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Everything posted by MuskyBill

  1. Thanks Mo...
  2. Yeah, that was her. We spoke for a while, & she said her son was autistic as well. She had a really nice camera, so I'm thinking the pics would come out great!
  3. Hey Mo, there was a lady out there taking pictures, & I was wondering where those pics will turn up. It was a really nice camera she was using & I'd like to see how she made out in other spots on the ice.
  4. Great pics, Rob, & it was cool meting you & Glen! Can't wait for the softwater, & we can for some slimers....
  5. I sense a 'ScudsnCudz' report soon! Great looking Laker, Scud, a real beauty....
  6. My deepest condolances, Lew.
  7. '08 GMC Canyon...
  8. Congrats Paul, great lookin' fish! Hopefully I'll be able to get my first soon too. Maybe I'll just follow you at the Tyler Tourney.....
  9. Great pics btw, Joey, I LOVE the action shot....
  10. Hey, I know that spot.....
  11. Yup, the snow never let up, from some point yesterday afternoon.... Definitely took a lot longer to reach Innisfil than I had planned. I had one lane to drive in for 101.2 kms, according to my trip metre. I believe I hit the parking lot at 7:30, & I couldn't believe I'd already been up for 3 hours, & STILL hadn't cut my first hole! Anyways, I walked out a bit further than I usually do at Innisfil. You can see someone's headlights from the parking lot on shore in the background... I kept my eyes open for Aile Goby, Joey or Paul, but the snow was really coming down, & I knew I'd be in tough to find anyone. I cut my first hole, applied my 3 minnow spread (one on bottom, one a foot up & one, two feet) & before I could get up to cut my 2nd hole, I had my first Perch of 2009 landed, & sent back. I got my 2nd hole cut, but before I could send down the breakfast invitations, I heard someone say "There's Bill right there!", & sure enough, Joey & Paul had found me! After a brief poop chat, Paul got some holes cut, & we were all fishin'... Twice, I caught 2 at a time... But the biggest of the day went to Joey with this chumbawumba... I had to pack it in at noon, but it was a fun & busy morning to be sure. Too bad we couldn't see you Aile Goby, next time for sure. As always Joey & Paul, thanks for the great company, & see you at the Tyler Tourney, or sooner....
  12. Yeah, I'm not even sure where Brian's talking about...I park, then walk out about 300' & start cutting holes. No science here...
  13. Look for...
  14. Done deal, I'll see y'all ('cept Glen!) in Innisfil. I'll try to be there for 6:00, but I'm thinking 6:30 is more realistic for me... Gonna go get a head start on the shovelling now....
  15. Way to go, Paul! Hey, are you gonna be at the Tyler Tourney?
  16. Innisfil could also be used as a scouting mission, since that's where the Tyler Tourney is in just a few weeks. No matter to me, as long as I'm fishin'. In my limited ice experience, I've caught bigger Perch in Innisfil...PLUS, better parking there too. Whaddya think, folks?
  17. I'm a 'walker' so that's why I like Innisfil or Gilford. Great water, not far from shore....
  18. Where are you fishin'? Wanna give Innisfil a try, or go for the sure thing with the Gilford Perchies. Since I'm also planning on hitting the highway for 11:00-noon, I'm ok with the Perch. I haven't been on the ice yet this year, so I'm more than happy to keep the Perch busy.
  19. I haven't fully decided, as it looks as if I'll be shovelling snow first thing. I'm aiming to leave the house at 5, leaving the driveway for 5:30, hoping to be at Major Mack/400 Timmies for 6:15. What about you, & where will you be buying minnows?
  20. I think I'll be heading out early, just like Aile Goby, on/off early. I was thinking of giving Innisfil a go. Perch in 20', or Lakers/Whiteys out past BigChevy's hut.... I'd heard through some guys at work (non-fisherfolk) that the huts are out further north of Innisfil, so I'm thinking Innisfil will be fine...unless someone else tells me otherwise, & then I'll be heading out of Gilford.
  21. Hahaha, nope! Sunday's gonna be the day for me. Way too wired right now.... Have fun, be safe & good luck to all!
  22. I'm heading to AC/DC right now, so I'm thinking of sleeping in tomorrow & heading out Sunday morning. I'll see how I feel when I get home, but after working outside all week, I'm pretty zonked. I'll check in tonight...good luck to those heading out! If I head up in the morning, I'll look for you Terry...
  23. Yeah, thanks Rick! Can't wait for Innisfil to be ready. It's my best shot at my first Whitey 'cause I'm a walker too. Like T-Bay, 5 mile walks aren't in the cards for me this year....
  24. Yeah, it HAS been a while, Fidel! We should get the stars to line up & get on the ice again...let me know your schedule. I have every other weekend to do whatever.
  25. I'm going to decide what time to head up a little later tonight. I want to see what the weather's gonna do.
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