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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. He still managed to get stuck in practice
  2. Done she is also first on the list which makes things pretty easy.
  3. Very nice Where abouts were you?
  4. I too got a couple of those $20 rods and I see that they are back up to $70 again
  5. I use the Christmas skin. All year Christmas at my house.
  6. Ok so am i reading this right. I am allowed to catch a perch and cut pieces of perch to use as bait? Is that correct, or am I just allowed to use certain parts of the perch. I tried doing a search but failed to come up with an thorough answer.
  7. Ok so it is legal. I will give it a try. I must admit that I will kill the perch before I will remove its eye. I think that is only fair. lol
  8. Cudz

    D DAY

    AMC had some good cars SC/Rambler little car with a big engine Rebel Javelin Amx and not mention Jeeps Cherokee and wagoneers were some of the pioneers in the SUV field
  9. Very close to that. appenrently (this is according to my friend who witnessed it) there were 3 big pressure cracks that that joined together at this area and kind of made a pie slice in the ice. as the driver approached the location and noticed that 2 pressure cracks were present, he slowed down quickly, The sudden slow down put pressure on the front of this 'plate of ice' which caused it to move forward and down below the ice. The jeep is sitting on a 14' slice of ice that has sunk under the ice. there is now open water around the jeep from the slice that has gone forward and down. Kind of hard to explain but if they could get that slab of ice that the jeep is sitting on to move back a few feet it might float up to level. Not going to happen though because it weighs too much and is probably frozen in place. We will have to see what Bassassin says. i think he is going to get it out today.
  10. Yeah, I thought it was funny that Dave was using a G loomis rod while fly fishing for the gar and he wasn't shy about talking about it either.
  11. My friend was out on Sunday and between 8 of them using live minnows, they manage about 20 perch. In the same amount of time a guy and his 2 friends limit out with 150 perch. My buddy goes over to see what they are using and the guy shows him a small jigging spoon but on the treble he attaches an eyeball from a perch!?!?!?! What??? Yeah eyeballs from the perch they caught moments earlier. What is that all about? My buddy says they didn't even jig the spoons, just let them sit and immediately, bam, another perch. Is this a common practice? Is this even legal?
  12. I don't think CTC or walmart sells suffix. Are you confusing suffix with stren or something else?
  13. apparently ice around it was too unstable? I believe the issue is that it is sitting on the sheet of ice that has sunk. IT is much deeper in that spot than it looks but it is sitting on a half-sunk sheet of ice. They were contemplating putting a steel beam through the windowso that if it slips off the ice it won't sink. Not too sure exactly what is going on.
  14. That is a sweet boat indeed!! Exactly what I have been looking for. If you don't mind me asking, what made you choose the skeeter over the lund fg tyee or the stratos 386 or the champion etc? In other words, what does this boat offer that would make you pony up the $$ over the others. I absolutely love it.
  15. I have a few more pics and some bigger ones as well but these were taken 2 minutes after it went through. Apparently it is still there and they are unable to get it out. It is not sitting on the bottom but on another sheet of ice. They are worried it is going to sink. Everyday it is out there he is being fined. Apparently the whole salvage is going to cost (with fines) in the neighbourhood of $30K. Seems a bit steep but that is what I was told. Be careful out there.
  16. Back in the late 80s I used to go to a fishing show in Pickering (I think). It was held before the sportsman show but as far as I can remember it was good. I don't know when it stopped or what happeded because I went to university and had no money to spend on fishing and then after that I lived outside of Canada for about 11 years. When I moved back in 2005 i didn't see any fishing show advertised in Pickering. What happened to the show? I can remember it being well attended.
  17. I saw them the other day at Simcoe bait and Tackle as well. Looks ok especially for the price. The only knowk (which isn't really major and expected for the price) is that the foot (where it attaches to the reel seat) is not reinforced with some type of metal. No biggie. I bet it will work fine. PS. Did you get them for $30 each or 2 for $30
  18. I will upload pics of the vehiclein the water etc later today. I will start a new thread. Pretty crazy pics
  19. I like the show. It is better than lunkerville. Charlie's wife is good looking.
  20. Pressure cracks as well. I didn't drive out either yesterday. Better to be safe than sorry. I didn't mind the exercise.
  21. Beside that tackle bag, that sale = no good.
  22. My buddy just called as he watched a jeep go through the ice. He was first on the scene and all the guys got out albeit a bit wet and cold. They were from Indiana. My buddy (on his argo) made sure they were fine. They were a bit freaked out obviously. I will post more when I get the details. THe jeep apparently did not sink completely
  23. congrats on the gfriend pb. it is still really odd seing bass while ice fishing.
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