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About jace

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  1. just brought back an unused C4 6501 (left hand) if you're interested. ...pretty much identical to C3 except for an extra bearing and slightly faster gear ratio. I think the gears in most reels from this line are interchangeable anyways. the box might not be here, but i could bring it back to ontario another time.
  2. I haven't been to the last 4 or maybe 5 shows now. The last year i attended would be the one right after the change where all the retailers dropped out. The reason i went was because it was nice seeing all the stores under one roof instead of going all over swo. When the booth costs forced all the retailers out, there was no reason for me to go. Even some of the interesting corporate booths come and go like Ardent, , Gloomis, Daiwa, Advanced Taxidermy, and Garmin. The last thing i need is to pay admission to visit a building thats 1/4 taken up by chainsaws, Rogers, Honda, Toyota, BMO, Scotia, cops, and other displays that have nothing to do with the outdoors. Now if you're on the search for a vacation camp, lodges, fly-in trips, and similar experiences, the tss is still good for that. I'm sure there are more, but I know of 2 operations that dropped out of that section also due to cost of show space + flights + hotels. It won't be long before this event is a full on trade show.
  3. 10 rings all the way down works well on heavier rods. Use an 8's for the transition guides if it's a spiral, then back to 10's. I built a few heavy ice rods for a group of friends who fish big lakers up in the territories. I had 7.0' #10-17 mag taper bass casting blanks and cut out the section each one wanted. Most ice rods and ice blanks on the market are pretty whimpy. These guys already had custom ice rods built for them but they were very whippy glass rods with no power at all. I think the builder's goal was to sell/make indestructable rods for them that could yank up those 40+" fish without snapping, but the rods were bent over at the fore grip during the fight because they're so soft. Beyond this, my only advice is to keep the tip tube at a size 7 or less for the best selection, size 8 has a very limited selection but they're around. Anything bigger than that and you'll be looking at heavy weight boat rod tips. n.b. now i'm talking about tube size on the tip, not ring size.
  4. I had one of the rikomagic android sticks before the chromecast. The rikomagic for me was even worse. I had the same kind of crashing, it was unable to play video without lag or buffering, could only play low res youtube videos smoothly, often just crashed and rebooted. There was a microSD card on the device i had and it couldnt even play small video's from it without bogging down. I sold that to a friend 2 summers ago and went to the chromecast thinking it might be better with google behind it instead of no-name joes. I still have the chromecast and roku 3 but the chromecast just sits in the tv. My newest gadget is the raspberry pi 512B and i plan on trying a few things like xbmc with it, this will likely do anything you need but you essentially build it and the OS from scratch. Before all of this, i ran smb and sftp servers and streamed directly to devices using apps that read files directly from remote sources without first downloading the whole file. For iOS on ipad/iphone, Buzz player works best for me. On android tablets/phone the popular (and free) ESTrong app does it best. On Windows/Mac/Linux, i use the free VLC player from videolan.org. This is the most universal solution by far because it'll work for almost anything including tv's, pc's, mac's, and just about any modern device that can be networked, but this setup is probably more involved than you want.
  5. I do and i find it very slow and pretty glitchy. It takes forever to load a stream, it often locks up and/or plays sound with no video, or it gets stuck in playing a video even after you've hit the thing to stop and the only way i've found to get around that is to unplug it from power. this is from a variety of sources and devices, playing both local files and streamed, and i get the same results. My internet is 35mbps, wifi is AC so bandwidth is not the problem. I also have a US market roku 3 (additional channel apps) and it's nearly perfect. I would highly recommend that over the chromecast..
  6. most definitely. Regardless of battery type. the more expensive one will be better. With the SLA's you're looking for, all you need to do is look at those crappy rechargeable no-name spotlights and portable car boosters from from garbage stores like princess auto, xscargo, harbor freight, etc.. Most don't last 1/2 year before the battery is shot and the light/booster is garbage. When they are working, performance sub par because the battery's capacity and ampacity are so low. The specs on the labels that you went by in choosing the device are made up like they are for all knock off products. 7000000 candlepower flashlights for $25 that run off a 6v SLA and 55w 6v H3 bulb. yeah, sure
  7. the alaska bush family show was a reality show about a sitka family that moved into the chitina. ...all fake, scripted, and staged. The remote cabin on just off the highway but they never showed it from that angle. There's a new show called Edge of Alaska (or close?) that takes place the tiny town of McCarthey. I know 2 of the 50 people who live off the grid there. LOL. I'm sure it'll be a similar scenario. Most of the people i know have their own boats too but a few of the have boats big/fast enough to charter people into the open gulf and business is way down because it makes no sense to pay over $300 to get on a boat and take home a 29" fish under 10lbs plus another. anyways, like mine, your countdown has probably already started for next year and already thought about what you'll do differently until you get it right. ;D
  8. sometimes doing things on your own isn't good if you're not familiar with all the bases. On a related note, i looked at a friend's company legal bill with itemization and one of the firms was billing at $12000/hour X 4 hrs on this bill. Not a bad way to make an average person's entire annual income. so $300 for 20min isn't so bad.
