put her in a tree stand for 10 hours and see how she likes it. She is an assassin with her Compound bow. Will post how we do.
  20. Love the ladder to the head!
  21. Nice haul of fat wallies!
  22. I was in the show Mike. I was the guy in the boat solo approaching the camp near the beginning. That footage was taken the Sat morning before we flew out. I'm a star! The 'Boys' flew in on Wednesday just after the major cold front. The 5 days previous had the water rise over 6 feet and another foot or so while they were there. It was bad timing. A few more days and the pike would have been adjusted to the changes and been more willing to bite. They were honest in their opinion about the camp. There was an older chap that was there with his son. He had come to northern Ontario every year for the past 40 to fish at fly-in camps. The Sunday prior to the cold front was the best pike fishing he had ever experienced in his life. At the end of the week when commenting on his thoughts about camp he said "a person will endure a lot to enjoy great fishing". That just about sums up Eddie's camp. A place to sleep while enjoying 'paradise'. I will gladly go there again and again.
  23. What a beast. Worth the wait. Congrats
  24. This show was shot when a few OFNer's were at the camp the last week of May. I just might have made the cut. We shall see at 8am tomorrow.
  25. Absolutely gorgeous!
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