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Posts posted by FLEX ROD

  1. This is a love have relationship! I love your post solo and I hate you for the fact that you have the time to go and fish like you do :santa: this has just been brutal for me 4 months of not holding a fishing rod due to a loosy knee surgery!


    Great report like always keep up the great work. :clapping:


    FLEX - John

  2. i have a sheppard\collie mix of 4years old who loves to run and protect the castle from intruders. 27and kirby area ,, i've seen many yotes too.i bundle up [most times] and go for the walk\listen while she hits the bush . she's a good dog and returns soon after a couple of blasts if she's too long . ,,but what if?? am i wrong in taking a couple yotes that could potentially see my dog as supper . i think you'd have a good debate on your hands to prove otherwise. the need for a cull is becoming very apparent in the upper gta .



    Waterwolf - please don't get me wrong - I have no I repeat no issues with a coyote and or a wolf being taken - I have personally a coyote rug at home. No I did not shoot it my father did as I do not hunt BUT I HAVE NO problem with any body who does on the contrary I beliwe that I am one of the best advocates for hunters. My point is / was they guy has to go out and I do take him out but at 11:00 when i am getting ready to go to bed it is just the convinience factor.

    In September I had my loosy knee surgery and my walking ability is still on a cane hence I do not walk very much so that is another large point, I miss it as the dog and i miss our routine and not only do i miss it boy oh boy you do not know how much i miss not holding a fishing rod in my hands since andhaving to miss the fall steel.


    FLEX - John

  3. QUOTE(Fisherman @ Dec 18 2008, 09:11 AM)

    They make people repellant in the same calibers, why do ya have to shoot up everything in nature

    just cause it doesn't suit your purpose. If it wasn't for some of those species there'd be a lot more vermin running around. Actually maybe vermin just a little higher on the food chain come to think of it.




    QUOTE(fireball Posted Today, 11:19 AM) I agree.


    But I think we're outnumbered around here so I'm keeping my head down.


    The reason is relatively simple - because this is a residential area and IF the animal posses a risk then in a residential area precautions do have to be taken. If you read the original post is was posted as a general question with concerns for a family pet that is being let loose in a fenced back yard and knowing that wild animals in winter time look for food any place they can get it I was just trying to get educated about the capabilities of a coyote.


    I for one, enjoy the thought very much knowing that any time I look out my window I have the pleasure and privilege to see a number of exciting creatures such as Hawks, Eagles, Blue Herons, Beavers, Deer’s, coyotes , rabbits, owls and even once a grouse.


    That was the reason for the post.



    FLEX - John

  4. waterwolf, he is inside the house but the poor guy does have go and do his Business, right?


    And this dog love to chase and bark at the squirles and god knows what else.


    Please, please do not tempt me Wiser, even though I am not a huntrer a few days ago I had a monster Buck and 3 does in the yard itself, the buck was the biggest that I have ever seen 10 pointer and basically was right under my window to the point i could have jumped on his back.


    I have thought about investing in a crossbow many a times. :angel:


    FLEX - John

  5. Thank you gang all good info, and thanks Joey for the link, very informative.


    One thing that I neglected to mention and I guess that this works for me is thet we are on a ridge hence their is also the slope factor, but I think that we will have to pay more attention once the food supply get harder to find.


    And ketchenany we are just around the corner from each other, if you ever want to hook up please let me know- I am west of islington and south of rutherford and you are correct last year the rabitts were around but few and far appart this year.



  6. Okay gang here is a question that my son has asked and this I am not sure how to respond to.


    WE back onto a ravine and I have the Deers but with that we also have the coyotes, this seems to have been a very good year for them as we have really heard them and I have also seen them a few time.


    I have the standard 6' fence sepatating us from the ravine and we have a small dog , can the coyotes clear a 6' fence?


    My son is scared to let the dog go out in the yard at night so hence this question.


    I khnow that the Deer have no issue with the fence but can a wild "dog" clear it?


    Thanks - FLEX

  7. If you get the boots for the dog, make sure that you put them on nice and tight, and if your dog is anything like mine have a video camera ready to go as it was the funniest thing watching him as he walked kicking and shaking his feet. Most of the time he was on three paws, but he does get use to them.



  8. Hi Rick,


    As some one who has had more than his share of "issue" 15 surgeries in 14 years all that i can say is keep the faith. The mental aspect is more than 50% of the game and their is a light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully it is not afreight train :D .


    Good luck,



  9. Just wanted to check if any body here does snow plowing.


    Had knee surgery 3 months ago and just not up for it so I am looking to hire some one to do it.


    The location is in WOODBRIDGE 5- 10 minutes west of BASS PRO.


    Thank You,



  10. BIGUGLI,


    Looks like you had a nice day out on the water, was this to replace take your kids to work day?


    As a father of an 12 and 13 year old and a smoker, at what age did you let your son start smoking?



  11. BIGUGLI, you are very correct I do love and care for him very much that is why I spent 2.5 years hounding him and my mother to move from their house into a condo.

    I finally had sucsess this summer, I would love to include him in the hunt - BUT I do not hunt so that is imposible, yes we do fish together but again my time is very short and for the past 6 weeks still recovering from miserbable knee surgery with no rapid end in sight.

    My only consern is his well being hence the post, I thought that I had made some headway a while back but I found out he went hunting last week, and with deer season I do not know, don't even know if he has tag or even if he applied.



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