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Everything posted by salmon

  1. IMO I found other things to do. I did not miss it
  2. Thin Lizzy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQo1HIcSVtg Foghat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcCNcgoyG_0
  3. 38 Special http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJtf7R_oVaw
  4. Heart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQDf4GQyXwc&list=FL5jPXrp4AdsmeMsEgjsMkTw&index=54&feature=plpp_video
  5. Billy Joel Piano Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sFlBJ1Jk3w&feature=related
  6. X2
  7. RUSH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIuDgsKFg6Y&list=FL5jPXrp4AdsmeMsEgjsMkTw&index=33&feature=plpp_video
  8. Lighthouse Pretty Lady Live http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZtEnpmokMU&list=FL5jPXrp4AdsmeMsEgjsMkTw&index=13&feature=plpp_video
  9. Thanks The specs calls for 85 to 89 ft lbs of tourque maybe I will dial it down a bit. I tighten then to 50 Ft in a star pattern then again to 85 Soon I will change to my winters and hopefully I do not here the snap (break). I love the subies this is the only issue I have had since the car was new 2005 (125,000km).
  10. That was my thinking too but I have access to several torgue wrenches and they are all the same. I should clarify though that one of the newer stud did not snap when I was tourquing it. It just snapped after installing it, I would be at ease to see that the thread was stripped but snapping? Funny how it is always on the passenger side fron and rear nothing on the drivers side. I do now have an service apptt to change all the rear ones. The parts and service managers know my status on this situation. I think IMO it could be faulty material.
  11. Once I swap over any rims either oem or steelies I re torque them to specs after 75 kms I have issues with them snapping in me though. Never used impact guns only torque wrenches. This is on my 2005 Subaru legacy, three snapped on right front and one right rear. I have changed all the fronts but the rear studs are a pain. I even had a new stud snap snap on me these were all bought from the dealership
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PECk9A-07Pw&list=FL5jPXrp4AdsmeMsEgjsMkTw&index=23&feature=plpp_video
  13. Nice bucket Great pics
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kBo1Xc_MeY&list=FL5jPXrp4AdsmeMsEgjsMkTw&index=1&feature=plpp_video
  15. I have gone thru quite a bit of equipment. My fav Daiwa Pixy Type R with Shimano Cumara 7-2 ft J
  16. Neil http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfZes9fFmXc&list=FL5jPXrp4AdsmeMsEgjsMkTw&index=54&feature=plpp_video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYna-UAt75c
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELOe3f-hihc&list=FL5jPXrp4AdsmeMsEgjsMkTw&index=25&feature=plpp_video
  18. Not sure if this was posted before America http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3fI0mLz3ks&list=FL5jPXrp4AdsmeMsEgjsMkTw&index=19&feature=plpp_video
  19. Hi I was just at Lebarons to grab some stuff and they have the rod I use. Spinning rod Rapala RSC 9 ft 3/8 - 3/4 med action. under 50 dollars. Lots of backbone not like the noodle rods I saw yesterday J
  20. Rich Some nice bass in the report and a mixed catches. I love the inflatblea they get you into isolated spots. J
  21. I agree with Bill on this one, I did see a guy this weekend using his "bass gear" and he was spooled very quickly. His words were I never thought I would get a hit today. LOL I have even seen guys that have been at the end of their spool not wanting to put any pressure on the fish whatsoever. It is aggravating to say the least. Get yourself a Rapala RSC 8 to 9 ft rod the 9 ft 3/8 to 3/4 oz this is what I currently use it has some serious backbone to it. The 2500 is fine just make sure you have enough line on it. Jose
  22. +2 This past year I went with my son to his first Marlies game and it was a blast.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO1rMeYnOmM&feature=related
  24. One of my favs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMk7MdjXq_A
  25. I am willing to give the D reel a try but you cannot beat this
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