Thought I'd head out for salmon again and I get into a pike that just won't give up.
First hook set he jumps.
His mouth opens and...
He tries for another jump . The water was glass calm so there was lots of splashing
I manage to get him to calm down cause people were walking by.
Now he starts to move again slowly and all of a sudden, all hell breaks!!
He must have jumped 3-4 times during the fight. Too bad this shot didn't come out
as I tought it would. It was dark still when I got out and the setting on the camera was for dim lighting so it was a slow shutter setting. But my fingers weren't awake this morning as you will see neither was my brain.
This was the final result. Just wasn't my day for pics of myself I guess.
When I released it.The fish got me good in the face.
I was soaked and refreshed. I guess he was having a bad too.