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Posts posted by FLEX ROD

  1. The main question is what kind of a break is it? If the break is a clean and straight forward one then he should probably be able to go, but if it is a bad break you really and I do mean really want that foot in a PLASTER or a Fiberglass cast as soon as possible.


    This is unfortunately way too much personal experience, and if he does go the fiberglass route watch out for some thing that no doctor has ever told me - watch out to or for an allergic reaction to the fiberglass as a very small percentage of people can be allergic to it.


    But all of this could be in vain here, what does the mother say? :whistling:

  2. Help please, my son and I are heading up to the Attawapiskat on July 3-10 and I am wondering if we will have the chance to see the Northern Lights?


    Not sure how far north one has to go, the Attawapiskat is in the area of the Kenora district north of Nakina.


    Any info would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you,




  3. Well today I am berring my father, my best friend and the one that taught me what loving nature was all about.


    This is the guy that passed on his love of fishing to me from as far back as I can remember, I have memories of him taking me out fishing for over 45 years.


    No one was a better man, friend, father or husband, at his visitation yesterday, some of his hunting buddies came to me and even asked me for a peice of his hunting clothes just so that they would new forget him and he would be close to them when they would be out enjoying a mutual love.


    Fathers - give your sons a big hug and or call them


    Sons -- do the same as time seems to go by so so fast and you never know.


    We are very fortunate that this was sudden, he was not feeling well on Friday and we lost him on Monday night, but as I have been saying, we did not loose him he has just gone to a new fishing / hunting spot and is started to scout it out for all of us so that when we meet up he will be taking us to the hunny holes right off the bat.


    Tight lines DAD

  4. Mike, you coud not have summed it up any better, "Once again the greatest thing about this board is the quality of its members and the new friends that you meet".


    Once again many thanks for the great day I had a blast and any time and you have space and paitience I will be ready.





  5. Seriously? After months of renovating your house you're thinking of moving?

    I'm hoping everything is okay 'cause this sounds totally unexpected.


    I am at the stage of 15 surgeries in 15 years when you have to start to think about the quality of life.


    As things stand it is getting worse and with the market being what it is state side I want to explore my options. I have been suffering like a dog for the last week but we will see, none the less I do not see a move as immediate, may be a part time.

    Not prepared to through in the towel just yet, but as you know, planning things in advance is the secret to a successful trip. I can not and will not give in that easily but time will tell.

  6. Okay folks,


    It is starting to look like the time is coming closer to a move may be in my family's plans - health reasons and Arizona looks to be the best location due to climate conditions.


    Has any body done any fishing in Arizona, and if so what area of the state and what species?


    I did some quick searches and did see that some trout, bass, and pike fishing is awayable but the info was not great, just want to see what knowledge is available on this topic as this would help narrow down the area to start searching for property.


    Thank you in advance,



  7. They sure are. You wouldn't believe our grocery bill and they're only 3 and 5. :lol:







    Wish I would have thought of that.

    Get my 3 year old on his kneees holding the fish with the ice rod laid across the back of his neck. :lol:



    Oh waite Mike you aint seen notin yet, my 15 year old is a non stop eating machine from when he opens his eyes till he goes to bed.


    I swear he must be thinking about what he will eat next all day long, or when his mind is not on other things :rolleyes::whistling:



  8. Fishnwire, is this lake open for ice fishing, if so go in in the winter drill a few holes and drop a worm down and see what happens. If it not open then go in once the season opens and again take a spinner put a worm on the end and work the shore if any rainbows are around you should find them this way.



  9. All the best to your dad, may it go smoothly and the rehab go quickly.


    As one who has been on the table 15 times in 15 years for joint related issues, he will feel great when it is behind him. My mother in law had a femer replaced at the age of 89 and the next day they had her on her feet and walking, 2 months later she felt 100% better.



  10. All the best to your dad, may it go smoothly and the rehab go quickly.


    As one who has been on the table 15 times in 15 years for joint related issues, he will feel great when it is behind him. My mother in law had a femer replaced at the age of 89 and the next day they had her on her feet and walking, 2 months later she felt 100% better.



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