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Everything posted by Mattones

  1. I am so happy to see alot of people here adopt animals! Goes to show there are alot of kind loving people on here!!
  2. Eh look there is a deer in the background on the right side! Muahahaa. Great fish!
  3. Not much of a fan of either teams but is it me or is Sidney diving like crazy! I am hoping someone on the Canadians tunes him in for it.
  4. Thanks I'll be sure to try both routes! Why not something different!
  5. Hey everyone. I booked a camping trip in July at Achray in Algonquin. I have been looking to have everything prepared well before the trip which is why I am starting this now. I read it will take about 6 hours from the GTA? Whats the best route to take? I figure a few of you have been up this way in the past and could help me out. I found this on the internet. which sounds neat although they were going to Pembroke which is in the area somewhat it seems.
  6. Lets go Colts!
  7. good thinking
  8. Great job mate! I am looking for something like this aswell! But gonna camo it!
  9. <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
  10. thats good!
  11. I saw them too.. but then I went to reply and noticed I was logged out hahahaa
  12. Not from Canada. Been around for years hehe.
  13. I was looking at buying a Hummer H1 last year and got the same thing 'I moved out of country and brought the hummer with me. They wont allow me to drive it I will ship it back to you' ... yahhh right!! I knew the deal was too good to be true!
  14. I thought I was the only bugger around who got a sun burn(Half my face and the arm I have out the tucks window) haha And a few bug bites aswelL!
  15. Any updates??
  16. I watched the last match on the internet for free. I always seem to walk into a link that is hosting it on one of my forums. Its lile Justin.tv or something. Great fight BTW! I swear Hardy is rubber!!
  17. I use to own Piranha's have a 120Gallon tank. full of 8. Then sold them all for one Giant Rhom. When it died cause the power was out for 4 days i gave up the hobby. http://www.youtube.com/user/Goatnce#p/u/11/ejGd1l9ZvvY Had them feeding off pellets aswell! You can see the mixed shoal aswell. Redbellies and Caribes.
  18. Oh man! Did he ever destory that place! Good for you my friend on taking action!!! If the MNR doesnt do anything I figure a bunch of us could call the local news. If in Burlington CHCH, they seem to love doing stories on this.
  19. I am looking for a cheap pair to have in the truck
  20. Ditto. Did anyone catch the last goal Canada scroedd and the goalie threw his stick into the net. hhahahaa
  21. Does your truck have a locking tailgate? I own a Lowpro Truxedo on my 09 Ram 1500. Its nice and simple to install no drilling although its a soft cover but the fabric is tough and if someone wants in they have to knife the entire thing as its almost impossible to tear by hand. Great in cold and warm weather aswell. National 4WD 4X4 Offroad www.national4wd.com 5379 Harvester Road Burlington There is another place in Burlington where I bought my cover but they moved and i forget the name of it.
  22. I will be sour if they remove the womans hockey! I love watching them play, Exp this year was by far the best seeing them blow through everyone.
  23. All I gotta say is, Where Canadian. We like our beer and having a great time! If they do get rid of the womans hockey ill be SOUR! I actually would rather watch the womans then the males. I enjoy watching them.
  24. Until its back up one of you guys should create an OFC Chat room. There are a few websites that allow you to make one for free. Just make it and post the link in the thread.
  25. I read on MSN.com I think that the parts for the recall where made in Missisauga, Ontario. hahaha
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