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Everything posted by CrowMan

  1. I must say purely from the perspective of entertainment as a viewer or fan, I do like the MLF format. It makes it more like watching a sporting event similar to a NFL or NHL game. You get to see the personalities and emotions as the participants struggle to try outwit and strategize against their competitors. Each competitor being able to see in real time exactly what the others are doing certainly adds a big element of drama...rather than just the focus on the end results as in traditional tournaments. I mean you don't watch (or play) a hockey game and wait for the very end to find out the score. Just my opinion as a viewer...and the fact that the fish are instantly released where they were caught is a good thing too. I think this format is also more presentable to the " anti's " who get all over tournaments with their attitude "of torturing living things strictly for sport"... I'm not a tournament guy...I fish for other reasons, so I can't comment about what it's like as a participant, but as viewer I do like MLF...before it came along I would rarely tune in to watch a tournament. I realize that in amateur tournaments this format is a challenge...but with certified sealed scales or tape measures, cell phones with a camera, and i-pads (and some ethical behavior on the part of the participants) I think it could be done.
  2. Looks very cool...is the material carbon fiber ? Or a metal mesh in epoxy ? I've always been partial to the warmth and feel of organic materials...but paired with some of the bougie looking centrepins out now, that could definitely bring the bling.
  3. "Gord is a tournament and TV fisherman. Does he have any scientific studies to back his opinion." Gord has a Masters Degree in Resource Management and spent over 30 years working for the OMNR as a Senior Fisheries Biologist. I think he may not only have read but also participated first hand in more than a few scientific studies. I'm not sure how "they would be outlawing most tournaments" ? The thought is that tournaments run on a catch-record-release basis are less detrimental to the resource.
  4. I think the trend is definitely towards "catch-record-release" tournaments like Major League Fishing. With smaller amateur tourneys finding volunteers is a challenge, but with the advent of tech now available they're not necessarily needed either. https://thefishingwire.com/dispersal-patterns-of-post-tournament-bass/ On the other hand, the proposed reg changes should now allow for tournaments during c&r only seasons...like the newly opened early Bass season in Zone 20 (Lake O). When organizers initially approached the OMNR last year, they were quickly shot down as the current reg's don't allow for measuring and photos.
  5. Here's an example of what I deal with... I blotted out his name and face...not sure why, it's not like I'm protecting the innocent. I'm in Zone 18, we have a slot for Walleye...only fish between 40 and 50cm can be retained..
  6. You wouldn't believe what goes on at the FB group page for my cottage lake.. One yahoo regularly posts photos of himself holding up a Bass in May or early June...with the caption "oh don't worry it was released". Another clown posts photos of out of slot size Walleye...on a stringer, standing on his dock...with the caption "let go to swim another day". The worst of it is the little old ladies that mostly frequent the page...then post comments like.."nice catch" or "great fish". When I post letting them know they're actually breaking the law...they call me out for being a "Karen" ...and then the same little old ladies complain "the fishing isn't like it used to be" Jeez...
  7. The Crappies in my lake luv the pink..
  8. . These are really exciting times for new tech... There's a new battery technology in the pipeline...graphene. Some of the major automakers are already heavily investing in it as the next wave after lithium. 3 X the capacity and 70 X the charging speed compared to lithium. You will be able to achieve a full charge quicker than filling your tank with gas... Canada is one of the leading producers of graphite (graphene is a derivative). There is a publicly traded company called Northern Graphite that may be worth looking at, if you have some play money in your portfolio.
  9. Consultation on potential revisions to release of fish rules for recreational fishing...survey https://www.ontario.ca/page/fishing-notices-and-updates#section-0 Good...perhaps finally some clarity. For example, taking a photo and measuring a Musky that is caught from a strictly c&r lake..
  10. BTW, woodenboater...nice choice of vehicle. My wife had a Wrangler 4xe (plug-in hybrid) for 9 months...it was stolen from the GO parking lot. Never put any gas in at all during the week as a grocery-getter and commuter, just plugged it in on the driveway overnight...but with the ICE no range anxiety at all on long road trips or to the cottage. The total output of the power train was impressive...better than the non-hybrid options...375hp and 450 ftlbs torque. The Grand Cherokee is a nice ride....still has a lot of German DNA from when Mercedes owned them
  11. I'm actually blown away by that stat... That in a country where its most southern tip is at the same latitude as the middle of Hudson Bay...it's largest and most southerly city, Oslo, is at the same latitude as Yellowknife....and also happens to be the 11th largest oil producing country in the world (Kuwait is 10th) ...and 80% of new vehicles sold are EV's...wow !
