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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. I can't believe you didn't blur out the background What an awesome day! Having something go wrong just makes it one of those days that you will never forget and you'll always have a great story to tell.
  2. Do what I do and make up locations that don't exist. Except when I'm on a big lake, then it doesn't matter. I don't have any issues sharing spots with people that are active on the board by PM.
  3. Driving home from the cottage I was checking out the lake to see what the winds were doing to it and a massive branch dropped 10 feet in front of the truck while I was slowly driving down a hill
  4. Monique is on a ladder with a drill!
  5. So me and my buddies hit Long Point Bay on Friday to get into some perch. The bite started off slow and I was trying to figure out where they were. I decided to go into a little deeper water since the temp was up 10 degrees from last week and we hit the jackpot. In a few hours we got 150 perch with enough keepers for a couple massive feasts. It got to the point where we didn't have time to grab a drink or anything and triple and quadruple headers were a common occurrence. We got quite a few in the 11-12 inch range that were FAT!!! Did I mention that it was hot out and I got a sunburn Today I took the family down to the cottage and went on a boat ride from Long Point to Port Ryerse. It was a great relaxing ride. Next weekend I plan on doing it all over again
  6. Hope you can enjoy your day today, Maybe even get out in the boat.
  7. Nice! We got about 150 today with some fatties, report coming soon
  8. Got another 2 tonight about the same size. Lost 3 of them.
  9. I'll post some nice lookin fish if ya take me on your next trip
  10. I forgot about this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UyWHdXb_CY and yes I'm one of those buggers on the lake with the music cranked
  11. I'm not too worried. I ussualy just drink OP bear
  12. I take care of some of there elevators around Southern Ontario. I'll try to talk to a couple people and find out how to get some deals.
  13. I wasn't aware that you were allowed to fish there. Maybe it's just from a boat
  14. Packed up the fishing gear and attached it to the bike trailer that the kids ride in and went to the ol' fishin hole. I had another night where I just couldn't get the hook to stick. But ended up getting 2 to shore. The last one put up a great fight, the kids were just a screaming in excitement. I'll be back at it tomorrow night and a few of us are hitting Erie on Friday (hopefully I'll stay dry this time ). Didn't bother taking a pic of the first one. But here is the second.
  15. I might head out for opener this year
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