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Posts posted by FLEX ROD

  1. Wow, FANTASTIC feed back folks, many thanks .


    Some how I knew that this was going to happen, that I would have feed back on all 3 and be scratching my head at the end of it all :) .


    I will be driving them today but my gut without sitting in one was right off the bat was to go to the F150, will see how it feels.

    As I do need to get one quite quickly time is an issue so I hope that I will have a better idea later on today...... stay tuned for more questions.


    Thank you,



  2. Well as luck would have it my Toyota Highlander got totaled on me last week, yes I was in it but fortunately I walked out of it with just being banged up from the air bags, thank God.


    So it is time to replace it, with the fact that I will probably be building a new house soon the idea of a pick-up is not that crazy, but I have never owned one I really don't have a clue on what to look for.


    Not looking at new, probably 3 - 4 years old, I will need it to seat 4 and 4 wheel drive / not full time .


    I really am lost in this department, I will drive all 3 tomorrow but would love to get some feed back as to what you folks have had and or have and what you would be looking at.


    If I decide not to go this route, my decision will be really easy, Toyota Highlander here I come.


    Help please, and many thanks in advance,


    Thanks, FLEX

  3. Hello folks, once again I am turning to this site for some help, due to my health I am looking at buying some land around the Flesherton area that will have to be cleared and then build on, but what I would like to do is put up a bunkie so that I have a place to stay temporally while we build.


    I have not started my search yet, it does not necessarily have to be a " Bunkie " I just want something to come up to and be able to stay in.


    The possibility of looking at a trailer is also an option but that would be my second choice as I would like to re use after the initial use is completed.


    What suggestions do you have of locating said " Bunkie " in the Flesherton / Markdale area?


    Thanks in advance,






  4. Lately all I do on here is ask for help, well unfortunately here I go again.


    Just got back from holiday and I find out my daughter was backing out of the garage and was not watching and hit the passengers side mirror. :wallbash:


    Does any one know where I can find a passenger side mirror for a 2007 Infiniti fx35?


    I have checked and basically I am looking at almost $1000.00, I have also checked and their are none at any wreckers in Ontario.


    The wife took her car out this morning for the first time and she is not happy so I really have to get this resolved ASAP.


    HELP PLEASE, thank you all for any suggestions,



  5. 2 choices I-95 or I-75. The I-95 through Buffalo to Erie PA is a more scenic trip but bad weather through the Cumberland Pass is a bit*&. I-75 straight down from Detroit is boring, boring, boring. Nothing much but flat highway all the way there and back.


    If the weather reports are good for when you go take Buffalo to the I-95 for sure. There is a short cut straight to Pittsburg short of Erie through NY that saves time.


    Thank you I / we will be leaving bright and early on Tuesday so unless the weather changes Buffalo I-95 it will be.



  6. Go down through Buffalo and come back up through Detroit or vice versa. It is not much difference. I really liked the drive through West Virginia. Go down one way and back up the next, you'll get to see more country that way.



    Yup, done it many times, 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. Do both and enjoy.


    Thanks folks, as for seeing more country, I drove to Arizona and Los Vegas last year so as far as seeing more country I think that I have that covered :)


    I just hate the drive through Windsor, flat and boring so I am leaning to doing the Buffalo / West Virginia route.


    Does anybody know if one route has less tolls vs the other route?


    Thank you for your replies.



  7. I have never fished in Florida, I am heading down to Florida, specifically the Coconut Creek area which seems to be close to Pompano Beach.


    So my dilemma is what to target and where to go?


    Space and weight will not be an issue as we are driving down so tackle wise I can bring whatever, just don't have a clue as to what would be the best area and what species to target.


    Help please as I really do not have any starting point, do I focus on fishing Golf Courses for Bass or what.......


    Suggestions on all fronts - location, species and tackle would be greatly appreciated.


    Many thanks to one and all for any suggestions, Please.





  8. Looking to go out on the ice finally that we have some, which outfitter would you suggest?


    I have never used Tim Hales as I live in Woodbridge so I have always gone to the Gilford area but I am looking for suggestions.


    Considering that I don't have an auger, my choices of going out are restricted and my son has his reading week this week so it would be nice to get out with him, we are either looking at Wednesday or Thursday, tomorrow is suppose to be colder but Thursday is suppose to be sunny and I have found that I don't do so well on the sunny day vs the cloudy days on the ice.


    Which day would you pick?


    Many thanks in advance,



  9. As I have had Corian in my kitchen now close to 20 years, I can tell you that it really is a great material.

    It has been stated, non porus, non staining and also if you drop a glass on it it will not shatter, break yes but it will not shatter the glass so safety wise you will not be picking up glass for a month after.

    Steel wool or emmry cloth will remove scrathes and even small chips / gouges.


    If you go the Corian route, do yourself a big favour, and get 1 or 2 pieces cut and made into a cutting board.



  10. I'm not defending TO anglers outburst, but he does have a point.


    Constant insinuation from board regulars that refugees are abusers of the system who are handed everything while white people get nothing.


    This is A-OK with the mods apparently, despite the fact that it is racist and millions of Canadians aren't white. Apparently we aren't worried about offending them and them leaving the site.


    "I'm tired of the racism"


    Hey don't let the door hit you on the way out.


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Really?!?!



    Is this how the mods and regulars on this board want our community to be perceived on the subject of diversity?


    Hey Dutch01 the original comment was about refugees, NOTHING at all was said or even vaguely implied about race.

  11. Well, I think I am going to pewee off a lot of people with my reply but here goes, as a licensed user of medical cannabis I do not think that it should ever be " Legalised", decriminalise it but that is it.


    In my opinion, if it is legal and readily available we will be opening up a Pandora's Box and what will jump out no one knows, but we do know once it is open you can never close it.


    The present system of obtaining it, for myself, now that I am legal is very good works and I really don't have a problem with it, but if it is available to everybody I am not sure that is the right solution.


    Now make it legal for me to travel with and then I really would be happy.



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