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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. there u go fisherman, gotta have tuff line to pull thro em lily pads and heavy cover...
  2. u gotta try, its pretty awsome action, i brought a few in on 2 trips, not badd, biggest 4,5 lber, lost quite a few in trout pond cus of em lily pads, but not now im better eqiupped , got my selft a baitcaster with 50lb braid, b4 plain old monfilament , 8 lb ... dude u gotta try it, i can take out on a tour if ya would like...
  3. more fish for ppl that know, ahha eh Snag do u fish the islands for largies?
  4. im under 19 anyway, lol
  5. yup heard that b4 from someone on here, thats great!
  6. First available thats a castle of a hut!
  7. thats one awsome pic, halarious
  8. sweet pics! perfect
  9. thnx for link, looks bad yeah, but we will get below normal weather soon... just gotta wait some more, lol
  10. nice pics and report!
  11. right on! this whole thing of carp treated as garbage fish and all is only here in North America, in Europe and elsewhere its a delicasy... i dont beleive in the rubbish against carp could it be natural selection maybe?? fittest survives, the pike eats the perch...
  12. hey kenny, spring for pike right after season reopens i think long pond is best, the stretch between the white bridge and grandstand, and behind the old church. I fish bass in the summer and have got some nice ones, trout pond is best bet, under docks, and lily pads.
  13. nice pics and report!
  14. good going, ur the pro!
  15. nice! am an avid fisherman myself, cant wait till summer! we should have a tournament just for ofners who fish carp, biggest wins, that would be cool!
  16. free! and ill make first offer
  17. these are twitch baits and hard jerkbaits... also spoons are great, meppes number 5 spinners... hope this helps
  18. wow sweet browns! WTG
  19. Welcome! u can still catch pike around the islands and waterfront, slow retireve, long pauses if using jerkbaits and twitchbaits...
  20. good stuff, gald ya got out, where did u go?
  21. yup there u go, nice fish!
  22. all i see is picturefuse.com
  23. wow thats freaky, kinda looks like a steelie??? but wierd look for sure, i have no clue what couldve happend...lol
  24. nice little one, at least ya got one...
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