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Posts posted by FLEX ROD

  1. Urika, I have phone back and all data I am one happy man.


    Thank you all for the suggestions, I did not have it backed up to Goggle as I back up my phone monthly but have not had it yet for a month hence no back up, after being in the IT world for over 25 years, here is the killer, with focus on backup solutions I know the value of lost data.


    Needless to say my phone is being backed up as we speak!!!!


    Many thanks.


    A very happy FLEX

  2. Help please, on Friday I was in the hospital having surgery and before I went in I gave my wife my phone, yes I know big mistake on my part.


    Anyway, long story the phone will not take the thumb scan and now tells me the back up password is incorrect so what now?


    I know that right now my choices are limited to basically having a factory reset done which means that I will loose all info this is not a great option as I will loose lots of pictures but that I can live with my biggest problem is I have all of my doctors appointments in my phone and to try to get all of that info will be challenging to say the least.


    Anybody have any suggestions on how to get around this before I go the reset route?


    Please, Thank you, FLEX

  3. As a suffer from chronic pain for almost 21 YEARS, I think that this is a topic that I can shed so light on - FROM MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.


    Gallie, you are half correct, the other drugs that come to play are all from the Opioid family, and you are correct the side effects can be brutal and one does not know how long the side effects last and also when they will show up as they like to sneak up from behind at times.


    Pics, the medical controlled dose big pharma option does exist its called Nabilon and once again we don't know the long term issues and the drug basically keeps you at a level where you cant function properly.


    Moosbunk, OHIP and most insurance plans do not cover it at all so the patient is on their own, so depending on how much they are prescribed as this varies from patient to patient, for me I have 1mg per day I am paying well over $300.00 per month.


    As a user I now have the option to use it when I really need it, but with the Nabilon you have to use it as prescribed and it has to be in the system so again you are faced with unknown side effects down the road, at least when I am in control I can put it into a vaporiser and turn it into vapor so I don't even have to smoke it and within minutes I will get whatever relief I get.



  4. Help please, my family is hooked on popcorn to the level that for Mothers Day my kids bought a high end popcorn maker and know I have been given the task to find them this popcorn.


    Have been searching but all that I can find is ether small bags and or crazy shipping costs, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you,



  5. Paudash, I am sorry to hear about your situation with your daughter, but now the issue of claiming the drugs against your income tax is completely off topic as you are now comparing Federal tax guidelines versus Provincial Health care.


    I also would support a two tear health care if it was available and if it opened up the opportunity for faster / easier availability for treatment .



  6. As one who has gone through hell over the past 20 years due to my crushed and shattered heel due to a car accident ( not my fault ), 8 surgeries later and living with chronic pain as a result of all of this, now not even able to work over 10 years, the cost of paying for a eye exam as irishfield said is just a drop in the bucket.


    Canada's health care may not be the best, and yes you will pay out of pocket but if you had to pay for everything I think that the number you would be looking at then would bankrupt most people.


    I really would not like to know what my foot has cost to date, both to the health care system and what it has cost me out of pocket in trying alternate methods in trying to maintain some quality of life and end of the day is that not the real question " WHAT IS QUALITY OF LIFE WORTH TO YOU?"


    FLEX - John

  7. Hi Cliff,


    I have been making my own horseradish for years and my recipe is very simple, over the years I have found that vinegar is actually not what you want, it reduces the heat over time.


    Instead, I peel and then soak the root in cold water for at least 2 to 3 hours, this is very important as it produces more juice in the root and actually makes the darn thing even hotter, once you grind it up after your eyes stop watering, the only thing that I add is 3 or 4 apples that I also grind up that creates the natural acidity to preserve but does not water it down.


    This will hold the heat and also not change the flavour.


    I just last week was in a Chef Gordon Ramsey restaurant, and had fantastic Dejon mustard with horseradish in it, it had great heat and a fantastic flavour, cant wait to try and create my own version.


    The creamy horseradish that I have found to be very good is the President Choice one, for commercial store bought this stuff is great and saves you a lot of crying time by not having to grind the root yourself.



  8. T-Bone, don't waste any time looking for things by your self, give Mike Borger a PM with as much detail in what you are looking for as dates, flexibility in when and what you want to fish for and what you expect from the trip and he will find you options that will set you on the right path. FLEX

  9. Hi Folks, looking at going to Arizona and planning on staying for one month.


    I will be going down probably around February 10th or so and looking at the prices Scottsdale seems to be a fair bit more expensive so I am not sure it is worth paying the difference?


    I will be driving down and the wife and daughter will fly down and my daughter will only stay for a week and then fly back the wife will stay and then we will drive back.


