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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. I had 18" in one place and about 16". There were pressure cracks though and some good sized ones.
  2. I don't think it is my hut. My hut is in tatters. A bunch of pieces. I need to go clean up the area tonight. Mine was yellow but I never leave anything inside of it. I always take out all my gear and my propane tank. Must have been another yellow hut. Maybe yellow huts are not good, will have to paint mine a different colour when I rebuild it.
  3. Walk is fine. No snow only ice. Everyone is driving theirs cars everywhere. 18" of good ice. I didn't have cleats today and the walk was fine.
  4. Ok I found it. It wasn't far but it was blown apart into a hundred pieces. Now I just have to pick up the debris.
  5. Went out to my hut on BBP and it is gone! Must have blown away. Maybe it is in Beaverton?? Iti s an old semi-portable, yellow, canvas sided 2 man hut. It was anchored down but with the melt and the strong wind combined with its light weight has obviously caused it to blow away. If anyone sees a random hut blowing around can you contact me please my hut number is HU2755 i think the hut has the words "Hardwater Tony" written on it. any help would be greatful. I don't want to get fined by the MNR. thanks
  6. I guess you are referring to me. I lived in Dubai for 8 years Just as it was growing. I was offered one job in eral estate as the markets wre just opening to foreigners. My friend took the same job and is now set for life. He has made welol over $3 million. Second job was in the same place but had to do with a Canadian company that sets up fire safety/hazmat instruction for the government. I would have been a partner. Both my friends who are the managing partners in the company make well over 6 figures each year.
  7. Does anyone know if it is open before their usual 7 am tomorrow morning?
  8. Wow. Haven't heard that before. I have had jobs in the 'real world' (lol) and done just fine. Many teachers can and have worked in your real world. Over the years I have had many jobs before teaching and whilst being a teacher as well. Here is a list of my 'real world' job all of which I was very successful at. factory line work assembling pumps Coca Cola truck driving delivery Regional sales rep for 2 different UK reps Sports Store manager Wing Environmental Officer for the 17th wing in Winnipeg Manitoba Fitness instructor and Pizza delivery boy. That saying 'Those who can do, and those who cannot teach' is just that, a saying. It is catchy and people love to use it. I have in the past been offered jobs that pay more than teaching does but I have turned 2 of them down in the past 7 years. I, along with many other teachers, would do just fine in your real world. I like teaching. I like the kids. It keeps me young and in the know. I like the fact that I can enpower a generation and help to them to participate in society effectively. I try to teach them life-lessons, morals and values as well as the curriculum. Not all are successful but the vast majority are. I believe that I am a role model and I believe I do a good job. The job, like any other, has its ups and downs but the positives far outweigh the negatives. I am not ashamed of being a teacher. I am proud of it. Believe it or not, not everyone can be a teacher. Some of you naysayers think it is just the easiest job in the world. I will tell you this; there are some people in 'your real world' who wouldn't last a semester in my 'fake world (I guess that is what it must be??)' Just makes me laugh. Oh yeah. I do teach because I love it. I get paid well but I don't really care about that. My wife and I in the years coming up to 2003 were financial very stable. My wife decided to stay at home with the kids for the past 5 years. I am not a top level earning teacher and I have 3 children. I get paid well but not crazy amounts of money. If I wanted more money I would quit being a teacher and find another job. I am confident I could do that but I live a comfortable life without much luxury (have you seen my boat? I share it with a friend and got it and everything in it for free). I do admit a good chunk of your taxes go to education. I don't believe teachers should ever strike or complain about their wages. I think if you talk to teachers you will find that there are very very few who think they are underpaid. Would I take a pay cut in times like these; YES I would. For those of you who don't like the way teacher's teach, here is what you can do. 1. go to university and get a degree 2. go to university for a 5th year after being at the top or near the top of your undergrad class (this is called teacher's college and only high achieversr make it in) 3. Get on a school board list and supply teach for at least 2 years or so and do a few LTOs along the way. 4. get a contract to work (You will probably only start with a 1/6 contract and work your way up from there to 6/6 or full contract which often take 2 plus years) 5. Once you have a contract, do all kinds of university courses in order to become a high level teacher (each course costs $800 and I have taken 6 so far and am not at top level). By this point you still might be making $45K. so it really isn't that difficult. Any takers? Should only cost you about $70-80K to become a teacher.
