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Everything posted by dsn

  1. Sorry "urbanangler" even this place is coming to dead stop very soon. I won't be re-visiting this place til next year again. dsn
  2. Yep That place you are referring to is my home. Thanks dsn
  3. wow thats amazing SNAG look at those bellies!!! They are "FAT!!!!" dsn
  4. The last struggle for carp.This guy alot of convincing before he took the corn. I chummed as usual. Last week they were active. This week I had to rub his whiskers to get him to open up. Most that I saw last week disappeared. I couldn't hold him cause my back won't be able to handle it still so I just popped the hook.
  5. ok Thanks Deano
  6. But I'm not sure of the qualityis it rewritten over. Cause I tired burning a fishing video on a re-writeable DVD the first time. Then I wantted to edit something and had to re-write over the same DVD.. the quality was so bad the second round I trashed the DVD. The first copy of the video to the dvd was fine. Re-writing over it ruined everything.
  7. Now thats a fishing trip awesome fishing too. Great colorful pics I must say!! And roughing it too.
  8. The only problem I have with storing on DVDs and CD's is I guess doing the math that will add up to the maxium photos it will hold (or how many pics which I know depending on the size). Cause I guess you can't change anything once you have your files on CD or DVDs right? They don't allow editing. True?
  9. I think a tent wouldn't be able to hold up to the winds on lake in winter time cause they are too light. The material isn't heavy enough to hold up in the wind. I can blow away if its not secured good on the ice. I have heard of lawn chairs being blown across the ice before also. You're better off with a real ice hut. Its thicker material will hold up and block the wind and with its heavier weight should be about to stand the winds.
  10. Thanks for the tip.
  11. Oh ok. don I seen some of your amzing photos and I was wondering it would be a shame to delete some great pics. Some of the files are like 2000 pixels. Thats huge. I guess I'll burn some of my pics too. But should it go on a dvd or Cd? dsn
  12. I was wondering with all the great shots where do some of you folks store your huge files? dsn
  13. Yeah I totally agree about waiting to take the pics but you gotta love action shots!! I know I do. I'm trying to aim for the best fishing action shots photographer in the world.
  14. My camera is the Canon Powershot A700 6X Optical, 6Xmega Pixels, and I think 6X digital (not sure about the digital) I find the odd one or two. SNAG finds the schools.
  15. Yeah I had to run an erand in the early hrs of the mroning so the sun was just about rising and there was no wind at all. Gotta love it.
  16. Boy was it dark out there this morning. I didn't land anything but saw some fish activity. I didn't even land this pike. As you can see it was very lightly hooked just by the skin. I saw it take the spoon. Right after these shots the hook popped off. dsn
  17. when ever I'm on boat trip on a lake I always have two rods rigged up. Cause you never know what might happen. Something like you said you saw a big fish and couldn't fire a cast out quick enough. Or when you get a birds nest and you see a huge monster close by and your rod is all tangled up with line. Or you just had a hit but the fish missed it.
  18. That's what you call a pro. One who can untangle a birds nest and still fight the fish at the same time and manage to land it. I'm not one of them.
  19. ahh carp fishing. yeah I kinda agree they do look kinda skinny. I'm used to the fatter fish. Least you got some action in 2.5hrs. dsn
  20. Nah I was getting a buzz of it. Love the smell of pike. LOL
  21. Thought I'd head out for salmon again and I get into a pike that just won't give up. First hook set he jumps. His mouth opens and... He tries for another jump . The water was glass calm so there was lots of splashing I manage to get him to calm down cause people were walking by. Now he starts to move again slowly and all of a sudden, all hell breaks!! He must have jumped 3-4 times during the fight. Too bad this shot didn't come out as I tought it would. It was dark still when I got out and the setting on the camera was for dim lighting so it was a slow shutter setting. But my fingers weren't awake this morning as you will see neither was my brain. This was the final result. Just wasn't my day for pics of myself I guess. When I released it.The fish got me good in the face. I was soaked and refreshed. I guess he was having a bad too.
  22. Nice fish. The islands is no secret to me. I know all the locations there. But I'll be quiet about it also. Nice bass
  23. Ok now I never caught a carp with red lipstick like your last pic but I will try to catch one like that soon.
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