    Any suggestions on which location and / or any suggestions on where to stay?


    Also anybody have a place they rent out?




    FLEX - John

  10. AKRISONER, you have hit on a point that I have thought about and yes I do plan on testing that theory out as soon as possible, have a place in Italy that is @ the 835 meter mark, that we will be restoring soon I hope so that will involve me going there for an extended time, I am looking at maybe 3 - 4 months or as long as I can stay away from the family.


    That is why I am also trying to see what options are closer to home, that is why the suggestion of Dundalk, Flesherton, Markdale are all very interesting so now its just to find some accommodations so I can go and test it out.



    Great point, Thanks




  11. Many thanks to one and for the reply.


    Old Ironmaker, the Dr's are not interested in thinking outside of the box for solutions, This altitude connection I found by accident through general travel as soon as the plane gets high enough couple of hours later I start feeling much better, but really in 2013 we went to Europe, and we were in high area 835meters and I started to see the difference, so last year I went back spent a month travelling and I specifically planed the trip so I had major difference in the altitude and kept a daily blog so I documented each day and my pain went from my normal 10++++ to almost non existent, in my wife's home town I went down to about 1.5 maybe a 2. The family saw the transformation and could not believe it, by the 4th day I was actually walking by the 7th day I was able to actually walk for the first time in many many years walk with no cane.

    Stairs that I do not do at all really at home I was doing 2 at a time!!!!!

    So this is not a theory, this I have confirmed and I have it all documented, I have spoken to 4 doctors about this and really the only thing that they have told me is that it is interesting, I am trying to find some one who could do some king of study as theit really is some thing here and if we could find out how to channel this hopefully this could help other people.


    As I have been living with this for 20 years it really is getting worse by the day and considering I am only54 I hate the thought of what it will be like in 10 years or so.



  12. Thank you all, I really cant thank you guys enough for the feed back.


    Today seems to be a day for towns with names starting with the letter D, I have two options now Dundalk @ 525 ND Dundtroon which is coming in @ 326.


    Time to dig and see if it is the altitude or the combo deal of altitude and humidity.


    Many thanks, FLEX

  13. No problem biguli, I know I have had the same problem as things are posted both ways and one really has to dig.


    RAF, you have just given me an option that for whatever reason I have missed, that really is exciting, now I can look into seeing if this is strictly an altitude issue or if it is an altitude + humidity combination deal.


    None the less my fingers will be working over time today to see what I can find, many thanks.




  14. Many years ago, 20 to be precise, I was involved in an MVA that resulted in me having a crushed and shattered right calcaneus ( heel ) to the point that I had to have a triple fusion on the foot, with the end result being that I live with chronic pain.


    After too many surgeries, and seeing all of the top orthopedic surgeons and every drug known to man kind due to the chronic pain I have now been on disability for the past 5 years.


    The only thing that I have found to help me is Altitude / Elevation, I am blessed from the fact that I have family in Europe in a location that is around 830meters but Europe is a bit far to travel to on a regular basis so I have been researching areas closer to home that have highr altitude than Toronto.


    Over the holidays my wife and I went and checked out the Lake Placid area in New York State which is around 550meters and once again the relief was dramatic and it only took about 12 hours after we arrived for me to feel the difference.


    Once again I am resurching and found out that Sudbury is around 350meters, so due to the scale of economics as I am a father of 2 University students, I have to go and see if this could be a solution for me.


    What I need help with is two fold, one being any info on an economic, reasonable / cheap place to stay for a week or two to see if 350meters will still have any affect, and the second would be any suggestions on fishing in this region.


    If I am going to be in the Sudbury Region, I really would need to keep myself occupied and if that involves fishing than I would be much happier as over the years due to the pain my life consists of minimal, poor sleep and spending 90% of my time infront of the television.


    I am NOT looking for any specific details on honey holes, the fishing would just be a major bonus, but any help with finding accomidations would really be greatly appreciated as I am really desparte.


    As for time lines, the sooner the better as once again the past two days have been living hell for me, if this would be an option then I would defenitly look at leasing, renting some thing for a long term period.


    Sorry for the long winded message, any and all info is greatly appreciated, PLEASE!!!


    Thank You, FLEX aka John

  15. Hi Mike, I had a Ford Windstar that we bought used, it was loaded and the darn thing would just not die. It was the top of the line loaded and we took that thing on many family trips and at first it was my wife's daily vehicle and then it became mine as much as I did not like the thought of driving a mini van I drove it till it did not make any sense to even fix the brakes.

    When I finished my basement the things that we put into that thing to haul back and forth was crazy, the space was really nice to have when we need it.



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