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Posts posted by FLEX ROD

  1. Thanks Bare Foot,


    That is an opption, and I will look at as I can see that the Cowichan River is resonably close and looks like some good fishing.


    I am just starting my search as thiswas presented to me only this morining and with the vast knowledge on this board I came here first.



  2. Hey folks, I have a chance to go to BC, Victoria in October 20-24 as I have never fished out west I have no clue as to what the fishing would be like this time of year.


    I am looking at targeting Rainbows, Steelhead and or salmon, on either fly fishing or float fishing, any help as to what my opptions are would be greatly appriciated.


    I can rent a car so that is not a problem but it would have to be day trips as the wife will be with me as she is the reason why we would be going as she will be attending seminars so all I have to do is pay for my flight as the room will be payed for.


    Help please!!


    Thank you,



  3. twocoda, Thank you!!


    This is why this site is the only one one I ever look at, the people on here are just the best. If they are selling them new for 399 why would any body buy a used one? I was going to go look at it tonight but now I have ro reconsider, or reallly give the guy a low low offer.


    Thank you,



  4. Okay folks, it has been a few years since I got rid of my last boat due to health issues, so it looks like I may finally be on the way to recovery and I am desparete to get my hands on something that floats.


    I saw an add today for a Watson square back canoe, my thinking is buyy the canoe first and I can buy the boat later and the canoe can always be used for small lakes, so does any body know about these canoes?


    It is a 15' square back and the guy states it is 3 years old this summer and he is asking for $600 or B.O, coments please ..... I think that 600 is too high what do you think would be a fair price

    Thanks in advance,



  5. As said try early and late on the surface, also find the drop off work the edge.


    My Dads club has 5 acer pond and it is also stocked with Raibows and specs and a whole wack of bass, they can and will live together no problem, and they do not have the depth that you are speaking about.


    Find the deepest point and try jigging, also are any inlets or outlet and try around that area. If you fly fish again early or late and try to match the hatch and see what happens, in the club they have recently pulled out 10+ pound rainbows one larger was lost about a week ago so give it a go and good luck.


    Have you tried to fish it through the ice?



  6. The Ugly Stick is okay and they do last, I have one also from the 70's then it was a good buy, I would look at Cabela's own brand rods, in my oppion the best bang for your buck and great warranty you can not beat them, and I do not think that Bass Pro can not come close.



  7. I had the pleasure of being on this great site last week and I saw hogman3006 post referencing that he need a partner for this tournament so I reponded to him and all that I can say is what a great weekend of fishing I had with him, truely a great guy knowllegable and one could not have asked for a nicer guy.


    Fishing was great catching well that is a different story but none the less a fantastic time was had by me and a chance to fish two new bodies of water but most imprtan to meet a great guy, THANKS KEN.


    So I did recieve some more info on the Nosonsing Pike tourney, and also they stated that the complete results will be posted some time this week at , www.nosbonsing-anglers-and-hunters.com and also the next year tournament date is on June 13 with Orientation night June 12th.


    as per the email that I got,



    Team 29 -- Ted Filippou and Dave Chong came in 1st -- take home was $12,400 (first prize $7000 and bonus tournament of $5400)

    total inches 117 1/4 inches plus 50 bonus points for a

    total of 167 1/4 inches They caught 5 fish


    The big fish of the tournament was by team 20 who came in 64th -- they caught only one fish and it was 38 3/4 inches


    The tournament results should be on the web site some time this week




    I had the pleasu

  8. There is a reason why you don't see rear drag models of reels that are in the mid to upper price range.


    Rear drag reels can be alright but generally for the same price a front drag will perform better, last longer :blahblah1: . It has to do with the mechanics of the washers and their size.


    I've lost lots of fish (and will lose lots more) but never has it been because I was adjusting my front drag.


    2 cents???



    Okay all I am going to say is two words ZEBCO CARDINAL!!



  9. My heart goes out to them as it has since the story broke. No 10 minutes is not enough, this has to be long, slow and extremly painful so the guy is begging for you to finish him off!

    As a parent of two 13 and 14 my life would be usles if this happend to my family, do any thing to me but hands off my kids.



  10. When it comes to optics, spend the most that you can afford!


    I have over the years learned that you only have one set of eyes, and the most important thing that one must remember is that this is a tool, I use to teach skiing and I love to fish, so opticts are vital they can be your life saver.


    The main role for my optics is not to let me see fish, no it is to let me see the structure so that I can then see if it is a struckture that I want to fish, and also by letting me see the struckture I can also see if it is a section of water that I am comefertable in trying to cross so that I do not end up going for a swim. But as was stated before the difference with good optics is that at the end of the day your eyes are not killing you and you are not as tired.


    I just got my new pair of RX glasses they are the top of the line Nikon polarized anti glare and anti scratch lenses, they replaced the exact same thing that has lasted about 10 or so years, the only reason for the replacement was because my perscription changed and I really hated having to change glasses to try on a hook so I went with the progresive bi-focales. In this situation I do not really care what the frame looked like but my optical store had a great fitting pair of Smith sportsman frame so it was easy, the cost was not but when you factor things the last pair I had 10 years if I can do the same or even 5 years I paid 650 so over 10 years that is only 65 bucks a year, and trust me with glasses like this you will allways have them in the case and know where they are so they will not get scrateched or lost.



  11. Listen both of you,


    After over 40 years of chasing chrome, specks and browns, the cure to this is simple..... and now listen carefully staying single and healthy are a must.

    Single for the plaine and simple rule you go when you want come back when you want if you say to the sugnificant other that you will be back at x hour and you show up at x hour + 5 min. you are in the dog house.

    Now staying healthy does help, again I am speaking from experience, it sucks chasing bows with a blown knee.


    The only thing that makes things worse is really knowing that the fishing is good and not being able to partake. :rolleyes:

  12. Not only was I drug to the same, but I am doing all in my power to do the same with my 14 and 13 year olds.


    Thank God, I have two amazing kids that do know right from wrong. We need to have more " PARENTS " drug the kids!



  13. With a safety pin or something you should be able to pop the cover off the bearing and access the insides to check for the offending substrate.


    Then follow the kerosene, sewing machine protocol and see what happens, worth a try before you look into new ones.



    About dunking the reels in water...they're for fishing not display. A little post trip care and cleaning will alleviate these problems



    Well said, that is why my original Zebco Cardinals 30 - 35 years old and my two DAM Quicks same vintage are still my go to reels for any and all type of fishing.



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