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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Hey, well I was going to keep this quiet but fish-miester and I caught nothing this evening on Scugog. Now giving up on it but I would like to get some info on Sturgeon Lake I am looking for the nearest park or boat ramp where we can park and walk out onto the Ice to fish(Closest from Lindsay). If somebody can give me a name of a park or place to go that would be great! Thanks, MTBF
  2. Look for a guy with no hut dressed in Camo with a orange hood lol. I'll be with my friend out there.
  3. Nice catches Steve, thanks for the information. 2.5" ??How could that even hold somebody up lol
  4. I just got my HT reel spooled up with Berkley Fireline Fused Micro Ice Crystal(6lb) Looks and feels great, off to the lake tomorrow!
  5. So many beautiful boats you members have posted. All I ever want is a small 16-18ft Tracker bassboat...the Aluminum boats with like 30hp motors. Something with a few toys but still small and packs a punch. You people blow me away, wow I think we need to have the 2010 OFC Boat Show!
  6. I know my review is late but I had to wait to see it on The Score...And it was amazing! Loved seeing Dave fight those massive fish. I've seen them before but the show was entertaining and made my 9am wake up fun and exciting! O and I like the newer intro also bud! "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen" Love the singing too Thanks Dave for being such a great TV show host and making my weekends that much more enjoyable. And Dave, you should "dress up" more often my friend. The fish near the end was exciting to see you handle. What trouble you went through getting it out of that cover and docking pillars. If I ever head to Florida I will 100% look into a trip like that! Thanks Dave for giving us a chance to win some great gear! Mike
  7. wow, lot's of great boats and PWC's here. It's nice to see the diversity.
  8. Nice stuff guys, lot's of those Legend boats. But I think GCD's boat is very Eco Friendly
  9. Once every 10 years eh...Guess this is the 6th time you have seen this happen then
  10. Hello everybody, with 2010 started it's only a few month's before we can get our boats, canoe's, kayaks, and other PWC's out onto the water. Simple, share a picture of your boat, lets see what the OFC crew uses on the water...Big boat or small let's see them all! I'll start it off with my gorgeous 12ft Tinny. She sales the seas with a 30lb Transom mount Minn Kota powered by a Deep Cycle battery. The new addition this season will be putting the finishing touches on the portable livewell, and getting the wood on the transom and under the seats sanded down, and stained Well, enough of my vessel, let's see yours! (Float Tubes Also Welcome )
  11. Anybody?
  12. Congratulations to the man who caught it.
  13. Lmao, O Scotter, I'm enjoying the PM's from you bud...Ah the OFC life
  14. Many people agree with you and like the fact that a person of character like Fishing 24/7 posted a video like this is knowledgeable. He did the correct thing here and everybody here knows that life is about living and learning. Not judging those that have yet to know right from wrong in the fishing world or any other situation. Let's let the 1 person dispute end, and let others appreciate this thread for what it teaches. MTBF
  15. Agreed. End the discussion Scott, you won't win or make anybody think in your favor. Your opinion of the topic has been stated. There's always 1 lol
  16. That's too bad that you lost that Pike, ah well for every pike lost you seem to catch 2 or 3 of them lol. Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  17. I use them cliff, better than that Scugog River water lol....But never the small bottles, just the big bottle every 2 weeks or so for my machine
  18. I would like to set myself up with a PayPal account but I am not sure of a few numbers. Can somebody tell me what I need to have (info wise) prior to making a account please. MTBF Also, will I be charged rates and interest. Can I delete my account after 1 purchase?
  19. Beauty Cat, Dawd!
  20. Cool, I'll put up my review on Saturday when it is shown on The Score. Congrads Dave on your 3rd season!
  21. O gawd Scotty, give it up. Nobody here is angry about it.
  22. It's weird that way. For a friend of mine only a solid green colored tube jig he can throw all summer long, when he tries other colors for similar amounts of time he catches barely any fish...I can be the same when it comes to color on baits sometimes.
  23. Thanks for posting that video, watching it now...
  24. Ok, so I was skimming through my 2010 BPS catalog today and saw this unique hook. I'm can care less about the brand but as a example I am using the Trokar Flipping Barbed hook. To me it looks like a simple hook with a plastic keeper, but being a "flipping" hook how do you set this up with a soft plastic and a weight. It doesn't look like a hook that you would texas rig with but I may be wrong. Looking for a solid reply about these type baits, I have made it my goal to learn how to use flipping and pitching jigs in both thick and thin cover for largemouth next season, but this topic interests me a lot. Thanks for help! MTBF
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