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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. good to see ya get out! what fish r in the holland? and whats it best known for?
  2. hey guys is there anyway u can volunteer to help?
  3. i accidently snagged on to 42 lber while fishing for pike , LOL, i brought her in and she was a cow! i love carp fishing, 20 lbers are common for me. Sinker or float and corn, awww thats as good as it gets. there she is!
  4. good stuff! nice going! when r we gonna get some ice? can u share some with us, lol
  5. camillj, good stuff, fishing with ur dad is a beautiful thing. Very cool guys!
  6. Hey Nigel, i have not tried it out yet, gotta buy some braid... thnx Rich
  7. wow sweet! i was just at a few of those spots today, and got nothing, not even follow, im still in awwww from ur report, btw i am disgusted in ur report j/k WTG!!!! my heart is broken, lol i dont think they like me... lol, i mean what is it timing? Ive been to some of those areas like a dozen times, and got 1 to show for it, Im pike fishing depressed for now, LOL
  8. I just read a article by David Suzuki, great guy, on this topic. notice how media thinks this topic is not important at all? all attention is on celebrities, jen and ben, britney , absolutely disgusting! No one talks the document called "World Scientists Warning to Humanity" in 1992, 14 years have gone by. heres what the scientists have stated... "Human beings in the natural world are on on a collision course. Human activities inflict harsh and often irreversible damage on the environment and on critical resources. If not checked, many of our current practices put at serious risk the future we wish for human society... and may so alter the living world that it will be unable to sustain life the manner that we know. Fundamental changes are urgent if we are to avoid the collision the present course will bring about." im with u clampet...
  9. hey yall, i just picked up a shimano callisto baitcaster. pretty good reel, it says its line capacity max is for 14 lb line, now ive heard a lot of ppl using braid in 30, 40, 50 lb, can i spool this reel up with that kind of line? Also have any of u noticed when u buy a reel and starting reeling its not always smooth. I hear like its touching something...
  10. ahaha terry, u are a Fishing God, not worthy ...
  11. hey guys, how old were ya when you caught ur very first fishie? i was 9, and caught a panfish, cant remember exactly what kind, lol, in the severn canal, on simply a weight and worm. I use to love watching those panfish come right at ur worm. How bout u?
  12. nice one!
  13. hey clampet, ferry docks are at the foot of bay st. The first one tommorow is at 6 35, ill be taking the 8 am for wards island. heres the schedule Ferry Schedule Looks like i ont be seeing anyone out there lol More fish for me aha
  14. u just had to tease us now, didnt u nice report!
  15. hey whose gonna be at the islands tommoro morning? ill be getting out there for first time in a long time, hopefully ill get into some pike for once, whos coming out?
  16. Cool guys thnx, ill be looking for a job soon, and making some money so i dont have to borrow anymore, lol, then i can spend all i want and need on fishing stuff!
  17. setomonkey, 3 inches is enough for walking on...and ice fishing with care.
  18. yup dont see why not? all it takes is a few bone chilly nights for a lake to get a thin coat of ice... -10 to -20 for 2 nights maybe 3 and bamm u got ur frozen over pond.
  19. hey guys, have u ever been told u over spend on fishing tackle? whenever i see and what something new like a reel, or rod or lures, my family always tells me, but u already have all those things, why do u need to buy more? stop wasting ur money! And they like ur crazy! Do any of u get this? and what yall say, this should be good.
  20. jobless in toronto! student for now.
  21. nice one! congrats!
  22. nice looking fish there.
  23. nice wtg, dont worry ull get into some big ones soon enough man...
  24. nice report, mmmm looks tasty, but the title read catch and release? LOL catch and release into the pan lol, wtg!
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