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Everything posted by verno

  1. I saw that you are from the Hamilton area from a previous post so I did some searching. According to Hamilton Bylaw 01-169: 2 (1) No dog owner shall acquiesce in, allow, permit or cause, their dog to run at large. 4 (1) Subject to subsection (3) no dog owner shall allow, permit, acquiesce in, or cause the dog to be found on the following premises: a. a public park b. a highway or other municipal property c. private property other than the property of the dog owner without prior consent of the property owner 5. Every dog owner shall b ensure that the dog is sufficiently trained so as to remain on the premesis of the dog owner General inquiries for the city 905 546 CITY (2489) Be the squeaky wheel. Call EVERY time it happens.
  3. AMEN. One of my part time jobs drives me nuts. Guys will moan for an hour about doing half an hour of extra work, and then end up doing it any ways. Some of the young guys I work with (I'm only 30) rush through and do a really half assed job and then wonder why we lose contracts. They like the idea of getting paid, they just dont like the idea of work.
  4. I'm so sick of Rogers. They have managed to lose my internet and TV so far. And when the time is right, they will be losing my cell phone service too. I complained about my cell service on the phone and on the net, I got 2 completely different answers. When I recently cancelled my TV, and they asked me why I was leaving I told them "Poor customer service" After a long pregnant pause she says "Uhh ok umm sorry bye now"
  5. Yup thats my pup. I've never heard them called a blue pointer. I have heard them called the Hungarian pointer. My wife would love to get birds, but I remind her that we have a dog that we have trained to hunt birds, it wouldnt be a good mix
  6. If I might make another off topic recommendation, look at getting yourself a harness for the dog to pull stuff with. These dogs are made to run and pull, it makes them happy. I don't have much experience with huskies, but I knew a guy back home that had one and he used to put a harness on it every night and let him drag a weighted tire around town, the dog LOVED it! You can find really reasonable mushing supplies here Howling dog alaska I think the harnesses are about $20 US. I let my pointer drag 20% of his weight in chains to build up some stamina for the hunting season. But from what I have heard some of these sled dogs can pull an outrageous amount, maybe ask the vet about appropriate weights for your dog to be pulling.
  7. Good to hear they separated the bad guys from your truck. Hopefully they didnt "park" it too badly. You should probably have a mechanic check it out, after you pick it up. And check the whole truck to make sure there was no property that isnt yours left behind.
  8. I would say think things through and then do it. Like wayne said you dont want to be wondering how it would have worked out. Just be smart enough to quit before you get too far in debt if it isnt going well.
  9. I have a vizsla, that I train and hunt with. The wife has 11 snakes and 48 geckos that she breeds. The breeding season is just starting so that number will grow very quickly very soon. I was reading this at work. Take cover my friend
  10. Tehre is nohtnig wnorg wtih teh cuenrrt sepll chkecr
  11. Nice slab!!
  12. Their life span gets shorter the closer you are to the highway.
  13. Congrats on purchasing a shirt. I bet the rest of the town is jealous.
  14. Nope with some of the pics of TJ in a tutu that I have seen its definately software
  15. If the trap is going to be visible just check with local by law animal control places first. Some places you cant trap animals yourself. If its gonna be in the garage where no one is going to see it or hear the animal whining it may be worth trying yourself.
  16. That sucks Gary, my aunt has a trailer not far from you at the old jellystone park and she gone to florida for the winter, I will have to let her know to have the place checked out.
  17. I just got back from the launch. You can still drive in. The 91 Aerostar made it, as well as the neighbours Caravan. There are a couple potholes that take up the whole road, but they aren't too deep. Stick to the sides and you are fine. The ice was out probably 50 feet or more, but didnt look very thick at all. Then all open water. Depending on what kind of boat you have it may be doable with some waders and a spud to break up the ice at the launch. I wasnt doing any fishing, just run the dogs up there.
  18. Rob Hyatt. Someone had to do it.
  19. Glad to hear you liked it. Last time I was up there I'm pretty sure the fishing was good. The drinking was great
  20. They had those black ones for a couple years havent they?
  21. I got $100 gift cert for Gagnon's so I will be supporting my local store. They have a Grohmann knife with my name on it when they get one back in stock.
  22. BOQ is the Bay of Quinte. Nice report, man I love eating pike.
  23. Shooting the puck well was an asset that lasted about 20 games last year. Then everyone figured out that if they stick close to him no one from the point will shoot. I'm always amazed at Kaberle though. He has great hockey sense and he's starting to shoot the puck more.
  24. I go back on boxing day. I actually scored New Years off too but I'm gonna work new years day at my part time job so someone else can have the day off. We usually have a good time when we work on the holidays, everyone is in the same boat and away from their families so we make the best of it. My answer to that one has always been, have you ever seen a dead cat in a tree ma'am? No? thats because if you leave them alone they come down on their own.
  25. I love the leafs, but man am I getting sick of watching McCabe fall all over the ice and taking cheap penalties. His bobbles the puck at the blue line and then has to trip a guy to avoid a break away. Then he misses the puck at the end of the game and takes a cheap shot at the guy in the leafs end because he's angry with himself. Then punches the guy when he gets a penalty. He just needs to look across the blue line if he wants to see how its done.
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