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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. No. Creditview and Britannia.
  2. I found a link: http://www.noto.net/bearlk/
  3. I feel I'm being baited. You know I could if I so desired.
  4. Yep, they now have live Eels for sale at the No Frills Grocery store fer $8.99 per pound. They are difficult to see as they are lying motionless at the bottom of the live tank (aquarium) amidst the carp. Here is the video.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLhfa6w5MuY
  5. Now it decides to snow! May make viewing difficult.
  6. Bernie, Is that an 18' Giesler cedar strip?
  7. Then the CEO paychecks are part of the problem!
  8. Are you in Dryden , or the North Pole?
  9. Really? As we speak yer C: drive is being eroded!
  10. I think you have bad timing. Jan 1-4 is usually known by the locals as the January "Thaw". The saying referring to January being sooo cold as to be as "Slow as molasses" doesn't apply in these new times. But....you can never really tell. I may be wrong, it could firm up real quick, let's hope so fer your sake.
  11. Let them eat cake. The employees need to realign their skills. Let's face it, working on a assembly line probably requires the skillset of a 3 year old, with the paycheck of a CEO.
  12. Same here. The first thing to do in these cases is to... visit Google. I found the same answer as Rich got, it sounds like an AVG issue, and hopefully it will be resolved shortly. Here's is the summary: Confirmation that the problem is with AVG, as suspected by the fact that everyone was affected at the same time, and not the individual users: This is copied from the AVG Free Forum. "Currently the update for AVG Free v8 is corrupted... you will have to wait for AVG Technologies to address the issue with the update. Reporting the issue again by other users here will not do any good util it is resolved. The updates that your AVG currently have will still provide the protection it is setup to detect. In otherwords, just getting this update will not make your AVG Free ineffective and as soon as AVG Tech resolves the issue you will be able to update to the current virus definitions at that time. So in short... please do not post to report the issue, its already known. Also please be patient until AVG Technologies can address the issue." The post continues to inform users that their virus protection is not negatively affected by the glitch - AVG is working to fix the problem and users need not worry.
  13. Yes, you read right, there is still none o' the white stuff here. Oh, sure we got some the other day, but it rained and it all melted.
  14. Mine should read: WNTR BTR
  15. That's exactly what would happen!
  16. Er... they do...
  17. Here's the old style..
  18. They don't call it "Jumping caribou" fer nothing!
  19. Here's something a little more interesting to read.. http://www.torontosun.com/news/torontoandgta/
  20. Report bad drivers web.. http://www.roadragers.com/report-bad-drivers.php
  21. Eee doggies, young feller, that thar is one of those high tech devices compared to mine..
  22. Let's hope he doesn't "Suck them very slowly"!
  23. Good point. I heard (read) some time ago a Bass related article that said the noise of the flasher was spooking the larger Bass.
  24. Hey, hey Beats, I take offense to that! Take it back! Just kidding!
  25. The Bible has an explanation for your "Aliens" .. http://www.nwcreation.net/nephilim.html
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