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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Quit that poop Quit that poop Quit that poop Quit that poop Quit that poop Quit that poop Quit that poop Quit that poop Quit that poop Quit that poop Quit that poop Quit that poop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. <h3 align="center">Ice Fishing on the Bay of Quinte</h3> Freeze up usually occurs around mid-December and once there is 5" of hard safe ice we put out our ice fishing huts. We offer complete customized guided ice fishing packages including accomodation and meals.We also offer daily ice hut rentals. See below. A $70 desposit is required to reserve a hut. Book early to avoid disappointment! Deluxe 6ft x 10ft insulated huts 4 person/hole huts Huts moved on a regular basis Propane heated 12 Volt light systems Transportation to/from hut Tackle provided if requested Holes drilled inside hut and additional holes drilled outside if requested Bait available Daily/seasonal fishing licenses Weekend (Sat-Sun) daily rates $140 per hut Weekday (Mon-Fri) daily rates $115 per hut
  3. Good goin thar Rich, and yes, nice Crawpy!
  4. Then there's this here model with dog fer $100.00, called the "Beans" special..
  5. Poor College age guys, huh? Pack a bag or two and head fer Algonquin Park. Fergit about marten River, nothing but skeeters. The French river, you can ill afford.
  6. Here's something fer ya ta read ya big baby.. Smoking & tobacco Quitting smoking Five stages of quitting readiness Benefits of quitting Barriers to quitting How to quit Medications to quit Help a friend quit Get help How to quit Quitting smoking may be one of the hardest things you'll ever do. But it gets easier with practice. Research shows that every time you try to quit, you boost your chances of quitting for good. Your chance of success is even higher if you combine quit methods like counselling, nicotine replacement ("the patch") or other medications. Quitting smoking is a process that requires careful planning, courage, discipline, and commitment. You can succeed by following this advice: Four steps to quitting Proven quit smoking methods Nicotine withdrawal: symptoms & remedies How to cope with cravings Quitting checklist Four steps to quitting smoking Pick a quit day Choose a date within the next two or three weeks to quit. Having a deadline makes it easier to plan how you will handle the people, places and situations that make you want to smoke. Try to choose a time that is not particularly stressful. But don't wait forever for the "perfect" day - pick a quit date now and work with it. Chosen one or more proven quit-smoking methods Your chances of success are greater if you combine quit methods like counselling, self-help guides, the patch and other medicines. Learn more about methods to help you quit smoking. Choose the methods that will work best for you. It also helps to: List your reasons for quitting - health, family, money Write down the things that can replace smoking: healthy alternatives like exercise, or a new hobby Speak with friends, family, and colleagues who can give you support. Tell them about your plan to quit, so it feels more real to you Start making the lifestyle changes that will support your plan - leave cigarettes at home when you go out, remove the ashtrays from your home Consider joining a support group. Some people find it helpful to talk to others who are also trying to quit. Contact your provincial Lung Association to find a support group in your community. [*]Work your plan It's your quit date. Be firm that you won't smoke. Review your plan often. Knowing how you're going to handle the urge to smoke will help you better cope with cravings Avoid those people and situations where you will be tempted to smoke Go for a walk instead of a smoke. Find a hobby that keeps your hands and mind busy Clean your teeth, your clothes, your house of that stale tobacco smell Be positive. You are choosing to be smoke-free [*]Celebrate your success Believe in yourself and your plan Understand that it takes time to re-learn smoke-free habits Remember, that quitting is a process, not an event Though your recovery begins within hours of your last smoke, it takes at least three weeks to make a new habit. Don't be discouraged if you slip. It's part of the process. You are not a failure. Review your plan and ask yourself how you can do it differently next time. Reward yourself Proven quit smoking methods Most people who quit smoking use a combination of quit methods. Research shows people are more likely to succeed in quitting smoking if they combine several supports<a href="http://www.lung.ca/protect-protegez/tobacco-tabagisme/quitting-cesser/how-comment_e.php#f1">1. For example, you can join a support