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Posts posted by FLEX ROD

  1. As I am almost at the end of my "BIG" project, finishing a 3500sq feet basement, I have been to all 3 three just once or twice and to date Rona has been the store that I have purchased the most from.

    With any large project, if you manage it corectly andd have some time you can save a lot of money when you watch for their weekly sales, I picked up my laminate flooring from Rona on a one day only 50% off sale, when it is a project of this size it make a heck of a difference.

    Rona seems to be more shopper friendly and have better displays and also at times better supply as only yesterday I needed gray caulking for the wasroom Rona had it and HD does not even carry the gray.


    I would waite to see what Lowes will have on as a grand opening sale to see if any thing would be on your list and if not then I would look at either Lowes as them beening the new kid will have much better service or the second choice would be Rona.



  2. Sorry for your loss, every time the phone rings we jump as my mother-in-law is in the same boat, any day, just this morning at 7:30 my wife got the call that they could not wak her up, they did but just nerve racking.


    Good luck, our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.



  3. The population is cyclic, right now the coyote population is very high, it will crash and then the rabbits will increase, then the coyotes will come back because of abundant food and the rabbits will go down again , and so on and so on. Cottontails and jackrabbits ( European Hares ) don't really compete with each other, cottontails prefer brushy areas and jacks are more of an open field animal. Best place I found to jump jacks were open ploughed fields, they get nestled down in between the furrows and let the snow drift in over them. You could try looking for them in that type of field as well as in the hedgerows.


    Very well said, what was it about 5-7 years ago the coyotes had that desise, and they dropped in numbers and the rabbits picked up, now the coyotes are back so the rabbits numbers have dropped.



  4. Like always Mike, when I log on the first thing I look for is to see I you have a post up, thank you once again for brightening my day up.


    Again, I can not go out but through you I still get my chrome fix, okay maybe not a fix just a adiction fix :)


    Oh the basement is almost done and I will be back out chasing soon, last two years it was the damn knee and this year the basement but soon :)



  5. Misfish,


    I would first look at keeping my feet dry, as feet perspire and that then gets absorbed by the socks that is what starts the problem, I use to teach and race down hill skiing and I do speak from experience.


    What I would try is 1. under arm deodorant to stop or reduce the sweating 2. I use to use foot powder or baby powder to absorb the rest then a good pair of socks and then a good pair of boots.


    Over the years I have bought many things from Cabelas specifically the private label and that is what I would be looking at in your situation as the return policy is great.


    Good luck,



  6. I have had my share of both, the staples hurt like heck when they are on the bone area with not a lot of flesh when they take them out.


    last time I had over a 100 on my hip and my foot but from what I have had I would take the staples as the stiches can rip or grow in and the scar from the staples is almost non existing.


    Goindg to the md or hospital is always a pain but I would never even think about removing them myself, I would really go to the place that you had them put in and have them take a look at what is going on with the hand.


    Also, did you get a Tetnus shot,as infection is not a good thing, is the hand warm, red if so go to the doc.


    Good luck,



  7. What about Firemen, Police, Nurses..they can't strike and they do ok.


    The service the bus drivers provide is essential, but it doesn't take a PHD to do the job so why should they be paid as one.

    College proffesors are again about to go on strike. Should our children put their lives on hold so these people can make a few bucks more?

    I'm getting tired of it. Companies are going bankrupt from too high taxes and pensions are being lost in the process, but bus drivers are entitled..come on..lets get Rae Days back



    Dara, as one that is employed by the public sector, if as mentioned "Rae Day" or two is required so be it, I a, grateful to have a job and if that means it stimulates the economy the so be it. But, what we need is some logical decisions being made by the people who allegedly know what they are doing.



  8. I would "Regan" them all! HIt them so fast they didn't know what happened to them... isn't funny how those in the public service feel that they are "entitled" to anything they want?... with no care what so ever to the ramifications of their actions, on others.

    Regan them, -plain and simple.



    You could not be be more correct and though in a Maggie for good measures.



  9. I will spell this out,


    If they go on strike, people can not get to work, if people can not get to work they can not make money, if they cant make money the government can't tax and collect, and if the government does not collect tax money the 16% is USELESS TO THEM BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT HAVE A JOB!!


    So yes they definitely should not be allowed to strike.



  10. I know that in Vaughan, I checked a few years back, that the no discharge rule was in effect as i back onto a ravine and also have the deers in my backyard and I was told point blank no discharge within city limits. Now this was over 10 years ago that I did look into this but one would think that the rules would only get tougher since then.



  11. Folks,


    Last time I checked MNR has got rules and regulations as to what we can and can not keep and also limits and size restrictions on some species, and by the person purchasing the proper license, he or she has the sole right to judge as to what they do with the fish. Yes, MNR even has rules as how should handle the fish.


    We all have different thoughts on this matter but the decision of keeping a fish is solely the fisherman's who caught the fish and no ones else so why chastise the fisherman instead just saying wow nice fish.


    Oh, by the way I practice catch and release about 95% of the time.



  12. As a parent this has been huge question for me and my wife, and I can not take a chance with giving my kids a shot that has had minimal tsting and that we do not know what the side effects could or will be down the road.


    So I have drawn a hard line and NO WAY will we do it.



  13. This board is great and if I can I would rather give some work to a board member so here is my question.......


    I have a roughed in fireplace in my basement and I have one upstairs, the one upstairs is done as as gas but the one that is in the basement I want it to be wood burning, they are on seperate fluets so I need a damper and fipe proof bricks installed, do we have a member in this line of work?


    Please send me an PM with your contact info and I will get back to you.


    Thank you ,




  14. I am also in the same area and yes they are on the rise in numbers the past couple of years.


    I have also seen foxes a few times crossing Clarence and I have not see the foxes for at least 10 years.

    Nature is based on cycles, so the past few years they are on the uprise so the rabbits will be lower and so will the deer but lets hope that in a few years it will be reverse.



  15. Hi Jeff, I can not give you any info on the rivers but what I can do is give you a tip on how I started my son with wadeing.


    Get a strong rope, tie one end around your son, and the other around you leave the rods in the car for the first little while and get the guy use to wading.


    I did this with my son and i gave him his intro by asking him on which way he wanted to cross and held tight as he picked the shortest route and then plulled him back when he realised that that was not the right choice, after that we picked a more wadeble strech, he later thanked me and we did this for 2 or 3 times so he learned how to wade first as safety in wading is crutial.


    After 3 years of wadeing he has yet to go for a swim, i know that the time will come but he has a bettter understanding of what the river can and will do.


    Just my 2 cents.



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