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Everything posted by l2p

  1. thanks for the kind words! more will come
  2. been heading out alot recently with all the rain, have fish both prime and close to choco and still managed. also finally landed my first tagged steelie and pretty random too since it was tagged by the craa and i wasnt fishing the credit. i have reported it to the craa, its amazing that we can track where the fish has been with something simple as tags. anyways on to the pics, enjoy. and ofcourse the tag and the fish, nice and healthy also released
  3. enjoy. downriver spot my stalkers cold frosty morn bumped into a brown thats seen better days he looked lonely so we gave him some company more chromage one day we found some fall spawners, check the colours fatty full of eggs my buddy sets his hook into a nicely coloured up female and while helping him land his fish my float drops and up comes her boyfriend. fall buck double shot more to come!
  4. haha i was actually behind u for a little bit yesterday, i was on my way to hit up scugog after a bad day on the creeks. you were getting off at 57 from the 401. nice truck!
  5. lol one time we were leaving rouge and i put the camera on top of my friends ek hatchback and somehow forgot it there until it was a little too late. got out and low behold nothing more than a few scratches, not even the lense cap came off lol.
  6. haha thanks, its actualy my dads and i just bring it out with me.
  7. thanks on the input guys! "I've been trying to get a shot like that for years. Beautiful." that too is my fav atm and is currently my wallpaper.
  8. i play around with some of them, its hard to take the time sometimes when im out to take a proper picture with the correct settings so i usualy do some touching up. a couple of the pics uptop might have been overdone actually.
  9. I figured id post more nature pics rather than fish pics this time around. enjoy. the most birds ive ever seen. wish i had a wide angle lense, there was literally thousands of birds. when they took off it sounded like a prop plane taking of cause of their wings smackin the water. very cool annd rare sight indeed. ofcourse the last chromer of oct,
  10. me annd kelvin gotta make a drive down there hahah, awsome stuff bro. keep em coming!
  11. thanks guys, more pics to come for sure!
  12. just thought id share some pics, enjoy. annd my seasonal pb
  13. lol @ the bacon grease. nice pics mike, hows the new toy doing?
  14. hooly wow! gorgeous fish and water man, i didnt even know you moved! best of luck bro, catch some 40 lb steelies while ur there!
  15. I'll play, enjoy! talk about fishing the mud line, my friend vik gettin pounded, mating couple, loner, managed my smallest jack so far, i seen them smaller. smallest of the season so far, shakers aside. largest pier salmon this year, floating skein. chromest fish this year,
  16. haha nice whatcha get? cannon? im just using my dads olympus dslr, dont even know model name. its got wierd aperture settings on it so i edit the pics most of the time!
  17. "Man, these new Cameras are amazing! Very vivid pictures! Thanks for sharing." with that being said i do edit some of the pics i take, nothing crazy i just like trying to make the colours pop out more. Some more pics i took this fall season.
  18. the original resolution is big enough for my 15.7 inch widescreen laptop and one of those pics are actually my background right now.
  19. enjoy.
  20. on a side note why dont u take them to a spot where they could catch tonnes of panfish. the grand is a big river and the fish could be anywhere, lots of variables come into play when fishing a river.
  21. Everyone has bad days, i dont think your kids seeing u angry when ur not catching fish is going to make them like fishing any better. remember fishing isnt always catching.
  22. man looks like i know where ill be casting spoons this fall. all the big ones coming right off the bluffs, which is 2 mins down the street. i was just there watching the thunderstorm actually.
  23. You guys think that video was disturbing check these ones out... we really cant let it get to this.. http://www.youtube.com/user/IlliniGus#p/a/u/1/PdcQ56OpxNE looks like the folks down south have managed to deal with them...
  24. great lookin fish boys, wouldnt expect less haha! u guys found some BIG boys(Y)
  25. haha thanks mike, we caught them browns on friday with kelvin. youve been doin well with em browns too i heard! i still want steel tho =( nothing puts the bend on your rod like a steelie.
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