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Everything posted by Dondorfish

  2. Well - its not over yet for the leafs - New Jersey scored with under 1 second left to tie the game up - gone upstairs to see if it counts Don
  3. Thanks 98 Fahrenheit - thats how I read it but I was hoping that I missed an exception somewhere - guess i'll have to wait! Don
  4. when do the crappie open on scugog and is there open water yet? Don
  5. Thanks for your help. I pick it up tomorrow. Now all I need is nice weather so I can get it installed on the boat. Thanks again Don
  6. Charlied : think what they meant by an AHL team was that they will sit out their stars as they don't need the points so why risk injury to thier talent that they will need healthy for the playoffs. Don
  7. Congrats to the leaf team and all of its fans from a very sad habs fan. Hope the islanders bomb out for ya Don
  8. Thanks for the heads up guys - just bought the downrigger ! I have never even heard of craigslist till now. Don
  9. Don't ya mean : GOLF LEAFS GOLF !!! LOL - only kidding Good luck to both teams - and may the best team win! - and go on to win their 25th cup DON
  10. Welcome to the board - looking forward to your posts Don
  11. I think that I once had a Mepps Cyclops with a minnow on it that looked like that - till a big pike took it away from me! Don
  12. Lew - that net is bigger then my boat!!! Don
  13. Oh Man - and as the cabin fever sets in, it gets worse and worse! LOL Don
  14. Its all over for the islanders if the habs can win on saturday night Don GOHABSGOGOHABSGOGOHABSGOGOHABSGOGOHABSGOGOHABSGOGOHABSGOGOHABSGO
  15. We'll just let you have a few days of it - to think about what you did - then we'll see about gettin' you back your shorts weather. Don
  16. Don't forget the camera - would make for some awsome shots! Don
  17. LOL - Thanks - I needed that!!! Don
  18. I leave my boat in the water from the 2nd weekend in May - till Thanksgiving weekend with no real problems - other then the slime scum at the water line. Anyone got a good hull cleaner for aluminum boats? Don
  19. Think that I read somewhere that they were $22,000 U.S. Don
  20. Wow - looks like a nice place. I would like to see that some day soon. Looks like you scored some goodies to boot! Job well done. Don
  21. I am surprized that that bass or crappie at the bottom of your post dosen't eat that bug - I swear that bass was eyeing it! Don
  22. Morning one and all
  23. Welcome aboard - enjoy your stay. We accept pictures from shore fishers as well as from boats. Don
  24. Man - I could use one of those to haul all my gear out icefishing!!! Let me know if anyone sees them on sale at Wallmart. Don
  25. Nice fish - aside from the rain - it looks like it was a nice day out there. Sure wish my boat had a top to put up! Don
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