group, and also have some gum or patches on hand to overcome cravings. You will need to find the combination of supports that works best for you. Here are some of the most common quit methods: Support groups/counselling Most people find it helpful to join a support group, get counselling or read self-help books. This type of support will help you understand what to expect and better cope with withdrawal symptoms. Contact your provincial Lung Association to find out more about support groups and programs offered in your community. Nicotine replacement therapies Nicotine replacement therapies come in many different forms: skin patches, gum, sprays and inhalers. They have small amounts of nicotine in them and can help take the edge of cravings. These products work by slowly reducing the amount of nicotine delivered to your body to help you handle withdrawal symptoms more easily. Research shows these are effective in helping people to quit smoking, especially when combined with counselling or self-help. More about nicotine replacement therapies Antidepressant drugs Bupropion SR (Zyban) is a prescription antidepressant drug that can reduce the urge to smoke in some people. It's most effective in helping people quit when it's combined with other quit methods like counselling. More about medication to help you quit smoking Unproven methods to quit smoking Acupuncture and related therapies: Acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese healing. It uses needles to stimulate energy points in the body. Acupuncture is promoted as a way to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms in people who quit smoking. Some related therapies that have also been used as quit smoking aids are: Acupressure Electrostimulation Laser therapy There is not enough evidence to recommend these therapies to quit smoking2. More studies are needed before we can say if acupunture or related treatments help people quit smoking.3. It's best to check with your doctor before spending money on these therapies. Hypnosis: Hypnosis or hypnotherapy is often promoted as a way to help people stop smoking. There are different types of hypnotherapies - some are meant to lessen the desire to smoke and others aim to increase the will to quit. There is no evidence to show that hypnotherapy works as a treatment for helping people quit smoking4. Nicotine withdrawal Withdrawal is your body's response to being without the drug nicotine. Everyone who quits smoking should expect some withdrawal symptoms. Common withdrawal symptoms: Craving for a cigarette Feeling tired Cough Gas/stomach pain Hunger Headache Feeling irritable (bad mood) Trouble concentrating Symptoms of withdrawal and how long they last are different for everyone. In general, symptoms begin within hours of stopping smoking and can be worse in the evening. Symptoms tend to decrease over the first 4-5 days. Some people have stronger symptoms than others.
  7. Quote: "...I understand there is a good book out there..." C'mon! After that speech:" I'm gonna do it ... no patches.." Just do it! That's what I did. You wanna be a man? Now's yer chance. Now c'mon back in Feb and tell us you did not have even one.
  8. Came across the offering. Hurry while quantities last.
  9. That's alot of Whitefish! First photo of a truck on the ice fer this year too!
  10. Oasis, shmoasis, who needs Oasis when we have Jed and Jethro's Music Lodge! You know, there lookin' fer help. (You should apply).
  11. Thanks fer the heads up!
  12. Say, weren't you calling yourself Sinker, just the other day. Yer man is perty good but he's not as good as the French guy, Me-Show (Michaud)!
  13. After each use I unscrew them and place the blades in a pyramid to keep them sharp. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid_power
  14. I fail ta make the connection between"Acadian Driftwood" and the song's message which is coming home after some war.
  15. If yer want to listen to a bunch a fellers on stage, I'm partial to these gents.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61U90Pqo-rU
  16. Nice scenery of the East coast, too Holdfast.
  17. Is there a way to tell?
  18. This one has to do with Green Roe fer salmon fishing..
  19. Oh, that crossed my mind as well!
  20. You gotta try this! http://www.kalassa.net/propilkki2/index.php?id=1&eng=1 http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=26216
  21. The French Kid, David Michaud's got it! http://www.youtube.com/user/DavidMeShow
  22. Ah the Canyonero http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Canyonero
  23. Good strategy, it paid off. Thanks fer sharin'.
  24. I bought 2 pairs of high tech socks. One kind was $10.00 fer one pair the other pair were $14.99.
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