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Everything posted by GBW

  1. Well E and I may have not landed a fish today but we did spend time ripping all over the lake looking for ANY weeds. All and all a good day.

  2. No wonder you two are both crazy, same bday yet alone same month! Have a good one boys! Now off to fish with big E...
  3. it varies per plan with all carriers man.
  4. see, this is where people need to review what they HAVE and PAY FOR vs what is out there even with the same company. Review all bills and stay current. at Christmas I logged into my fathers Bell profile from his laptop to see where he could save, saved him $30 a month just be reviewing his usage and long distance calling. It's that easy. Review, change, save.
  5. 100% back that because then the MNRF is SAVING money buy not have their own office buildings. Head office, then the police stations that are already out there. There is a valid cost saving measure there and it can then go towards more bodies out there... Just an idea...
  6. yes, as per the 1st of the month. review what you now and price point, then see what the new packages are and see if you save.
  7. even if i wanted that where I live, no dice, speeds/feds are specific per home
  8. In the sub topic is says Simcoe
  9. wish I had that speed here... as for the usage that can vary per person in the home. Netflix can use 2 to 4 GB of data per hour based on settings
  10. I must be released by then was the initial posting from the CRTC. It was able to be released earlier as they came up with a price grid. So what you see is what you get. There is no future plans for a lower cost. Still better off in a bundle and a pre done TV pack if you ask me.
  11. You MUST pay the CRTC the basic $25 then pick on top of that. Sorry, but true. We play by the rules not make them like the CRTC does.
  12. So outright, the CRTC said cheaper TV for all for basic TV a little while ago... They screwed us all for the TV we WANT VS what we get... Sorry but it's true... The providers are just that, a "provider" to your town of said service... It's not my employer or the others running the rates, it's the CRTC.
  13. Not the way the CTRC set up the rules and price grid. They set the rule for the big players, not the players. They just collect the funds and give it back to the others...
  14. The $10 is for the outdoor pkg. the $25 pkg should be the same for Bell/Rogers/Shaw set by the CRTC not if said company changes to offer more that is up to them.
  15. In the past, the more you spend on a new item the better the $/% off your purchase was as long as the item being turned in was in good working order.
  16. For anyone looking to change from a package you have now vs one avail today, you cannot go back if not happy! Do the math on the website for what your new cost would be. jedimaster's line up is $25 basic, $25 for the sports add-on, $10 for WFN and Wild, and TV box rentals. One PVR puts that to a $75 a month plan. Just saying, the CRTC doesn't always look out for us the consumer and me the sales guy...
  17. Seeing as who I work for they designed it with the packages in mind for best value. The CRTC is the one's who made the $25 for 40 channel pack. Then you don't get the bundle saving or the PVR discount either. So add $7 and $15 to that $25 "basic". There is a Sports pack where you get the TSN's and S-Net's for another amount bringing you right back to a middle or the road package price.
  18. The kids get little bags of stuff to keep at this event right? If so a sheet printed out with some of the basic knots to tie... When talking about the CNR portion talk about selective harvest too and not all are keepers.
  19. they assume those of us in Lindsay with no power should have it back by 9:45pm.
  20. I've never driven on it for that same thought... 12" thick here, 2" there...
  21. PS, watch out for the older blue Ranger boat, he's already posted here... HAHAHAHAHA
  22. You have 3 locals already posting on this, you're ahead there already. I'm in Lindsay so if you want to fish with me anytime you are close let me know.
  23. Again, far from shocked there...
  24. why am I not shocked... is the slogan "it's a hell of a lure!"
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