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Posts posted by FLEX ROD

  1. Thank you Doug, this is more of a pride issue with him now, I for one will greatly miss the game from my table, but I am more concerned about missing him or Gob forbid some thing worse.

    That is why I am looking for some help in this area.

    With him, it will be all or nothing I suspect.


    Thanks for the feed back,



  2. Help please, as a non hunter I have no idea, as I understand their is a minimum age to start hunting but once you have your permits and renew your licence you are good to go, right?


    So my issue my dad is 81 and I think that it is truely time for him to give up his guns as unfortunatly he had a mild stroke about 6-7 years ago and he ages the marks that this stroke left are more and more vissible.


    As we all know, nobody wants to admit and or except the fact that we are getting older but in this situation with his hands shaking and his poor hearing I think that for his safty and the safty of others it is time.


    Any info on legalities in reference to age or when one can be forced to stop?


    Please all help is appriciated,





  3. Very well said BIGUGLI.


    Yesterday my family and I celibrated 40 years of FREEDOM and living in this great country after escaping for political reasons from the former Czechoslovakia, all that I can say is in the 40 years that we have lived here I have never missed voting since I could.


    In Canada the power and ability to prosper is available to you and is in your hands but you have to stand up and go for it, and going for it means that you speak up if you don't vote you do not have the right to complain about anything at all!!



  4. WOW, Thank you Mike, I sit here frustrated 3 weeks after knee surgery you have brightened my day andjust given me a great idea as what to do for my 50th birthday in 2010.


    Hopefully that will give me anough time to start and plan a trip like this, how long did you prep for the trip?


    Would be great to get some more info from you,




    FLEX - John

  5. Lunker777,


    I am a member of a club with about the same size spring fed pond and it also has Rainbows Specs Bass and Crappies in it yes you are correct with the ice at times not being the safest but 2 years ago for sure no problem and every year we have ice fishing.

    The other opption, grab a canoe and a jig topped with a worm and go in first thing in the spring right after the ice is gone.



  6. Why not try to go out in the winter, drill a few holes and see what happens?


    I am guessing that this pond is strictly on private land and the fish are privatly stocked hence you do not have a closed season issue. Go out and start from the shore and work you way out, use a jig and some worm and give it a go.


  7. Spare time with new baby, please tell me how you plan on pulling that one off, we had two now 12 and 13 and even now no such thing as spare time.


    Okay, catching a fish on anything that you have made personally will always give you a great feeling.


    Help the wife as much as possible, and that may get you a bit of "spare time" and go for it.



  8. Peps, I still stand by my first post, go to COOKS BAY, you have it all and to boot it is in your back yard.


    By any chance any space on board, I know Cooks Bay quite well if you are interested please let me know.





  9. Bassin, now you have me thinking, ouch it is hurting, we had installed a trolling plate on it for the times we trolled so it could be lifted up for the majority of the time and lowered when we trolled, not perfect but it worked. Also if we knew that it was a weekend of "Bassin" and or family time of just skiing and playing it was easy to just take it off. As for the bow we build a fiber glass housing to mount the electric so it matched the hull and did not ruin the esthetics of the boat.

  10. Bassin,


    I can tell you we had done a lot of looking around and the Glaston was chosen because we were doing exactly what you want to do - Family then Fishing boat. That order is a must as far as I am conserned and space design storage was all of an issue and again the Glastron won in all of those areas at the time. This was about 15 years ago by the way, so I can only think that they would be ahead today more so then back then.

    I love to fish and I feel that a bit of give and take will result in enjoyment for all.

    As was stated aluminums have high gunwalls and a sunburned body in a bathing suit scratching on aluminum does not sound like it would go over very well.



  11. Hi Bassin,


    I have been and done this also, in my oppinion the most important thing is to make the family happy that way the whole experience will be a enjoyable for all, hence their will be more fond memories for all and you may get a chance to play more.

    I have had a Glastron bow ridder with walk through widshield, we created a base on the bow for the electric and had no problem, we - my dad and I did a lot of fishing out of this boat predomenatly Bass and yes we just raised the engine and fished.

    Storage was an issue but today the boats out have much more storage so you will be in much better shape.


    Be FLEXable adaptable and have the family involeved and you will get a great toy. This way when you get your second boat you will get less resistance in what you want to buy, I ended up with my second boat being a Nitro and loved the hours that I spent on the boat.



  12. I Also have to agree with the rest of the group, if their are people out and or on the dock I will stay away but what drives me crazy is the cottege owners that think that they own the Lake and the water around their dock.

    Last summer my son and I were in a canoe paddeling and it was getting very rough while we fished around the dock so we ended up just holind onto the dock for a bit, the owner came out screaming at us and using profanity that would make a trucker blush threatning to call the police so I told her that I was a vessil in distress and need assistance and would be off in a bit her response was to start throwing a stick into the lake so her dog would fetch!


    Repect is a two way street and some cottagers ruin it for the rest just like some fishermen.



  13. Thanks HH, that is one of the questions what kind of condition woud it be in cosidering that it has been buried 30+ years?


    Sure if all I had to do was excavate the fill and either drop a liner or re tile that would be the way I would go even if the exact location is not where I would put it today.


    And yes the pipes and all would be replaced as I also want to make it a salt water pool.



  14. canadianboy, thats for the lead on Jones pools, spoke with them and they will call me later to schedule a visit.


    How long ago did they install your pools for you and did you shop around for quotes prior to going with them?


    Just wondering how their price compares to others.





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