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Everything posted by dannyboy

  1. Be thankful; we have such a great healthcare system in Ontario, you would be still in the waiting room. Glad to hear you are a little better, no pics though please!! Dan
  2. If it is freezing leave the lower unit in the water. Left mine out once and it was coated with about 1" of ice the next morning even though the lake wasn't frozen. Dan
  3. I will keep Kareem and yourself in my thoughts. Be there for your friend. Dan
  4. Hi Wayne: Glad to hear everyone ended up safe. I appreciate you sharing your experience, it brings a clearer perspective on how with nature there are neither rewards nor punishments, there are only consequences. Dan
  5. Are you saying the fur coat and hat I bought my wife for hunting may not be proper attire? Dan
  6. You don't own land; you rent it from the government. Just stop paying your property tax and see what happens. Dan
  7. It is the other way actually; trolling motor batteries are not designed to deliver the high amperage required for starting. Whereas starting batteries are not designed to be deep discharged like trolling motor batteries. If they are used for cross purposes it will shorten their service life. They are each designed for a specific purpose, kinda like fishing rods. Dan
  8. Thanks Dan
  9. I am looking for music by Spider John Koerner, no joy on Bit torrent any suggestions? thanks Dan
  10. Thanks, I totally forgot about using a leader. Thanks for the tips, we have never fished for trout in lakes just steelhead in rivers with floats and lures. We average about 5km/hr (3 mph for you imperial types) in the canoes, how is that for trolling speed? I will post a report when we get back. Dan
  11. How shy are fish of fishing line? The reason I am asking is we are going to Algonquin for a few days and would like to try for Brook trout. Our reels are spooled with braided line (Fireline) that we use with good results bass fishing. Should we re-spool with a less visible line? Most of our fishing will be trolling behind the canoes and some casting around beaver lodges. thanks Dan
  12. We never travel futher then 15 minutes from shore, Lake Erie can go from calm to nasty in no time. Keep an eye on the weather, with the hot weather we have been having; afternoon popup thunderstorms develop very quickly. There are lots of bass close in, try drifting or casting with tube jigs. Remember it is better to be on shore wishing your were on the water than on the water and wishing you were on shore. Dan
  13. My deepest condolences Lew Dan
  14. The MSR pump is what we use, it is someone’s job to fill all the water bottles and a 2 gallon collapsible jug every morning. I have bought some Pristine to try out this summer also. Dan
  15. Good news Rob, let Chris know we are thinking of him. Dan
  16. You can set the time zone on your control panel. Dan
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