  9. Those are some nice fish, Dave. Good fat 2nd run kenai silvers who got fat waiting for the tourists to leave. heh. Kenai was so high and fast while i was there that it became dangerous. A lot of people left to fish other spots. What's funny is the number of people who went all the way to Valdez which had a run failure this season while other closer places like seward had record returns, so they ended up turning around. not very funny when it's 2-3mpg through the mountains at $4-5/gallon. on second thought, that is funny. LOL. I like how that one fish looks happy to be photographed while he rest appear to be in shock or indifferent to being caught.. I ran into 4 other deadliest catch boats this year. I'll put up photos and we'll assemble the fleet except for the Wizard which i've never seen in any year. What did your friends think of the new 29" and 1 trip halibut reg? I heard about that from all sides and nobody likes it. The new rule makes it nearly impossible to justify a charter business. Do you know anybody from the Chitina area ? LOL. re: alaska bush family show.
  10. There was talk about no fishing line years ago, especially the superlines, but i personally have never been asked to remove the line and i generally travel with 4-5 reels in my bag. Experienced security will know what they are right away, it's the new ones who always want a physical inspection to see what they are. You CAN have rods for carry-on on most airlines, i've seen hundreds of people with carry on rods with and without cases. What is more important is the size of overhead in the plane you'll be flying, so if you're in a small beechcraft, embriar, dash or other small collector plane, you will most likely need to gate check your rods AND carry-on anyways. If you're curious, a lot of these planes have a 17" baggage limit which means none of those "official carry on" bags will fit and they'll gate check them as you board. Those official bags are 20" 21", and 22" and those will fit in most other common planes. If your itinerary lists plane info, go from there to decide whether or not your rods can be carried. For checked rod cases, your 2 piece rods will be no problem, the maximum baggage size for sports equipment is 115 inches, that's L+W+H in any shape you want. That would cover any rod you would want to travel with, i've seen dudes with 8' rod tubes in airports...no thanks. If you have very expensive lures, take off all the hooks and carry them, then buy new hooks before fishng or check the hooks. You can check any size fillet knife no problem, as well pliers and other tools. In the last year or 2, airport security has relaxed the tool restriction so you CAN carry most small tools in your carry-on now where before all tools of any sort were banned. If you're going to check the knives, there's no point in carrying pliers anyways, and you don't want to give security a reason to slow you down. If you lock your rod case, use a "TSA" lock or it will be cut, they are available anywhere. My rod case has been opened by security on every flight for years...it'll be resealed and a notice put inside. I just flew out a week ago and it was no suprise to find my rod case had been opened and it will no doubt be opened again on my way home. These rules cover most airlines, i am not loyal to any carrier. Like MJL said, make sure your bags are labelled with tags.. I always include a photocopy of my intinerary inside all my bags including carry-on just in case it gets misplaced at unexpected gate checks.
  11. pretty sure they're not making them anymore but they're easy to find in old stock. lure goes on the string side, rod goes to the swivel on the wire. The main Pro pink lady divers have over all other inline divers i can think of is they can be reset by messing around with the rod from the boat where others need to be reeled in to be reset including downriggers. My biggest biggest beef with them, and all other inline divers, is dragging all that extra weight when youre bringing in a fish. The other negative is that you're never exactly sure how far down your lure is going. I haven't used them in ages for these 2 reasons.
  12. My votes... and i've tried most of the commonly available brands with polarized lenses. Just a little research will narrow it down to 3 or 4 that produce the best lenses, and from there you can decide what styles you like. There's a clear difference if you do side by side comparisons. A friend had cheap department store "polarized" glasses and was struggling to see the same fish swimming by. cheap glasses have crooked polarizing layers don't cut the reflection and glare as effectively and the lenses are distorted. Besides the optical quality, i've had all good warranty experiences with them. The thing is they MUST be bought through an authorized dealer for good after service. I dropped a pair off my head onto cement, smashed both glass lenses, they replaced the pair for peanuts. I broke an arm off a titanium pair 2 years after buying them...got a new pair for nothing. I cracked several pairs of frameless Rx lenses at the bridge..all replaced free. They were Lahaina's so if you have a fat head, don't bother to try them. My newest pair of Rx MJ's got a lens scratched while helping move my sister's toilet, They weren't even a month old and the lens was replaced free...not just polished out, they ground a new one. Rx MJ's are pricey but they're good for the day's you don't want to wear contacts. their quality + service will have me going back as long as it keeps up. a good #2 for me are the revo glass lens. I don't care for the colored mirroring on costa's but they do have good glass lenses. I have nothing good to say about any plastic lenses, i've seen the distortions in most of them, even good brands when they have full frames...tightening the frame around a plastic lens bends it. You can see the flex and stress points by looking at them with another polarized pair of glasses.
  13. commonly used knot for fluoro and i use it myself most of the time. The only place i don't use it is on hooks too small to pass a doubled length of line through. You must be tying it wrong. I can't remember of any time i've seen one slip even a little bit. It works on braids too.
  14. some derbies check otoliths for identifying heat marks and also genetics tests. It's nothing to ship a fish in from across the country/state or from another water system if the prize is big enough.
  15. the black is a pelagic so that's okay since there's a different limit and life cycle on those. The only other pelagic i've caught is the dusky and they're easier to get once you're on them because they school up and they're fished high in the water column where there's almost no chance of getting a yellow eye or any other non-pelagic rockfish. Most people i know who catch yellow eyes (or copper, spiny, tiger, etc) are fishing for halibut and/or ling. just typing the names makes me hungry.
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