  12. BRP (as my Dad would say) is on the horns of a dilemma. Snowmobile sales have been plummeting for a couple of decades now. If you need snow to sell your product, but your existing product contributes to the lack of snow...well, you may need to change your product. No doubt that the cold environment and the drag of the propulsion system make it extremely technologically challenging. I have a group of friends that are avid sled heads. For years, every winter they do a week long grand tour somewhere. Years ago, it was Muskoka and Haliburton....lately they've been going much further afield...Temagami, Chapleau, Quebec...this year it was Cochrane..
  13. Yes, no mention of increases in the densification of existing lithium batteries and new electrical storage solutions already in the pipeline... That being said I don't think ICE vehicles will completely dissappear for a very long time...there are certain applications where they make sense..but the ability to tow a large trailer long distances is a very small segment of the market. However, when I read an opinion piece, I often "follow the money"... Financial Post is owned by Post Media....which is 66% owned by Chatham Asset Management...which is a US holding corporation heavily invested in the oil industry... just sayin'
  14. "It was shorter than melton mowbray" While we're reminiscing...PorkPies' comment brought back memories of John "Tiny" Bennett. Tiny was the outdoors/fishing columnist for the old Toronto Telegram, and then briefly for the Toronto Sun when that paper rose out of the ashes of the Telegram. Tiny, a 6' 5" 260lb Englishman, was originally from Leicestershire, the home of the Melton Mowbray pie. He once wrote an entire column extolling the virtues of this wonderful concoction...it was his favourite lunch to take fishing. He even published his own family's recipe...as he claimed it could only be made a certain way, with specific ingredients. That column spurred me as a young man to bake my own MM pies...which I still do to this day. Tiny's columns and his book, "The Art of Angling" were way ahead of their time...it was his approach to fishing that instilled in me the passion I still have today...to appreciate the activity as a form of "art", rather than something where the end result is to just put some food on the table. Even today, his book is still well worth a read. My apologies to the OP for getting sidetracked.
  15. Heh...frankly I don't think we really disagree. You should hear my best friend of 50 years and I argue...you'd think one us was going to commit murder...
  16. The smaller tribs have perfect colour right now...
  17. Yeah...like I said it's my wife car. I can't begin to tell you what she's spent on vehicles she's had over the years. She has champagne taste, buys new and keeps nothing longer than 3 years. She's always picked her own vehicles, but she's always worked so I won't deny her that if it's her thing...and believe me after 39 years of marriage it's been well worth it. Unlike some of my buddies, I still have the house and cottage...LOL Me...for now, I'll stick with my Ram with a hemi.
  18. Occasionally, my wife let's me drive her new iX. Yes, braking is a bit of a learning curve...you basically learn to drive with just the accelerator (I was about to say gas...lol) pedal. Although the Beemer does allow you to adjust (0 to 100%) how much re-gen it's using to make it feel more "natural". The re-gen system actually makes the vehicle even more "environmentally friendly"...all that heat that the brakes create is no longer just warming up the atmosphere....lol Anyway, with the amount that you use the brakes on this thing, I'm sure it's going to be a long time between brake jobs. Just from a cursory look at the set up...the calipers and rotors themselves look identical to an ICE vehicle. I will say this vehicle is incredibly fun to drive...the instant acceleration creates G's that feel like a big hand is pushing you back in your seat...and the handling with the low center of gravity makes this SUV feel like a sports car.
  19. Jeez...even LimeyAngler's lake up in God's country is shutting down... https://www.ckdr.net/2023/02/16/dryden-lions-cancel-kinsmen-fishing-derby/
  20. The platform was the University of Toronto Zoology Dept....hence the connection to fish. Yeah, that's going way back to the days of TCP/IP and DOS....
  21. Too funny...I'm pretty sure alcohol was involved in that production..
  22. Speaking of us old farts reminiscing... never mind the pee stops during those crop tours (jeez, we used to measure distance by how many beers to get there...Toronto to Wasaga was a six pack away), the vapors coming out the backside sure as heck were flammable...we used to joke about the blue flame special...lol I guess the 19th century was the era of the steam engine. The 20th century the era of the ICE, and now the 21st century is the era of the electric motor. Sure miss the days of being a backyard mechanic. My brother and I would strip an engine down to every last nut and bolt and re-build it just for kicks. It's sad that my grandkids won't be able to really have the same experience...they all want to build video games not motors.
  23. Me too ! That's one of the reasons I'm here. You mention your son. My son is an Environmental Scientist...Masters Degree from Queens. That may explain some of our opinions...lol
  24. I thought that this what you were referring to...BMW and Toyota together... https://techcrunch.com/2022/08/12/ev-laggards-bmw-and-toyota-to-partner-on-hydrogen-fuel-cell-vehicles/ Lots of opinions on the future of technology....and since the future hasn't happened yet, they're just that opinions and not facts. It will be interesting to see where it all leads... For now the market seems to be betting on EV's. The Toronto Auto Show opens this week with 36 different EV's on display. BTW...please don't view a statement of opinion or fact as something meant to discredit...I value all opinions.
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