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Posts posted by FLEX ROD

  1. Help please, I have a chunk of ground Moose meat that looks great, not too much fat but enough that it wont be dry so I am looking for some suggestions on how to cook it.


    In the past I have done meatballs from Venison, marinated in Rum and OJ with ground up Plums and Pears but I am open to suggestions as I would like to do something different.


    It will be cooked on Saturday, so please share some of your secret or not so secret recipes.


    Please..... :santa:


    Thank you,



  2. Hello Folks, need to replace my main line on my pin and just wanted to hear who is using what and what test pound?


    I only have the one float reel so I am not in a position to change back and forth, so I am looking for what people use in the fall and winter and right into the spring.


    Also really curious as to what weight main line are you running, 8 - 10 or what.


    Thank you in advance,



  3. Oh good, no actually thank God I am able to reply prior to this post being locked!!!!!


    Mike I have have had the pleasure and privelage to know you now for 6 years for sure possibly 7, your Solopaddler days was what got me hooked on the site and I have not left since.


    I had the pleasure to meet you the first time when I bought a reel from you, and that was the day that I can say with a hug smile on my face that was the moment we clicked and became friends.


    In life, one, even with lousy luck usually get lucky and that was one of those rare moments for me, since then I have really been lucky and not only have your suggestions been great, yes I am one of those lucky 89, but I have also had the pleasure of joining you on some - TOO FEW - outings.


    But Mike, you did one thing that really stands out in my memory, and that was one time when we were back from a day trip and speaking about our sons I mentioned just in passing if you knew where to get a pair of waders for my son, you asked me a few questions and said hang on and in couple of minutes you came walking out with a pair of Neoprene Cabela's waders and just handed them to me.


    That sir is what I call being a true gentleman and really a true friend.


    The day that you stop posting on here will be a very sad day for this SITE, as I for one will not be back as I will have nothing to look forward to and I will be following you via whatever venue you chose to be on free or pay does not matter and as I told you already just let me know how and when to get on your subscription list for that new magazine.


    FLEX - John

  4. WOW, what a fantastic report Mike!!!


    Your reports are always so detailed, that one almost feels that they were on the trip with you and that this is just two people re living the trip, thank you.


    Mike, I know that you spend countless hours / days planning trips like this, I think that this report must have taken you almost as long to put together.


    Thank you for sharing the trip with us.



  5. This board never lets me down, so I am reaching out, due to my health issues I have a bunch projects that either need completion and or need to be done but I can't seem to find the right person.


    I know that we have members on here from all wakes of life so I would much rather deal with someone who I have a natural conection with than just pulling a name off of a WEB site.


    My house is in Vaughan and please PM me with your contact info.


    Thanks, FLEX

  6. Mike you are a lucky man, o be able to share precious vacation time with the whole family and to have a trip like this wow.

    This will be something that all of you will remember for a very long time.


    I think its time that you stop teaching Brendan your tricks, because with fish like that I think he has really been listening and is ready to start his own school!


    Brendan, beautiful fish.


    FLEX - John

  7. Mike, I don't know how you do it, every time you post a report it is with great enjoyment that I open it up and I am always shocked to see that you have done the impossible, you have Trumped the last one. :clapping:

    Reading this report almost made me feel like I was with you and Brendan on the trip.


    How you find all of these spectacular places is beyond me, all I know is please don't stop posting.


    Your recommendation of Chaudiere Lodge was perfect many thanks.


    FLEX - John

  8. The kids have both mentioned to me about getting a second dog, right now we have a 9 year old cockapoo that has been an amazing addition to the family.

    At 9 years old he is very healthy but he is not going to be around forever hence the post.


    Any suggestions pro and or con regarding the Labradoodle would really be appreciated.


    I am really looking forward to hearing any and all replies,





  9. Once again I am turning to you folks who are always so helpful.


    I have not fished Simcoe in years, and I would love to get out for a day of fishing in Cooks Bay but as I said its been years since I have fished it and I would like to take my son out tomorrow to chase some Largemouth.


    Who still rents boats on Simcoe, in the Cooks bay area?


    Any suggestions would be great, as my son has taken the day off work to spend with the old man on his birthday.


    Thank you in advance,



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