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Posts posted by FLEX ROD

  1. You can pick up an adaptor. I got mine at Costco.

    You just plug it into the cigarette lighter socket with iPod in it and tune the car radio to a station not in use. When the adaptor and radio are set to the same station, it plays the ipod over that station.

    Works okay, better in some places than others.



    Great thanks, I will check our Cosco and see if they have it as it is closer than Factory Direct, but it sounds like we have two different solutions, which one would work better any ideas?





  2. fm transmitter


    it will play on an fm frequency on your dial


    inexpensive units can be had at factorydirect


    Many thanks Raf, that is what I was looking for as I do not want to replace the exsiting unit, just not worth it in my oppion.


    Thank you.



  3. Okay folks when my dad died in March, my mother gave me his 2000 Jeep Cherokee

    but the truck only has a radio and tape deck.

    One would have thought that a 2000 Laredo would have had a cd player in it, well

    it does not and in 6 days my son and I are heading up to Nakina to go and visit EDDIE, in Attawapiskat

    but that is just too long and too far to travel without some toones.

    Does anybody know how or what is needed to connect an IPOD?

    The radio / tape deck does not have any auxiliary ports it is a standard unit from Chrysler.



    Any and all advice is appreciated.


    Thank you,




  4. I have been in your shoes before, it is hard, very hard to put your best friend down.


    When I did it with my first dog, 32 years ago I said that I would not get another dog, and

    I held that thought for 28 years. 4 years ago the kids and the wife ganged up on me

    and wanted a dog, so I caved in, and this is the shocking part as much as my first

    dog was a fantastic part of my life our dog today is even more of a family member.


    Don't do what I did and wait that long, the bond that comes from our best friends

    is really priceless.



  5. I would say that these should or could be good matches.



    Slovakia - Paraguay --- 6/20/10

    Mexico - Uruguay --- 6/22/10

    Ghana - Germany --- 6/23/10



    Depending on how they do in their next game these could be good also.


    Slovakia - Italy --- 6/24/10

    Chile - Spain --- 6/25/10




  6. Thank you all for the feed back, I have lived with this for 16 bleepin years, 15 surgeries and at the end a tipple fussion so I have had a bit of a run with this.


    I am at this time on two new prescribed drugs and I finally got into Mount Sinia Wasser pain clinic and have an consultation on the 17th of June to see if I am a candidate for nerve block.


    All that I can do is pray and hope like heck that I am admited for the nerve block other wise I do not know what I will do, this year has just been the absolute worst and i had been off of work from late Feb to mid May, I just had to come back not that it is really any better yes the new drugs have helped a bit but their is always a price, not sleeping no appitite and so on, but still I guess that it is a inprovement.


    Any thanks for the feed back and keep your fingers crossed that they take me into the nerve block program.


    FLEX - John

  7. I have been hearing about a natural product called SierraSil 14 for Joint / Arthritis Pain, from what I am hearing this is really a product that seems to be helping people.


    This is not a post to promote the product this is a question has anybody used this product?


    If you have can you please provide any feed back, I bought it yesterday so I will see what happens they are claiming that you could see results in as few as 14 days.


    We will see, if anybody has any type of info please share.


    Thank you,



  8. It was scary reading your daughters story, as it sounded in the beginning as a carbon copy of my poor nephew.


    The main difference is that the poor guy is still going through it right now, but I hear that he is now on new meds that seem to be helping the only problem is the cost $4300.00 every 3 months.

    As I understand this is a new drug so it may be of benefit to look into it.


    Good luck to your daughter,




  9. You have now found one of lifes greatest joy, enjoy!


    You should be proud of yourself, the Grand is a fun river with very well educated fish and that can also lead to a lot of frustation, my dad and I fish it many times and I can not count the number of times we would have a rising fish rise and take a look at the flie and if it was not just pefect down they went.


    The only othe thing that can make this even more enjoyable is to catch a fish on one of your own tied flies.


    Great post, FLEX

  10. The results are in and it is all bad. Not one but 2 breaks in the ankle, doctor does not even want him going to school for a week. Nothing more than sitting for 3 weeks. When I told the guys we decided to do another trip in October so he can go on the next trip. Man is he pissed, I am almost glad to be out of the house



    That is too bad, but it really could have been worse, at least no sugery and or no pins, plates or staples.


    I know that this may sound bad, but in all you got the best out come from a bad situation, you can go fishing any time with a healthy foot but very limited with a bum ankle.


    Good luck to your son in a fast and clean healing.



  11. Try these people or just go down to the Board of trade GC tonight.


    Canadian Dew Worm Wholesale

    347 Carlaw Ave

    Toronto ON, M4M 2T1


    Phone #: 416-466-7445


    Great idea, but I think they are getting bord of kicking me off. :whistling:


    Thank you for the contact info.



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