  9. Just read it all. Wow. Great summer. Loved the poop story. lol
  10. True that is about money but not the teacher's personal income which people have commented on within this thread. The public school teachers I talk to are not complaining about their wages at all! That is the point I was making.
  11. I am not against what you said about public unions but,,,,, The pay is not what the strike would be about. See everyone thinks it is about pay. Brainwashed by $$$$$. Guess you didn't read the previous posts. issues: Equal prep time as secondary Equal per student funding as secondary classroom size and security. It sn't always about the money
  12. Generally the salaries are within $1000 of each other in every board. Some teacher will make extra money if they are dept. leaders and can make extra money on top of that if they are co-op leaders etc. so $90 k is possible but there are very few. Administraiton can make over $100K but you already know that seeing as your wife is one. $85000 is for a catgory 4 teacher (as qualified as can be) with 11 years teaching experience. Teachers can make less thatn $40K if they are new and not as qualified.
  13. Not true. Full Senority and experience and top level makes about 85 k 4 years from now with 3% per year they will be near 94 k
  14. Money is NOT the issue that is the problem for these teachers. It is equal time and working conditions as secondary teachers and safety issues. Money is a third or fourth consideration. I have many teacher friends and none of them want to strike, in fact all that I have talked to wanted to accept the offered contract. SOmetimes unions act without fully consulting their members. I know this. Secondary teachers were not even shown their new contract, terms and pay raise offer until after the union already turned it down. Every secondary teacher I knew wanted to agree to terms yet they somehow turned it down earlier in 08. When they finally did get a chance to vote, they overwhelmingly accepted the terms. THe union is strong and at time might not always represent the members. Finally I would just like to thank the media. Of course the media makes it a money thing. Many teachers would accept 0% raise or even a pay cut in these times. It is funny how everyone gets mad about how much money teachers get paid and their time off. If it makes you so mad then maybe you should have become a teacher. That is what I tell my friends who rag on teachers. Good pay, great holidays and benefits. Teaching is not for you? Oh, ok, then maybe you shouldn't comment on things you can't do and leave it to those who can. Just my opinion though Remember there are always 3 sides to every story and the media only shows you one.
  15. Went out and drilled hole on Monday evening. Out from the fountain there was about 12", THis might seem like a lot but at BBP on sat there was about 18". There was no snow and very slippery. Be careful out there.
  16. Do you mean the nice sand and the palm trees and the beautiful blue water?
  17. worms work really well especially the ones that have sit out in the sun all day and are nasty and stinky and make you want to barf. Use those.
  18. Thanks for the replies Because there are no inflow or outflow of water and his property completely surrounds both ponds, I have to assume that this exception applies The waters lie wholly on privately owned land, ALso would like to thank Wallacio for the "google search" tip. Is that a new thing google search?
  19. I have a friend with a few quarries. He owns the quarries and the property around them. 2 of them are stocked with fish. Can I go out fishing with him on his property in his ponds and catch rainbow trout or bass even if they are out of season. Is this illegal?
  20. On the Lucky Craft Pointer as well. Nice!
  21. didn't want to actually say the joke but, yep that is the one.
  22. Hey Billl Nice ride. the ZR2 package is nice. Beefed up susp. and comes stock with 31 x 10.5s. Good diff and the 4.3 is solid. Congrats. That is a clean looking truck. My dad has an 04 duramax that has a 3 stage hypertech computer system. Full 5" exhaust, Intake and intercooler and I think he may have even put on a bigger turbo. This thing can move for a big vehicle. Diesels are great. Your dad's should not have too many problems. My dad bought his new and loves it. He tows a 30' fifth wheel and his boat behind that at the same time. No probs.
  23. Reminds me of the moped joke. I used tonet them for fun when I used to fish for smelt back in the day on Simcoe in Lovers creek. I caught one last fall fishing for bows in the notty. Funny fish.
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