The moose hunt was a lot less exciting then last year but we were blessed with good weather and spent some quality time in the bush. We worked a circuit of swamps hoping to catch something walking through the openings. I finally got to use my new ATV, breaking it in on trap line trails. Slow but exhausting, and also lots of fun. The Kodiak 450 performed well.
I sat my Dad down in many different locations
I think I exhausted him out.
I spent lots of time in a tree stand over looking this swamp
My gear ready to go.
I gave my Pops the pretty swamp to stare at.
Every swamp had a family of otters to watch and pass the time.
I also snapped some pics as I traveled around of critters and scenery.
We shot a few grouse while exploring the country side but seen no moose. It still was time well spent with my Father.
I will sneak in a few days of deer hunting yet. My 16 year old daughter got her hunting license this year so I will have to get her feet wet too. Going to put her in a tree stand for 10 hours and see how she likes it. She is an assassin with her Compound bow. Will post how we do.