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Posts posted by FLEX ROD

  1. Pigeonfisher, you are correct the car is here at a used car dealer who has been in business for quite a while, and yes I have checked the warranty is honored here in Canada, all I need to know is do I have to worry about any leans or repo as I said the car / truck came up clean from all the checks I have been able to do that Iis why I am asking if any other checks can be done?



  2. With all of the guys and gals on this great board, has anybody purchased a US car/truck here in Ontario?


    I have been looking for a truck for my wife and finally have found exactly what she wants at a used car dealer who sells a lot of US cars/truck, I have done the UVHIP and had it checked out by an Infiniti dealer, have the Carfacts all looks good from this point.


    The safty is being done it needs the basics wipers, light bulb for head light, the brakes and needs new tires, the dealer is doing all work but he wants to put on "good used tires" or he will put on new tires and wants to split the cost what is the rule regarding this any body know?


    Please any and all advice is appriciated as this is not a cheap truck, at least not to me it is a 2007 Infiniti FX35

    with 60k.





  3. Tinbanger,


    Good luck to your wife, you have had a lot of great info here as one that has had his right knee scoped 4 times and left knee done now 2 times and waiting for number 3 I will put my 2 cents in.


    Scoping the meniscus is not a big thing, the two most painfull parts are the twisting of the knee so that the doc can get in from all angles, and the second is from the pressure cuff that they put on your thigh. Again I concure with what has been said, get her to start walking ASAP, and staight leg raises.


    I hope that your wife's situations ends better than mine, as they left floaters in the knee and the first time aronud 10 days later with doctors permission after me rehabing the knee to death I was skiing with the family in Vermont, and that is probably what got the floaters moving faster and creating more damage hence the second surgery, which was in September.


    Since then I have been going to physio 3 times a week doing my own thing ice and I have hade 4 injections into the knee of Durolane a silicone for lubrication and I got a good brace and the last thing and basically the only thing that has helped Accupunctur.


    Today I am finally off the cane last week but still wearing the brace and my knee is still sore my surgon does not have a clue what is wrong and does not now what to do so I am waiting for a referal to a new surgon as the only thing that I will execpt is for it to be scoped again by a new set of eyes, as MRI is good but MRI does not show all and with the knee being what it is I really need it fixed.


    The above mentioned things should help your wife a truelly GOOD LUCK, and keep us posted.



  4. Okay here is the deal, I get a call yesterday tellining me that I entered a contest at the show and that I have won a garanteed 1 of 6 prizes and that I now have a 1 in 6 chance for the grand prize above and beyond my prize that I have won. All I have to do is come in draw my prize and in July they then do the grand prize draw, no time share bla bla bla this sounds interesting, butbeing the sceptic I just want to know if anybody else has gotten the same call?


    Oh by the way, this is really the only thing that has pushed my radar button, all they ask for proof of ID which must be photo, no credit card or any thing else.


    Oppinions are truly welcomed.


    Thanks, FLEX :dunno:

  5. Over the years I have had 3 pairs of waders from Cabela's, always a "Cabela's" brand and I have nothing but high praise for them.

    Currently I still have a pair of neopremhips from them that have to be over 20 years old that have many many miles on them and my son will be using them this weekend. With Cabela's the warranty and quality has always been fantastic.



  6. Thanks guys, I was thinking about Anglers, will give Tom a call and take care of it.


    Bill with all of the fishing you have been doing I would expect nothing else but you having a good supply. I just need some with this weather one needs all the tools but my preference is always the Fly.




  7. FYI, I called the BPS Fly shop and spoke to Gord, he informed me that all he has left are small's.


    To bad as I thought that I would pick up are pair myself.



    Just in case you are driving any distance want to save a wasted trip.



  8. Quick question, folks sorry keep asking, I have not kept a Rainbow Hen in years and need to buy some roe any suggestions on where?


    I know that BPS has some as I did buy it from them last year, I just did not like the roe any other suggestion on where to get it?


    I work downtown and live in the Vaughan area so I am very mobile, Help Please as I realy do need to get some.


    Thank you,



  9. Thanks guys, I saw the readheads and was not crazy about the look hence the reason for this post.


    Bill, I am not going to give a 14 year old simms, heck I would make him wear mine first that are .5 size too small and I would get the simms. :whistling: But what would you sugest insted?



  10. Okay here is my problem, my 14 year old son insists on growing like a weed :) and he out grew his wading shoes and his foot is now a size 11 so I can't give him my old shoes and buy new ones for me so where do I go to get the best deal?


    Yes I have been in BPS as it is 5 min from me any suggestions as this kid is just 14 and he is not done.





  11. Cabela's house brand stuff is a far suppirior product than the BPS, I have some rods from Cabelas that are 30 + years and still goingstrong.

    How can you argue with Cabela's return policy.


    If Cabelas had opened up here insted of BPS at the same location I know that the wife would have had me either evicted from the house or had Cabelas evict me B) .



  12. Boy, I just had a very nice PM from FLEX ROD with some very interesting links and some excellent information. If anyone else is thinking of changing, PM him (just so no one screams spam) and I am sure he'll share it with you.


    Thank you so much!


    Thanks, Cliff it was my pleasure to send you the info on ACN.


    You picked on the fact that I sent the PM not post open due to SPAM. As in my reply today the company has some neet features. If you require info please let me know as I said the video phone is really cool and it is world wide.



  13. Great picture TJ, thanks for sharing.


    I don't know, is that a reflection of what the Deer population is like in the Kawarthas?

    If it is, then that shows that maybe the regs need to be adjusted by the MNR?

    If the deer population is that badly out of whack then what is the over all situation like? I live in Vaughan and I know that the heard behind my house is multipling big time.

    As a NON HUNTER I think that the season has to be looked at and the tag draws and controlled hunts also have to be re-evaluated.



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